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28 Cards in this Set

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Marquis' Future like Ours Argument

-If abortion deprives a fetus of a future of value, then abortion is prima facie wrong

-Abortion does deprive the fetus of a future like ours

-Abortion is prima facie wrong

Are there any circumstances in which abortion is morally permissible?

Marquis' answer: (1) an abortion cound be justified if the consequences of failing to abort would be as bad as the consequences of an abortion. (2) the abortion occurs so early that the fetus is not yet definitely an individual.

Thomson assumes the three following propositions to be true for the sake of argument

-A fetus is a person

-All persons have a right to life

-A person has a right to determine what happens in and to his/her body

The Conservaetive Argument against abortion

-An innocent person has the right not be killed

-A fetus is an innocent person

-Thus, a fetus ought not to be killed

Thomson's question:

Does "an innocent person has the right not be killed" always true?

Thomson thinks that the conservative argument needs to be...

Amending and reasonable:

-An innocent person has the right not be killed UNJUSTLY

-A fetus is an innocent person

-Thus, a fetus ought not to be killed UNJUSTLY

As long as the abortion is JUST, it is okay in the eye of Thomson.


Actions are judged right or wrong solely by virtue of their consequences (the amount of happiness or unhappiness that is produced)

What type of moral theory is utilitarianism?



Pleasure and the absence of pain

Whose happiness is important?

Everyone counts as one, and no one counts as less (or more) than one.

How does a utilitarian decide what is right?

There is a certain calculation that is preformed

In Rachels view, does morality depend on religion?


Divine Command Theory

-"Morally Right" means "Commanded by God"

-"Morally Wrong" mean "Forbidden by God"

-Conduct is right because God commands it; this alternative leads to the conclusion that God's commands are arbitrary (God commands what God commands)

Theory of Natural Law

-God commands conduct because it is right (right and wrong are independent of God, moral knowledge can be acheved without God)

-Values and purposes are built into the way things are

Rachels views on Natural Law Theory

-Agrees with it

-Reason has a substatial role in determining right and wrong

Plato's Euthyphro

-Is conduct right because God commands it or does God command certain conduct because it is right?

Dilemma in Plato's Euthyphro

-THere are only two alternatives, and both lead to unacceptable conclusions, and yet both Divine Command Theory and Natural Law Theory represent the two options offered by the "Euthyphro" question

What are moral principles?

Dictates of reason (the only way we can discover what we should do is through the use of our reason)

Rachel's Conclusion regarding religion and morality

-People will read-in to scripture and find in church tradition what they want to see/hear rather than paying attention to what is actually written/said or what is not written/said. Thus, once again, people should use reason in coming to moral conclusions.

Ethical Egoism

The idea that each person ought to pursue his ro her own self-interest exclusively

What type of theory is Ethical Egoism?


Psychologicial Egoism

A theory of human psychology; it asserts that humans do in fact pursue their own self-interests, period.

What type of theory is Psychological Egoism?

Descriptive theory

Moral philosophers worry that...

Psychological Egoism is true

If Psychological Egoism is true, what is the issue?

-Most moral theories says that there are many situation in which we ought to act unselfishly, but Psychological Egoism says we can't, humans are so constuted that they always look out for their own self interests.

Argument for Psychological Egoism

-However a person acts, she is doing what she ost wants to do, therefore, all acts are motivated by self-interest.

-Those who help others get satisfaction from doing so (if they didn't, why would they act this way?), therefore, they act this way to get the good feeling that comes from it; they are selfish.

Ayn Rand's Argument against Altruism and for Ethical Egoism

1. Any reasonable moral theory will take seriously the value of an individual human life.

2. An ethics of altruism does not take seriously the value of an individual human life.

Thus, an ethics of altruism is unreasonable and only Ethical Egoism take seriously the value of an individual human life, as it instructs a person always to act in his/her own exclusive self-interest.

What arguments can be given against Ethical Egoism?

-It does not resolve conflicts of interest

-It is possibly self-contradictory

-It is not reasonable to treat oneself as the only being possessing moral significance

-Ethical Egoism cannot be advocated publicly