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32 Cards in this Set

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What are alternative names for variables

Identifier, reference, handle

How do you create a variable

You must declare it which means setting a name and datatype

What is happening when you declare a variable?

You are binding the name of the variable to a memory location

What can the first character be in a variable name

A letter, _ , $

What is the naming convention for java variables

camelCase, camelBack which means a lower case first letter, and capitalize the first letter of every word

Naming convention for class names

TitleCase, everyword has a capital first letter

What is the goal of declaring the datatype

Tells the operating system how much memory to put aside.

Tells the program how to interpret the data

How many characters from unicode and ascii are identical

The first 256

What is stored in a char

A single character

What is stored in an int

A whole number

What is stored in a double

A real or floating point number

What is stored in a boolean

True or False values

A string, or Scanner are examples of what data type


What does a string store

Holds a string of alphanumeric characters

What is a Scanner (data type)

It's an object that reads the data typed in by user

What are the only things in java that are not objects

Primitive datatypes

What is a method

It is a block of code with a name associated to it

Why are they called primitives

They don't have any methods associated to them

Can integer numbers be easilyconverted and represented in binairy form


Can floats be easily converted and represented in binairy form

No, the computer has to store the number as two seperate parts called mantissa and exponent

What is the naming convention for constants

UPPER_CASE_LETTERS with underscores seperatimg every word

When can you assign a value to a declared constant

When you declare it or anytime after declaring it

What is a data literal

It is an actual data value that appears in the program

If you divide an integer by anoter integer what datatype will you get

An integer

What happens when you divide an integer literal with another integer literal

Java will truncate any decimal numbers

If you divide a double by an integer what is the datatype that will be returned


What is a datatype

Its hoe a computer language represents the various types of numbers and text characters we use in our real world

What are the only things in java that are not objects

Primitive data types

myValue = 3 + 6.

What are the operators

The +

myValue = 3 + 6

What are the operands

3 and 6

What is the % used for

Returning the remainder from a division operation

What is modulus useful for

It's useful to determine if a value is odd or even. By doing: myValue % 2 == 1