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17 Cards in this Set

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Risk involved in pregnancy after cs

1. Scar rupture

2. Adherant placenta

3. Operative Interference

4. Peripartum hysterectomy

How is scar dehiscence different from scar rupture?

Separation of scar with intact serosa and no expulsion of intrauterine contents

Problems in repeat CS

1. Adhesions- difficulty

2. Injury to bladder/bowel

3. PPH d/t placenta previa or adherant placenta

4. Caeserian hysterectomy


Time of admission

Classical cs 34w

Lscs 38w

Mx options

Elective cs


Elective cs timing

If maturity + then 39w+ On onset of spontaneous labour.

If prior to 39w then antenatal corticosteroids given

TOLAC case selection - Prev. History

1. Incision- LSCS

2. Prior Indication- non-recurring

3. Prior vaginal delivery

4. No post op infections

5. Interpreg interval >6m


TOLAC case selection- Current pregnancy

1. Pt preference

2. No med or obs complication

3. Avg size baby

4. Vertex presentation

5. No CPD


Monitoring ip in vbac

1. Arrange blood

2. Maternal pulse and BP

3. Continuous CTG

4. Check progress

Induction--> best avoided, used with caution

Prolonged labour--> best to terminate with EmCS

TOLAC case selection- labour

1. Institutional delivery

2. Continuous ctg monitoring

3. Spontaneous onset of labour

4. Emergency CS facility

5. Blood bank facility

Delivery in vbac

A. 2nd stage- vacuum/forceps

B. 3rd stage- look for signs of scar rupture

C. Bleeding excessive--> Em laparotomy and

Tear repair or hysterectomy.

D. 4-6 h observation.

Mx of vbac headings

1. Informed consent

2. Monitoring

3. Indications for emergency CS

4. Delivery

5. IUD


Augment labour with mifepristone oral 600mg odx 2D or 200mg TDSx 2D


Prev. Classical CS

Prev. 2 LSCS

Prev. Inverted T incision

Prev. Low vertical incision extended upward


Cpd suspected

Multiple pregnany

Med or obs complications

Pt. Refusal


10 Signs of scar dehiscence

1. Loss of uterine contour

2. Change in CTG (earliest sign)

3. Persistent maternal tachycardia

4. Feeling of giving away

5. Cessation of uterine activity

6. A/c scar tenderness

7. Shoulder pain

8. Vaginal bleeding

9. Blood stained urine

10. Meconium staining of AF


Place of ultrasound in tolac

1. Integrity of the scar

3.5mm or more...low risk of rupture.

2. Assessing placental location

3. To diagnose adherant placenta

Adherant placenta on usg

1. Retroplacental sonolucent layer absent

2. Large placental vascular lakes

3. Thinning of interface b/w uterine serosa and bladder

4. Doppler- lacunar flow in the placenta that extends into surrounding tissues.