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23 Cards in this Set

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What is signature behavior

This is defined as evidence of behavior at a crime scene not nessicary to complete the crime that points to an underlying psychological need of the offender

- expression of underlying needs of the offender and can be a way to link crimes and draw inferences about psychological needs

Why did signature behavior arise

It arose from the need to link cases to a known or unknown offender

How is the term signature behavior misleading

It implies individualization when this is usually not the case

- in profiling the signature and thereby offender is often assumed to be specific to a crime or crime series. When in fact this is not verifiable.

What are the two uses of signature behaviors with CP

1. Identifying underlying psychological needs of the suspect

2. Used to link to different crimes based on these needs

How is MO different from signature

MO are behaviorS which are nessicary for the successful completion of crime, I.e using knife, using mask, gloves, nessicary for successful completion of crime and to avoid detection. Whereas signature is unique and not nessicary for successful completion of crime

Is MO a dynamic or static concept

MO evolves and is a dynamic concept, offender may change MO behavior i.e not wearing mask for first 3 crimes then starts wearing mask

Is signature behavior a static or dynamic concept

It is static it stays the same across offences.

- type of mask worn can be manifestation of signature psychological behavior.

- i.e leaving puzzle peice on body not nessciary for completion of crime (MO) but psychological needs.

There are 2 concepts involved with signature behavior

Signature aspect and signature behavior

2 concepts of signature behavior: What is signature aspect

Underlying psycodynamics. More abstract crime scene. Emotional/ psychological themes, emotional/ psychological; mental. This stays the same

2 concepts of signature behavior: what is signature behavior

This is the actual behavior observed from evidence at the crime scene. Actual manifestation at crime of underlying signature aspect

- this evolves, satisfying same psychological need but changing behavior.

Investigative vs probative profiles : what is investigative profiles

These assist police investigations

- it is possible to offer an opinion that is investigativly helpful but that does not rise to the level of having probative I.e court worthy value

- opinion or assumption may be helpful in focusing the investigation but not of sufficient quality for court

Investigative vs probative profiles what are probative profiles

These are profiles which are Also used during the judicial process

What determines weather a profile is investigative or probative?

The profiler would need to assess the probative value of the initial opinion and decide that either it is probative or it is not

- often opinions are helpful in focusing investigations but not sufficient for court not enough evidence in all areas which are needed in court.

- they need to assess their opinion but often this assessment is not done and opinion is deemed court worthy but it’s not (which could lead to wrongful conviction)

What is meant by the concept contextuality

- was an opinion formed for investigation or for court? Most criminal profiles are developed to further an investigation with no expectation that a profile would be subject of testimony later

What is the difference between contextuality in probative profiles vs investigative profiles

- in an investigative context the threshold for forming opinions would be less than that for trial

For a profile to have probative value it must clarify the methods used to infer the context of the profile and show how it was done (explain how and why) but sometimes this isn’t always done which can result in wrongful convictions with investigative profiles used in judicial processes

Is signature behavior in criminals the same as ones written signature

It is similar but not the exact same because signature behavior does not identify exact people.

- it’s not a real signature we cannot individualize an unknown offender with behavioural evidence. We can only say that these crimes may have been committed by the same offender

Do you need to have a signature in every crime? How about MO

You don’t need a signature in every crime but you need a MO in every crime

Why is signature behavior used by offenders

To satisfy psychological needs of offenders

Who created the terms signature aspect and signature behavior


- signature aspect - emotional or paycological themes satisfied during crime

Signature behavior - manifestation at crime scene of underlying signature aspect

Signature in criminal profiling is that a concept or a real signature

It’s a concept not a true signature

Is a signature behavior equillivant to DNA?

No it’s not a fingerprint nor equillvant to DNA

Is a signature behavior equillivant to DNA?

No it’s not a fingerprint nor equillvant to DNA

Are signature behaviors capable of individualization

No. It is something. A profiler can use to make or offer an opinion as to weather or not two crimes are connected to a particular offender