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53 Cards in this Set

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Effects of English Expansion on Indian alliances

English population growth and expansion into interior disrupted existing French-Indian fur trade networks and causes Indians to shift alliances among competing European powers

Reasons for post-French-Indian War conflicts with Natives

Native groups sought to continue trading with Europeans and to resist the encroachment of English colonists on tribal lands

Reasons for Native alliances during the Revolutionary War

Various tribes tried to forge alliances in order to protect their interests, limit migration of white settlers, and maintain their tribal lands

Effects of Britain's debt after Seven Years' War

Resulted in renewed efforts to consolidate imperial control over North American markets, taxes, and political institutions; some colonists liked it others didn't

Supporters of American Independence

Fueled by established colonial elites, grassroots movements that included artisans, newly mobilized laborers, and women; rested on the ideas of the English citizen

Reasons for Patriot Victory in Revolutionary War

Colonist's greater familiarity with the land, their resilient army and political leadership, their ideological commitment, and their support from European allies

Effects of continued European presence after Revolutionary War

Challenged the US to find ways to safeguard its borders, maintain neutral trading rights, and promote its economic interests

Effect of French Revolution on American foreign policy

Helped fuel America's debate not only about the the nature of the US' domestic order but also its proper role in the world

Causes of the creation of political parties

European conflicts and tensions with Britain and France fueled increasingly bitter partisan debates throughout the 1790s

Effects of Evangelicalism and the Enlightenment

Strengthened many British colonists’ understandings of themselves as a chosen people blessed with liberty; Enlightenment ideals inspired many American political thinkers to emphasize individual talent over hereditary privilege

Basis for Common Sense and the Declaration of Independence

Colonists’ belief in the superiority of republican self-government based on the natural rights of the people

Characteristics of new state constitutions and Articles of Confederation

Placed power in the hands of the legislative branch and maintained property qualifications for voting and citizenship

Causes of the creation of the Constitution

Difficulties over trade, finances, and interstate and foreign relations, as well as internal unrest

Results of compromises to Constitution

Delegates from the states worked through a series of compromises; new national government while limiting the power of the federal government

Reasons for Bill of Rights

Calls during the ratification processed for greater guarantees of rights resulted in the addition of a the Bill of Rights

Debates concerning Constitution after ratification

Issues as the relationship between the national government and the states, economic policy, and the conduct of foreign affairs led to the creation of political parties

Causes for abolition movement

Increased awareness of the inequalities in society motivated people and groups to call for the abolition of slavery and greater democracy

Effects of postponing the discussion to slavery in Constitution

Set the stage for recurring conflicts over these issues in later years

Effects of Revolution on future rebellions

The ideals set forth in the Declaration of Independence had reverberations in France, Haiti, and Latin America, which inspired future rebellions

Causes of interior boundary conflicts with Natives

Attempt of various native groups to reassert their power over the interior of the continent resulted in new white–Indian conflicts along the western borders of British and later the US

Effects of new settlements in the West

Created new distinctive backcountry cultures and fueled social and ethnic tensions

Spanish settlement in the West

With the help of the Natives through bonded labor, the Spanish were able to expand their mission settlements into California, which provided opportunities for social mobility among enterprising soldiers and settlers that led to new cultural blending

Northwest Ordinance

1780s; enacted by Congress in order to admit new states, promote public education, protect private property, and restrict slavery in the Northwest territory

Effects of Constitution's failures to define relationship between US and Natives

Led to problems regarding treaties and Indian legal claims relating to the seizure of Indian lands

Solutions to free navigation of Mississippi

Diplomatic initiatives to manage the conflict with Spain and to deal with the continued presence on the American continet

Causes for development of political parties

Positions on economic, political, social, and foreign policy issues promoted the development on political parties

Causes for different attitudes toward slavery

The expansions of slavery in the lower South and adjacent western lands and its gradual disappearance elsewhere

Republican Motherhood

Called for white women to maintain and teach republican values within the family and granted women new importance in American political culture

Shay's Rebellion

American farmers against state and local enforcement of tax collections and judgements for debt

Alien and Sedition Acts

Supposed to strengthen national security, but attempt to suppress voters who disagreed with Federalist party

Stamp Act Congress

First gathering of elected representatives to devise a unified protest against new British taxation

Sons of Liberty

Organization of American Landowners, formed to protect the rights of colonists and to fight taxation by British Government

Samuel Adams

Founding father of U.S., statesman, political philospher

Intolerable Acts

American Patriots' name for a series of laws passed by the British Parliament after the Boston Tea Party

Quartering Acts

Law for American colonists to provide British soldiers with any needed accommodations or housing

Stamp Act

Imposed direct tax on the colonies of British America and requires that many printed materials be stamped with paper produced in London

Declaratory Act

Repeal of Stamp Act and lessening of the sugar act

Coercive Acts

British approach to reverse the trend of colonial resistance, but actually provoked higher levels of resistance


Formed in opposition to policies of Democratic Party

Salutary Neglect

To relax the enforcement of strict regulations, particularly trade laws

Proclamation of 1763

Forbade all settlers from settling past a line drawn along the Appalachian Mountains

Seven Years' War

The French and Indian War; conflict between positions and dominance

Albany Plan of Union

Proposal to create a unified government for the Thirteen colonies

Peace of Paris 1763

Formally ended the seven years' war

John Jay

Chief Justice of the U.S., signer of the Treaty of Paris, Founding fathers off the U.S., Statesman, Patriot and diplomat

First Continental Congress

Meeting of delegates from the thirteen colonies

Declaration of Independence

Declaration of America freedom from Britain

Thomas Jefferson

Founding father, author of D.O.I., 3rd president of the U.S.

George Washington

1st U.s. president, Commander-in-chief of the Continental Army and founding father

Battle of Lexington and Concord

First military engagement of the American Revolutionary War

John Locke

English philosopher, physician, most influential of Enlightenment thinkers; Founded ideas used in Declaration of Independence

Abigail Adams

Wife of John Adams

Articles of Confederation

First written national government of U.S., established U.S. as a confederation of sovereign states