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291 Cards in this Set

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decide against something
решить не делать что-то, решить против чего-то
He decided against selling the house. We decided against your plan.
decide on something
определиться с решением, сделать выбор
We decided on selling the house. We decided on going to Spain in the summer.
dedicate something to someone or something
"1. посвятить время, энергию кому-то, чему-то; 2. посвятить что-то кому-то, сделать что-то в честь кого-то"
1. This scientist dedicated his whole life to research. 2. He dedicated his latest novel to his daughter.
depart for (some place)
отбыть в (какое-то место)
The train departs for Paris at 6:30.
depart from
"1. отбыть из (какого-то места); 2. отклоняться от курса, правила"
1. The train departs from Rome at 7:40. 2. The rule departs from the pattern in this case. He departed from the truth.
depend on someone or something
"1. зависеть от кого-то, чего-то; 2. положиться на кого-то"
1. It depends on the weather. It doesn't depend on me. 2. You can always depend on him.
devote (time, energy) to someone or something
посвятить время, энергию кому-то, чему-то
This scientist devoted his whole life to research. He devotes his Sundays to children.
die for
"1. умереть за, ради чего-то, кого-то; 2. умирать от желания получить что-то"
1. He would die for his principles. He died for his country. 2. I'm dying for a cup of coffee.
die from
умереть от последствий чего-то
die from wounds, die from lack of food, die from hunger, die from cold, die from starvation
die of
"1. умереть из-за, от болезни; 2. умирать от какого-то сильного чувства"
"1. die of cancer, die of pneumonia, die of old age, die of hunger, die of thirst, die of cold; 2. died of grief, be dying of curiosity, be dying of boredom "
die out
перестать существовать, вымереть
Dinosaurs died out millions of years ago.
disagree about / on something
не соглашаться (друг с другом) по каким-то вопросам
They disagree about everything. They often disagree on the way children should be raised.
disagree with
"1. не соглашаться с кем-то, чем-то; 2. не соответствовать, не подходить"
1. I disagree with you about it. I disagree with your plan. 2. Your report disagrees with these facts. Fried meat disagrees with my stomach.
divide into
разделить на части
Divide this cake into six parts. They divided into three groups.
do over
сделать заново, переделать
Your report isn't good. You have to do it over.
do without something
обойтись без чего-то
We have to do without chocolate.
drag behind someone
медленно тащиться позади кого-то
The little boy was dragging behind the older boys.
drag someone into something
втащить, втянуть кого-то во что-то
He dragged the dog into the car. Don't try to drag me into their conflict.
draw something from something
"брать что-то из чего-то; набирать из кого-то"
He drew a gun from his pocket. I need to draw some money from my bank account. We draw volunteers from students.
draw into something
"1. втянуть кого-то во что-то; 2. подъезжать к (о транспорте)"
1. They drew him into a fight, and he ended up in a hospital. 2. The bus is drawing into the station now.
dress up
What are you dressed up for?
drink to someone or something
выпить в честь, за кого-то или что-то
Let's drink to the newly weds! Let's drink to Anna's health.
drive at
"1. ехать с какой-то скоростью; 2. клонить к чему-то, иметь в виду"
1. He was driving at 70 miles per hour when the accident happened. 2. What are you driving at?
drop by / in
заглянуть в гости, заскочить к кому-то
How nice of you to drop by! I've just dropped in to say I'm going away.
drop someone off at some place
высадить кого-то у какого-то места
He dropped me off at the bank.
drop out of school
бросить школу, институт (быть отчисленным)
He doesn't go to school, he dropped out last year. He dropped out of school when he was 15.
equip someone or something for something
оборудовать, снарядить для чего-то
The boat is not equipped for cooking, so we'll have to eat sandwiches for two days. He is not equipped for real life yet.
equip someone or something with something
оборудовать, снарядить, обеспечить чем-то
The kitchen is equipped with modern appliances. They equipped the expedition with tools and maps. He is not equipped with enough knowledge for this job.
excuse someone for something
извинить кого-то за что-то
Please excuse me for being late. Excuse me for interrupting you, but could you give me a copy of the report?
expect something from someone
ожидать чего-то от кого-то
"Don't expect good work from him; he is lazy and careless. I expected more from her. "
explain something to someone
объяснить что-то кому-то
Can you explain this task to the students?
expose to something
"1. подвергать(ся) негативному воздействию чего-то; 2. выставить напоказ"
1. He was exposed to the cold for too long. The film was exposed to light. 2. His crimes were exposed to the public.
fall apart
"разваливаться на части; распадаться; расходиться"
My shoes are falling apart. His business is falling apart. Her marriage is falling apart. Sometimes good friends fall apart.
fall behind
отстать от
The little boy fell behind the older boys.
fall down
He fell down and hurt his leg.
fall for someone or something
"1. полюбить кого-то, что-то; 2. попасться на чью-то удочку"
1. He fell for her as soon as they met. 2. I can't believe I fell for his story!
fall from / off something
упасть с чего-то
He fell from the ladder and hurt his leg. He fell off the bicycle and hurt his leg.
fall in love (with someone or something)
влюбиться (в кого-то, что-то)
They fell in love and got married. He fell in love with Mary. She fell in love with jazz music.
fall out (of something) 2. fall out of love
"1. выпасть (из чего-то); 2. fall out of love - разлюбить"
1. She opened her bag, and this letter fell out. This letter fell out of her bag. 2. They fell out of love and divorced.
fall over something
споткнуться о что-то и упасть
He fell over a stair and hurt his knee.
feel about something
иметь какое-то мнение о чем-то
How do you feel about his new plan?
feel for someone
сочувствовать кому-то
I sincerely feel for you in your loss.
feel up to something
в состоянии сделать что-то
I don't feel up to cleaning the house.
figure out
вычислить, разобраться, понять что-то, кого-то
I can't figure out how much I owe them. I can't figure out where all the money has gone. I can't figure him out.
fill in
вписать (в графу анкеты), заполнить строку (в анкете)
Fill in your name and address, please. Fill in this line, please.
fill out
заполнить бланк, анкету (полностью)
Fill out this form, please.
fill up
заполнить полностью
The gas tank is almost empty, we need to fill it up at the nearest gas station.
fill with
наполнить чем-то
He filled my glass with water. She was filled with joy.
find out
узнать, выяснить
I found out that he lied to me. I found out that Maria left town.
fit in
"1. подойти, уместиться в каком-то месте; 2. соответствовать, подходить кому-то, чему-то"
1. I think we can fit in my computer table here. 2. He doesn't have any friends because he doesn't fit in with anyone.
forget about someone or something
забыть о ком-то, чем-то
Sorry, I forgot about your request. Don't forget about Tom. He is waiting for your call.
forgive someone for something
простить кому-то что-то
Please forgive me for losing your book. Please forgive me for letting you down. I'll never do that again.
get across
"1. пересечь, перебраться на другую сторону; 2. быть понятым, передать значение понятно, дойти до кого-то"
1. How will we get across the river? 2. The meaning of his message doesn't get across. Did her poem get across to you?
get along
поживать, продвигаться
How are you getting along? Is your book getting along?
get along with someone
быть в хороших отношениях с, ладить, уживаться с кем-то
Does Mary get along with her roommate? Jim and Liz don't get along with each other.
get at something
"1. достать, добраться до чего-то; 2. намекать на что-то"
1. Can you get at the top of the shelf? We need to get at the cause of this problem. 2. What are you getting at?
get away
"1. уйти, сбежать, удрать; 2. оторваться от дел и уехать отдыхать"
1. The guard forgot to lock the door, and the thieves got away. 2. We need rest. Let's get away just for one day.
get away from someone
вырваться, сбежать, убежать от кого-то
The robbers managed to get away from the police.
get away with something
избежать / уйти от наказания (оставшись непойманным)
The police didn't find the thief. He got away with his crime. He got away with it. They got away with the stolen diamonds.
get back
вернуться обратно
We were away on vacation. We got back yesterday. Get back to work.
get by
пережить трудное время
Don't worry, we'll get by somehow.
get by someone
"1. пройти, проскочить мимо кого-то; 2. ускользнуть от чьего-то внимания"
1. How did he get by the guards and the dogs? 2. He is very perceptive and attentive. Even small things don't get by him.
get down
"1. спуститься, слезть; 2. угнетать, удручать кого-то"
1. Jimmy, get down from that tree right now! - Mommy, I can't get down! 2. This gloomy weather really gets me down. Nothing can get me down now.
get down to (work, business)
заняться делом
Let's get down to business. It's already ten o'clock. Let's get down to work.
get in
войти, проникнуть внутрь
How did he get in? He got in through the window.
get into something
войти в (какое-то место, положение)
Get into the car! She doesn't get into town often. He got into trouble.
get something off something
убрать что-то с чего-то
Get your feet off the table! Get your hand off my shoulder!
get off the bus, train, plane
сойти с автобуса, поезда, самолета
He got off the train at the River Station.
get on
поживать, продвигаться
How are you getting on? Is your book getting on?
get on the bus, train, plane
сесть на автобус, поезд, самолет
He got on the bus on Maple Avenue.
get out (of something)
выйти, выбраться наружу (из чего-то)
She broke the window and got out. Get out of the house! He got out of the car and walked to the bank.
get over something
преодолеть, оправиться после болезни или неприятности
You'll get over it soon. I'm glad you got over your illness so quickly. He'll get over these difficulties soon.
get through something
пройти сквозь, через что-то
The refrigerator won't go through this narrow door. I don't know how he got through college, he never studied.
get to some place 2. get to someone
"1. добраться до какого-то места; 2. затронуть чувства"
1. We got to London at night. 2. This music really gets to me.
get together
собраться вместе для празднования
We should get together again some time. Their family usually gets together for Christmas.
get up
вставать, подниматься
He gets up at eight o'clock.
give away
"1. отдать (бесплатно); 2. выдать (секрет, чувства); выдать кого-то"
1. She gave away a lot of books. 2. Her trembling voice gave away her fear. He gave away several gang members to the police.
give back
вернуть что-то
He gave back the money that he owed.
give in
уступить, сдаться
Don't give in without a fight.
give out
"1. раздавать, распределять; 2. иссякнуть (о запасах, силах); перестать функционировать"
1. The teacher gave out the test papers. 2. His strength gave out, and he fell.
give something to someone or something
дать, вручить, передать кому-то, чему-то
Give the book to Ann. Give my regards to your family. He gives all his time to work. She often gives to charity.
give up
отказаться от продолжения или попыток делать что-то
She gave up smoking a year ago. I gave up trying to fix my old car. Don't give up! Keep trying!
go ahead
"идти вперед кого-то; продолжить что-то; начать (говорить)"
You go ahead, I'll join you later. The director allowed him to go ahead with his plan of changes. Go ahead, we are listening.
go along (the road, street)
идти вдоль, по улице
He went along Maple Street to the center.
go away
Don't go away, please wait here.
go back
вернуться (к какому-то месту, состоянию и т.д.)
He went back to his hometown. Go back three pages. Go back to sleep.
go back on (one's word, promise)
нарушить свое слово, обещание
He promised he would help, but then he went back on his word.
go by 2. go by bus, by car, by plane, by train 3. go by the name
"1. пройти мимо; 2. ехать каким-то транспортом; 3. жить под каким-то именем"
1. She went by me without saying hello. I went by the park and the church. 2. He always goes to work by car. We went there by plane. Next time we'll go there by train. 3. He goes by the name Smith.
go by
идти, проходить (о времени)
Years go by, people get older.
go down
снижаться, опускаться, падать
The prices never go down. His temperature is going down. The sun will go down soon. He went down with pneumonia. Our sales have been going down for a long time.
go down (the stairs, road)
"1. спускаться по (ступенькам); 2. идти вдоль, по улице"
1. He went down the stairs to the train platform. 2. Go down this street and turn left at the bank.
go for something
"1. пойти делать что-то; 2. пробовать себя в чем-то; 3. предпочитать, выбирать кого-то, что-то"
1. Let's go for a walk. Let's go for a drive. 2. He decided to go for the tournament. Go for it! 3. I'd go for Candidate #2. I don't go for this plan.
go in
The door was open, so he went in.
go into something
"1. войти; 2. детально изучить или обсудить"
1. He went into that building. 2. I can't go into your report now.
go off
"1. сработать (о будильнике, сигнализации); 2. отключиться (о свете, электричестве)"
1. The alarm clock went off at six o'clock. 2. The power went off again yesterday.
go on
продолжать (делать что-то)
Go on reading. Please go on.
go out
"1. выйти наружу; 2. выйти в город, посетить места развлечений (вечеринки, кино, рестораны)"
1. He went out to get a newspaper. 2. Jim and Mary went out yesterday. They went to a French restaurant. They don't go out often.
go over something
"1. перечитать, просмотреть; 2. рассмотреть что-то"
1. Go over these chapters again. 2. I need time to go over your report.
go through
быть принятым, одобренным или выполненным
The deal went through. His plan will never go through. He will never go through with his plan.
go through something
"1. пройти сквозь, через что-то; 2. пережить что-то; 3. просмотреть что-то"
1. The refrigerator won't go through this narrow door. She went through the park. 2. He's gone through a lot of suffering. 3. Go through these chapters again.
go to (some place)
пойти, посетить, поехать куда-то, в какое-то место
Go to bed. Go to page 9. He went to the bank yesterday. He went to Rome last month. Her son goes to law school. I have to go to work now. Does this bus go to the center?
go together
"1. подходить друг другу; 2. сопровождать; 3. встречаться (о мужчине и женщине)"
1. This scarf and this dress don't go together. 2. Kindness and generosity often go together. 3. Tom and Liz have been going together for a year.
go up
"1. подниматься; 2. взбираться по чему-то, на что-то"
1. The prices have gone up again. His temperature is going up. 2. He went up the stairs to his room. He went up the hill quickly.
go with something or someone
"1. подходить друг другу; 2. сопровождать; 3. встречаться (о мужчине и женщине)"
1. This scarf doesn't go with this dress. Apples go with cheese. 2. I'll go with you to the store. 3. Tom went with Gina before he met Liz.
grab at something
ухватиться за (возможность, шанс)
He grabbed at the opportunity to get a job with that company.
graduate from school
окончить школу, институт
He graduated from college in 1997.
grow apart
разойтись (о друзьях, взглядах)
They were good friends some time ago, but they grew apart with years.
grow into someone
вырасти и стать кем-то
He grew into a fine young man.
grow on someone
постепенно понравиться кому-то
This small town grows on you with every day. First she didn't like Jim, but he grew on her as she got to know him better.
grow out of something
"1. вырасти из одежды; 2. брать начало из, произрастать из чего-то"
1. This boy is growing so fast! He grew out of all his clothes. 2. His latest novel grew out of a brief encounter with a deer hunter.
grow up
вырасти, повзрослеть
He grew up in New York. When will you grow up?
hand in
вручать, подать
Your time is up, hand in your test papers.
hand out
выдавать, раздавать
Twice a week she helps to hand out blankets and clothes to homeless people.
hang in there
(призыв) держаться, продержаться несмотря на трудности: Держись!
Hang in there! Help is coming! Hang in there! Don't give up!
hang on
"1. крепко держать(ся); 2. продолжать несмотря на трудности; продержаться; 3. ожидать у телефона"
1. Hang on, we are going to jump. 2. Tell him to hang on for a couple of hours, a rescue team is on the way. 3. Hang on, I'll see if he is in.
hang out
"1. высовываться, свешиваться из (окна); 2. (сленг) проводить много времени в каком-то (любимом) месте"
1. It's dangerous to hang out of the window. 2. Where can I find them? - They usually hang out in the bar on Oak Street.
hang up
"1. повесить что-то на крючок, вешалку; 2. повесить трубку"
1. You can hang up your coat on this coat rack. 2. He ended the conversation and hung up.
hang up on someone
бросить трубку в разговоре по телефону
He hung up on her and after that they never spoke again. Don't hang up on me!
happen to someone
случиться с кем-то
What happened to Tom? He looks awful.
have something against someone
иметь что-то против кого-то, чего-то
What do you have against my plan? He has a couple of things against you.
head for (some place)
направиться в (какое-то место)
They headed for New York last week.
hear about something
слышать о ком-то, чем-то
Have you heard about the accident?
hear from someone
иметь известия от кого-то
I haven't heard from him in years.
help someone out
выручить кого-то в трудной ситуации
He helped her out when she lost her job. Thank you for helping me out.
help someone with something
помочь с чем-то
What can I help you with? He helped me with my report / with my work.
hint at something
намекать на что-то
What are you hinting at? He hinted at this possibility.
hint to someone
намекать кому-то
He hinted to me that he wanted to buy that house.
hit upon something
найти, напасть на что-то ценное
They hit upon gold. I hit upon a plan.
hold back
сдержать, воздержаться, удержаться от чего-то
The barricades will hold back the crowds for some time. She tried to hold back her tears. He held back several important facts.
hold down
удерживать внизу
Can you hold down the noise? Hold down the Ctrl key and press Home.
hold on
"1. продолжать крепко держать(ся); 2. продолжать несмотря на трудности; продержаться; 3. остановиться; ждать, не вешать трубку"
1. Catch the rope and hold on! 2. How long can they hold on? 3. Hold on, I forgot my key. Hold on, I have to check with my calendar.
hold onto something
крепко держаться за что-то
Catch the rope and hold onto it! Hold onto my arm.
hold out
"1. протянуть (руку); 2. продолжать(ся); продержаться несмотря на трудности"
1. He held out his hand. 2. How long will this weather hold out? How much longer will they hold out without help?
hold up
"1. задержать кого-то; 2. совершить вооруженное ограбление"
1. I'm sorry I'm late. I was held up in traffic. 2. This bank was held up twice last year. They held him up and almost killed him.
hurry up
(часто призыв) делать что-то быстрее
Hurry up, we are already late! Please hurry up!
inform someone about / of something
сообщить кому-то о чем-то
He informed the committee about his decision to resign from his post.
inform someone against someone
донести кому-то на кого-то
He informed the police against his neighbor.
insist on something
настаивать на чем-то
He insists on selling the house. I insist on my plan. I insist on telling him the truth.
introduce someone to someone or something
"1. представить кого-то кому-то; 2. ввести в курс, познакомить с чем-то"
1. She introduced him to her friends. 2. He introduced me to the main aspects of this profession.
invest something in something
вложить (деньги, надежды, работу, время и т.д.) во что-то
He invested a lot of money, time, and effort in this business.
invite someone to something
пригласить кого-то на что-то
They invited me to dinner. She was invited to the wedding.
involve someone in something
"вовлекать, втягивать кого-то во что-то; (passive) быть вовлеченным во что-то"
His friends involved him in criminal activity. Don't involve me in your quarrel! Try to involve him in sports. Many students are involved in this project.
be involved with someone or something
"(passive) быть тесно связанным с кем-то; быть занятым, поглощенным чем-то"
He is involved with some criminals. He is deeply involved with this problem and can't think about anything else.
judge by something
судить, оценивать по, на основании чего-то
Judging by the look of the house, nobody lives in it. Don't judge a book by its cover!
keep at it
настойчиво делать, работать над чем-то
You can master English pronunciation if you keep at it.
keep away (from someone or something)
держать(ся) на расстоянии (от кого-то, чего-то)
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. What has kept you away for so long? Keep away from her, she is bad company.
keep down
удержать от повышения, сделать ниже
Can the government keep the prices down? Can you keep the noise down?
keep (someone) from (doing) something
"удержать кого-то от чего-то; воздержаться от чего-то"
We must keep him from going there alone. I tried to keep bad news from him, but he learned the truth. Try to keep from arguing with him.
keep off something
держать(ся) подальше от чего-то
Keep off the grass! Keep your hands off my books! Please keep off this delicate subject in her presence.
keep on
продолжать делать что-то
Keep on working. She kept on thinking about the problem.
keep out
не входить
Private property! Keep out!
keep out of something
"1. не входить; 2. держаться подальше от чего-то"
1. Keep out of this building. 2. I'll handle it myself, you should keep out of this. Try to keep her out of trouble.
keep up
поддерживать на высоте
Keep up the good work. Keep it up.
keep up with (someone)
держаться на том же уровне, как кто-то более богатый, быстрый, продвинутый
She is always trying to keep up with the richer neighbors. She was too fast, I couldn't keep up with her.
knock at / on (the door, wood)
постучать по (в дверь, по дереву)
Somebody is knocking on the door. Knock on wood to ward off bad luck.
knock down / over
сбить (с ног), опрокинуть
He accidentally knocked over a vase. He knocked down the man who attacked him.
knock it off
(сленг) призыв прекратить (ссору, шум)
Knock it off, I said, or I'll call the guards!
knock out
сразить, поразить (букв., фигур.)
The blow knocked him out. Her beauty knocked him out.
lag behind someone
быть позади, отставать от кого-то
The little boy lagged behind the older boys. He is lagging behind the other students.
laugh at something or someone
"смеяться над шуткой; высмеивать кого-то, что-то"
We all laughed at his jokes. The boys laughed at the new boy. They laughed at his accent.
lay off
"1. временно увольнять, сокращать штат работников; 2. (сленг) прекратить приставать к кому-то"
1. The factory didn't make any profit last year, and many workers were laid off. 2. Lay off, dude, or I'll call the police!
lay out
"1. простираться; 2. раскладывать, выкладывать"
1. The town laid out before our eyes. 2. The nurse laid out the instruments before the operation.
lead on
указывать путь, вести, идти впереди
You know the way, so you lead on, and we will follow.
lead someone on
заставить кого-то поверить неправде
They suspect that you are leading them on. You led me on!
lead to something
привести к чему-то
1. He led us to the director's office. This road leads to a nice lake. 2. His carelessness led to a tragic accident.
leaf through something
перелистать, просмотреть
He leafed through the newspaper quickly.
leave for
"1. отбыть в какое-то место; 2. покинуть кого-то, что-то ради кого-то, чего-то"
1. The train leaves for Paris at six o'clock. 2. He left his wife for a younger woman. He left his job for a sailing expedition.
leave from (some place)
отбыть из (какого-то места)
The train leaves from Rome at 6:30.
leave out
пропустить, опустить
He left out several important facts in his report. Leave out the dirty details, please.
leave something to someone
оставить что-то кому-то (в наследство или для выполнения)
She left the house to her son. Leave it to me, I'll do it. Leave this task to Jim.
lend something to someone
одолжить что-то кому-то
I lent 50 dollars to a friend of mine till Saturday.
let someone down
подвести, не выполнить ожидаемое
You let me down last time, don't fail me again. Don't let me down!
let in
впустить (кого-то)
Please open the door and let me in.
let out
выпустить (кого-то)
Please open the door and let me out.
listen to someone or something
"1. слушать кого-то, что-то; 2. слушаться кого-то"
1. Listen to the teacher. He is listening to music. 2. You should listen to your parents.
live on something
"1. жить на такой-то улице; 2. жить на такой-то еде; 3. жить на такие-то средства"
1. She lives on Baker Street. 2. She lives on apples, bread, and cheese. 3. She lives on 500 dollars a month.
lock in
запереться внутри
He locked himself in and can't get out.
lock out
оказаться снаружи без ключа, когда дверь захлопнулась
The boy locked himself out. He had to wait outside till his mother returned.
lock up
"запереть что-то, кого-то; заключить в тюрьму"
He forgot to lock up the house before he left. The police caught the robber and locked him up.
long for something
очень сильно желать чего-то
He longed for a real friend, but he was always alone.
look after someone or something
присматривать за кем-то, чем-то
A babysitter looks after the children when their mother is at work.
look around
оглядеться, осматриваться
He came in and looked around. Can I help you? - No, thank you, I'm just looking around.
look at someone or something
"1. смотреть, посмотреть на кого-то, что-то; 2. рассмотреть что-то"
1. He looked at her for a long time. He looked at the car across the street. What are you looking at? 2. I'll look at your report tomorrow.
look away
отвернуть взгляд
He said hello to her, but she looked away. Don't look away when I'm talking to you.
look back
"1. оглянуться; 2. оглядываться на, думать о прошлом"
1. He looked back, but she was gone. 2. Looking back on my youth, I must say that we were not as career-oriented as young people are today.
look down
смотреть вниз, опустить взгляд
Don't look down from the roof. You may feel dizzy. He tried to see her eyes, but she looked down.
look down on someone
смотреть на кого-то с презрением, свысока
After she became rich, she began to look down on her former friends.
look for someone or something
искать кого-то, что-то
I'm looking for Tom Brown. What are you looking for? I'm looking for my glasses.
look forward to something
ожидать с нетерпением
I'm looking forward to your letter.
look in (some place)
посмотреть, есть ли что-то в каком-то месте
Where are my keys? - Look in the top drawer of the hall stand. Look in the kitchen. Look in your bag.
look into something
исследовать, изучать, расследовать что-то
The police are looking into the matter. You should look into this problem.
look out
остерегаться, быть осторожным
Look out! There's a big dog right behind you! Look out! The bus is coming.
look out of (the window)
выглянуть из (окна)
He looked out of the window.
look over something
"1. изучить, просмотреть что-то; 2. иметь вид на, выходить на что-то (об окне)"
1. Look over your notes before the test. I need time to look over your report. 2. My window looks over a large garden.
look through something
"1. посмотреть сквозь что-то (стекло, отверстие); 2. просмотреть (записи)"
1. Look through this glass. Look through this hole. 2. Look through your notes before the test.
look to it
проследить за выполнением чего-то
Look to it that all is done as we agreed.
look up
"1. направить взгляд вверх; 2. посмотреть какую-то информацию в справочнике"
1. He put aside his newspaper and looked up. 2. Look up this information in the encyclopedia. Look up the new words in the dictionary. Look them up.
look up to someone
смотреть на кого-то с восхищением или уважением
A young boy always looks up to his father or older brother. He was a born leader. We always looked up to him.
make away / off
Her boyfriend made off as soon as her father came home.
make away / off with something
удрать с награбленным
The robbers made away with two million dollars.
make for (some place)
направиться в (какое-то место)
After the bell, the students made for the door.
make something from something
сделать что-то из какого-то исходного материала путем его переработки, обработки
She made a new dress from a cut of silk fabric. Cheese is made from milk. Paper is made from wood pulp.
make of something 2. to be made of something
"1. понять, истолковать что-то неясное; 2. быть сделанным из, состоять из какого-то материала"
1. What do you make of it? I don't know what to make of his letter. 2. This ring is made of gold. This house is made of brick. This dress is made of silk.
make out
понять, увидеть, разобрать что-то неясное
I can't make out the number of the house in the dark. I can't make out what he wrote.
make over
переделать, реконструировать
The guest room was made over into a nursery room.
make up
"1. составить (рассказ, план); 2. накладывать косметику; 3. помириться"
1. Make up a story about your summer vacation. 2. She made up her eyes and lips. Her face was made up heavily. 3. Tom and Liz had a terrible fight, but they made up yesterday. I'm tired of fighting. Let's make up.
make up for something
возместить затраты, потери (времени, денег)
The client will make up for the time and money you spend on this project.
make it up to someone
возместить кому-то его услуги или потери хорошими действиями или вещами
I'm sorry I lost your Twisted Sister record, but I'll make it up to you by giving you their album of rare recordings.
mark down
снизить цену
These coats have been marked down by 20%.
mark up
повысить цену (включив в нее налог, затраты и т.д.)
These items have been marked up because of our growing expenses.
mark something with something
помечать, отмечать чем-то
Mark mistakes with a red pencil. New words are marked with an asterisk.
move in
въехать (в квартиру, дом)
Our new neighbors have just moved in.
move into (some place)
въехать в (квартиру, дом)
They've just moved into a new house.
move on
двигаться дальше
"Life goes on; we need to move on too. Let's move on to the third question. "
move out
выехать (из квартиры, дома)
"They moved out; I don't know their new address. They moved out of the house. "
move over
Can you move over a little?
move to
"1. переехать; 2. взволновать, привести к какому-то чувству"
1. They moved to another house last year. 2. She was moved to tears by his story.
nag at someone
ворчать, ныть, пилить кого-то
She is always nagging at her husband.
name someone after someone
назвать в честь кого-то
He was named after his famous uncle. They named their son after his uncle.
negotiate (with someone) for something
вести переговоры (с кем-то) о чем-то
They negotiated for the new contract, but they didn't get it. The employees are negotiating with the management for a better benefits package.
nominate someone for something
номинировать, предлагать кандидата на пост, награду
She was nominated for the award, but it was given to another actress.
notify someone of something
официально уведомить кого-то о чем-то
They notified the police of his crime. The tenants were notified of the coming reconstruction a month ago.
object to something
возражать против чего-то
He objected to her going there alone. He objected to my plan.
occur to someone
прийти в голову кому-то
It didn't occur to me to ask you about it. It occurred to me that I didn't see Tom yesterday. Where was he?
offer (a certain sum) for something
предлагать (определенную сумму) за что-то
How much do they offer for the house? They offer 50,000 dollars for it.
offer something to someone
предлагать что-то кому-то
They offered 50,000 dollars to her mother.
open (the door) to someone
открывать дверь и впускать кого-то
Don't open the door to anyone!
open into (some place)
открываться внутрь чего-то
This door opens into a narrow corridor.
open on / onto (some place)
выходить на (что-то)
The window opens onto a large garden.
open something with something
"1. открыть что-то инструментом; 2. открыть, начать с чего-то"
1. He opened the door with a key. 2. The director opened the meeting with a joke.
owe for something
должен за что-то
How much do I owe for the book? How much do I owe you for the book?
owe something to someone
"1. быть в долгу; 2. быть в долгу перед кем-то, быть обязанным кому-то, чему-то"
1. He owes $15,000 to the law company that represented him. 2. He owes his language skills to his mother who taught him French and German in his childhood. I really owe it to her. He owes his success in life to hard work.
pack into something
"втиснуть вещи во что-то; набиться в помещение"
She tried to pack all her clothes into one suitcase. Students packed into the room.
pack it in / pack it up
(часто как призыв) прекратить делать что-то
I'm sick and tired of your whining! Pack it in!
pack off
спровадить, отослать кого-то быстро и без церемоний
His relatives packed him off unceremoniously back to his hometown because he was not good enough for them.
pack up
"1. упаковывать вещи в коробки, контейнеры, чемоданы для перевозки; 2. прекратить делать что-то"
"1. We are moving next week, so we are packing up now. Pack up your things and get out! 2. It's six o'clock; it's time to pack up. You'd better pack up smoking. This stuff will kill you. "
pass away
"1. прекратиться; 2. умереть"
1. Believe me, all your troubles will pass away. 2. He passed away several years ago.
pass by someone or something 2. pass by the name
"1. пройти мимо кого-то, чего-то; 2. жить под каким-то именем"
1. She passed by me without saying hello. We passed by the park and the church. 2. He passes by the name Smith.
pass by
идти, проходить (о времени)
Years pass by, people get older.
pass for someone
сойти за кого-то (обманом)
This actor could pass for a lawyer.
pass out
потерять сознание
She passed out, call the ambulance.
pass over something
пройти над каким-то местом (о дороге, мосте)
The new metro line will pass over this road and railway tracks.
pass up
пропустить, отказаться от (возможности)
This is a great chance to get a nice job, you shouldn't pass it up.
pay back
"1. вернуть долг; 2. свести счеты, отплатить за плохое"
1. He paid back all his debts. He paid back his brother too. 2. You should pay him back for what he did to you.
pay for something
платить за что-то
How much did you pay for this bag?
pay off
"1. выплатить долг полностью; 2. отплатить за плохое; 3. дать взятку; 4. окупиться, принести успех"
1. He paid off all his debts. 2. You should pay him off for what he did to you. 3. He was paid off to be silent. 4. The risk he took paid off nicely.
pay up
расплатиться полностью
He must pay up, or we will take him to court. She hasn't paid up her bill.
pick at something or someone
"1. слегка притронуться к (еде, вопросу, проблеме); 2. придираться к кому-то"
1. She picked at her food, and didn't really eat anything. They didn't solve anything. They just picked at the problem. 2. Why are you always picking at me?
pick on someone
избирать кого-то с целью, часто для критики
The teacher always picks on Tom to answer difficult questions. Why doesn't he pick on someone else?
pick out
She picked out two scarfs for her new coat.
pick up
"1. подобрать (поднять); 2. заехать за кем-то; 3. набирать скорость; 4. улучшаться; 5. поднять трубку и ответить (по телефону); 6. привести в порядок"
1. He bent down and picked up a penny from the ground. 2. I'll pick you up at seven o'clock. 3. The car quickly picked up speed. 4. Business is picking up. 5. The telephone is ringing, pick it up! Pick up the phone! 6. You need to pick up your room.
plug in
вставить вилку в розетку, подключить к электричеству
Plug in the coffee machine, please. Does the TV work? Is it plugged in?
plug up
закупорить, заткнуть (дыру)
He plugged up the leak in the pipe under the sink.
point at / to someone or something
"направлять на, указывать на кого-то, что-то; намекать на что-то"
Don't point a finger at people! Don't point at people! He pointed a gun at him. All the facts we have point to his guilt. She pointed at the possibility of leaving the company.
point out
указать на, привлечь внимание к чему-то
I'd like to point out several important facts in this report.
prefer (one thing) to (another)
предпочесть одно другому
I prefer this song to that one. I prefer tea to coffee.
press for something 2. (passive) be pressed for (time, money)
"1. добиваться чего-то; 2. (passive) не хватать (времени, денег)"
1. The employees keep pressing for a pay raise and a better benefits package. 2. Let's talk about it later. I'm pressed for time now. I'm pressed for money.
press on someone
давить на кого-то
His troubles are pressing on him and his family. You shouldn't press your opinion on other people.
prevent someone from doing something
предотвратить, не допустить, чтобы кто-то сделал что-то
How can I prevent him from making this terrible mistake? His illness prevented him from coming to the meeting.
profit from something
получить пользу, преимущество, выгоду, прибыль от чего-то
As a future doctor, she profited a lot from her hospital experience. He profited greatly from his move to Rome. The company profited greatly from the growing prices.
provide for someone
обеспечить необходимым для существования
She provided for her son in her will. His children are provided for.
provide someone with something
дать, снабдить чем-то
He provided us with information, food, and money for our trip.
pry into (someone's business)
совать нос в чужие дела
He has a nasty habit of prying into other people's affairs.
pull apart
"1. разорвать, разобрать на части; 2. раскритиковать"
1. The dog pulled apart my new slippers. He pulled apart all of the new toys. 2. She is upset because the critics pulled her book apart.
pull at something
потянуть за (веревку), затягиваться (сигаретой), потягивать (напиток)
He pulled at the rope, and the bell rang. He pulled at his cigarette in silence. She pulled at a drink through a straw.
pull back
отдернуть, оттащить, отодвинуться
He wanted to hug her, but she pulled back. I pulled him back before he stepped into the hole.
pull down
"1. потянуть вниз, опустить вниз; 2. снести, демонтировать"
1. She pulled down the shades. 2. Several old buildings here were pulled down last year.
pull for someone
активно поддерживать (команду, кандидата)
We pulled for our basketball team, but they lost the game anyway.
pull in
подъехать (о поезде, автобусе, машине)
The bus pulled in at three o'clock.
pull into
"1. втащить, втягивать кого-то во что-то; 2. подъехать (о транспорте)"
1. They pulled him into a car and drove off. Don't try to pull me into helping them. 2. The bus is pulling into the station.
pull off
"1. снять (стаскивая с себя); 2. отъехать (о поезде, автобусе, машине); 3. (сленг) успешно выполнить что-то трудное, провернуть"
1. She pulled off her heavy boots and put on her slippers. 2. The bus pulled off a minute before I came to the bus stop. 3. He managed to pull off this trick again.
pull oneself together
взять себя в руки
Stop crying and pull yourself together.
pull out (of something)
"1. вынуть, вытащить; 2. выехать (о поезде, автобусе, машине)"
1. He pulled out a knife and threatened to kill them. He pulled a wallet out of his pocket. 2. The bus for Denver pulled out at 4:30. The bus is pulling out of the station now.
pull over
свернуть на обочину и остановиться (о машине)
The traffic police officer ordered us to pull over. Pull over at the bank, please.
pull through
I hope he will pull through.
pull up
"1. тянуть вверх; подтягиваться; 2. остановиться (о машине)"
1. He pulled the rope up. He pulled up and got inside through the window. How many times can you pull up? 2. I was standing at the curb when a car pulled up in front of me.
push ahead
продвигать(ся) вперед несмотря на трудности
Though he was tired and hungry, he pushed ahead through the woods. He is stubbornly pushing ahead with his plan.
push aside
оттолкнуть других, чтобы получить себе место
He pushed her aside and got into the car. He pushed everyone aside to get this job.
push away
оттолкнуть что-то, кого-то
She pushed away her plate and stood up. His words pushed her away.
push someone into something
втолкнуть кого-то внутрь чего-то
They pushed him into the car and drove off.
push someone out of something
вытолкнуть кого-то из чего-то
They pushed him out of the car and drove off.
put aside
"1. отложить в сторону; 2. откладывать, копить; 3. намеренно не обращать внимания на что-то (например, разногласия)"
1. Put aside your newspaper and listen to me. She put aside her writing career to take care of her son's health. 2. She puts aside a hundred dollars every month for her trip to Rome. 3. Let's put our differences aside and work out a plan that can save our company.
put away
убрать что-то (с глаз, на место)
"Your clothes are all over this place; can you put them away? "
put back
положить обратно (на место)
Put my calculator back after you use it.
put down
"1. положить, опустить; 2. записать; 3. огорчить, расстроить кого-то"
1. Put your bag down. He put down the telephone receiver. 2. I put down the figures that she dictated. 3. His attitude really puts me down.
put in
"1. включить, вставить, добавить что-то; 2. вкладывать, тратить время, усилия, деньги на что-то"
1. She put in a paragraph about her trip to Rome. Can I put in a word or two? 2. Every week he puts in six hours of volunteer work at the hospital.
put off
"1. откладывать на более поздний срок; 2. отталкивать, вызывать отвращение"
1. Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today. Don't put it off. 2. At first she liked him, but his arrogance soon put her off.
put on
"1. надевать; 2. прибавить в весе; 3. прикидываться, притворяться"
1. She put on her coat and went out. 2. He put on ten kilograms in half a year. 3. She likes to put on an act. Don't listen to him, he is just putting you on.
put out
погасить, потушить (огонь, сигарету, свет)
Put out the light before you leave. Put out your cigarette, please.
put through
"1. успешно выполнить, провести в жизнь; 2. соединить по телефону"
1. He wasn't able to put through the reorganization that he started. 2. Can you put me through to 555-3247?
put up with something
терпеть, сносить что-то
I'm not going to put up with his rudeness.