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91 Cards in this Set

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Surgery for bicornuate uterus

Strassman Sx

After Sx if she conceives then LSCS at 38 weeks & now recently hysteroscopic metroplasty

Mayor rokitansky kuster hauser syndrome

Mullerian agenesis

Vaginal atresia

Uterine atresia

Vaginal agenesis Sx

Done when the girl is about to get married or just married

Mc indoe operation

Williams vaginoplasty (pouch out if labio majora)


Transverse vaginal septum

Causes imperforate vagina (vaginal agenesis)

MC located at upper part

(external os)

MC uterine malformation associated with infertility

Septate anomaly

IOC for uterine anomalies



Sono hysterography

HSG leads to false positivity

Multiple luteal cysts in ovary


Multiple pregnancy

HCG therapy

Hydatidiform mole


Pain in endometriosis

Related to depth of invasion (>5mm)

Infertility is related to superficial invasion

CA125 for recurrence


Cut off normal levels <35 mIU/L

Raised in



Ovarian Ca

Borderline ovarian tumors

Allen masters syndrome

Defects in Peritoneum

Scarring overlying implants

Diagnosis of endometriosis


Powder burn/gun shot lesions with fibrosis surrounding

Pseudoxanthoma cells (macrophages with hemosiderin)


Painful ovulation (sharp pain in lower abdomen)

Associated with rupture of ovarian follicle

Administration of SSRI's in PMS

Luteal phase

Rotterdam criteria

Ovulatory dysfunction (oligomenorrhea or hyperandrogenism)

Clinical or biochemical evidence of hyperandrogenism

USG criteria

Any 2 among 3

Sampling of LH &FSH in PCOS

1 to 4 days of the cycle

Testosterone levels in women

Free testosterone >200ng/dl (ovarian lesion)

DHEA >700mcg/dl (adrenal lesion)

Associations of PCOS


Endometrial ca

Insulin resistance


Newer dopamine agonist fir hyperprolactinemia

Non ergot D2 dopamine agonist

Diagnosis of ca cervix

Pap smear for screening

Punch biopsy -> colposcopy & biopsy -> cone biopsy

MC cause of death in ca cervix

Renal failure (uremia) due to obstruction of ureters

2nd most common cause is hemorrhage

Microinvasive carcinoma

Stromal invasion <5mm

Lateral spread <7mm

Rx simple hysterectomy

HPV triage


Liquid based cytology

Hybrid capture 2 for HPV DNA

Indications of trachelectomy

Preservation of fertility

Early stage disease (1A1 1A2 1B1)

Small tumor volume <2 cms

No pelvic node metastasis

Cancer margin 1 cm below the internal os on MRI

D/D for verrucous carcinoma

Condylomata acuminata (hpv6,11)

Verrucous carcinoma is a scc variant of cervix

MC site of vulval cancer

Labia majora > clitoris > labia minora

SCC is commonest vulval ca followed by melanoma (clitoris > labia minora)

Best method of prevention of ca ovary

Prophylactic hysterectomy + BSO

2nd line - screening + ocp's

Screening - TVS + CA125 done every 6 to 12 months after 35 years and MRI or mammo for breast cancer

Female equivalent of Seminoma


Largest benign ovarian tumor

Mucinous cyst adenoma

Ovarian tumor associated with lymphocytic infiltration


Mucinous tumor associated with dermoid cyst

Brenners tumor

Masculizing tumors of ovary


Adrenal cortical tumor/lipoid cell tumor of ovary

Hilus cell tumor

Gynandroblastoma (granulosa + arrhenoblastoma)

MC used chemo regimens in dysgerminoma

Unilateral oophorectomy


Partial resection of the tumor

BEP - Bleomycin, Etoposide, cisPlatin (best result with 4 cycles)

VBP - vinblastin, Bleomycin, cisPlatin

VAC - Vincristine, Actinomycin, cyclophosphamide

Meigh & pseudo meigh

Meigh (fibroma)

Tumor must be ovarian, solid & benign

Hydrothorax, ascites present

Removal of tumor result in spontaneous resolution


Brenner & granulosa tumor

Hydrothorax could be a pulmonary manifestation

Exudate is through electrolyte imbalance unlike due to ovarian tumor in meigh

Risk of malignancy score

Ultrasound sound score × menopausal score × CA 125 levels in U/ml

>200 have a high ovarian carcinoma risk

Pelvic calcifications

Fibroids - popcorn calcification

Dermoid cyst - commonest ovarian mass to calcify

Other ovarian masses - cystadenoma/carcinoma/fibroma


Fallopian tube calcification - TB

Uterine - endometrial calcification from chronic endometritis

Investigation for ovarian tumor


PET is preferred over CT as PET differentiate between relapsed tumor & fibrosis

Staging of ovarian cancer

Peritoneal washing

Peritoneal biopsy

Palpation of organs

Management of endometrial hyperplasia

Non atypical hyperplasia


Simple atypical hyperplasia not preferring pregnancy

Simple hysterectomy

Preferring pregnancy

Counseling & high dose Progesterone

Complex hyperplasia without atypia


Follow up

Simple hyperplasia without atypia

Follow up without therapy

Malignancies with long term Tamoxifen

Endometrial ca

Uterine sarcoma

Rarely liver ca

Non malignant

Endometrial hyperplasia


Fibroid uterus

Ovarian cyst


Diagnosis of endometrial ca

Fractional curettage > hysteroscopy and biopsy used for cervical stenosis patients (but advanced than fraction)


Mixed mullerian carcinogenesis

Carcinomatous & sarcomatous changes

Heterologous (extra uterine tissue)

Homologous (smooth muscle differentiation)

Post menopausal women


Sx followed by chemo

MC sites of injury causing UV fistula

Where ureter crosses below uterine arteries

2nd most common

Behind the infundibulo pelvic ligament at the pelvic brim

Prolapse order

Anterior wall prolapse (Cystocele) > posterior wall prolapse > uterine prolapse

Congenital prolapse

Seen in young nulliparous women

Risk factors

Spina bifida


Ehler danlos


Purandare sling

Shirodkar sling


Sling made of mersilene tape

Surgeries for ureteric fistula

Bladder flap procedure (modified boari ocker blad)


Implantation into the bladder

Colonic transplantation leads to recurrent pyelonephritis, hyperchloremic acidosis

Lead pipe appearance

Fallopian tube in TB

Syndromic management of STD's



Qualitative & quantitative tests for fetomaternal hemorrhage


Singles alkaline denaturation test


Kleihuer betke test

Citric acid elution test


General anaesthetia in pregnancy


Intra cardiac shunts

Aortic stenosis

Pulm HTN

Bispinous diameter

10 centimeters

Layers of uterus


Stratum functionalis

Stratum basale


Outer longitudinal

Criss cross

Inner circular


Uterus relations at cornua

Ant - round ligament tube

Post - ovarian ligament

Level of anaesthesia's

Epidural - T10


Nerve supply T10 to L1

Layers of cervix

Ecto - stratified squamous

Endo - columbar

Transition - metaplasia

Length is 2.5 cms in non pregnant and 4 cms in pregnant

B supply to cervix

Descending cervical artery

Lymphatic drainage of cervix


Internal & external iliac


Paracervical (sentinel)


Narrowest parts of fallopian tube

Intra mural 1.25 cms (anatomical sphincter) (last to rupture)

Later isthmus 2.5 cms

Venous drainage of ovaries

Left ovarian vein into left renal vein

Right ovarian vein into IVC

Cervix and all fornices related to

Uterine vessels

Mackendrot ligament


Lateral relations of vagina

Mackendrots ligament or pelvic cellular tissue

Levator ani muscle

Bulbus cavernosus

Vestibular bulb

Bartholin glands

Hysterectomy with highest risk of ureteric injury

Wertheims hysterectomy

Epithelial cells of vagina

Parabasal/basal - before puberty or menopausal

Intermediate - progesterone

Superficial - estrogen


Postmenopausal - 100/0/0

Pre ovulatory - 0/40/60

Secretory - 0/70/30

Lymphatic drainage of vagina

Upper 3rd - ext & int iliac

Middle 3rd - int iliac

Lower 3rd - sup inguinal

Feedbacks in HPO axis

+ve - leptin, glutamate, kisspeptide

-ve - GABA, neuropeptide Y

Investigations of polyp

USG - feeding vessel sign

Best is saline infusion sonhysteroscopy

Rx - hysteroscopic D & C

Investigations of adenomyosis


MRI is gold standard

FIGO classification of AUB

PALM (anatomical)

COEIN (functional)

P - polyp

A - adenomyosis

L - leiomyoma

M - malignancy & hyperplasia

C - coagulopathy

O - ovulatory dysfunction

E - endometrial

I - iatrogenic

N - not specified

Endometrial assessment and biopsy

Genes for growth of testis

Sry gene on short arm of Y

"SOX 9 gene"

Genes for development of ovaries

WNT4 gene

RSPO1 gene

Para ovarian cyst

Block in paraphoron cyst

DES exposure in utero

T shaped uterus

Vaginal adenocarcinoma

Investigations of uterine anomalies


Gold standard - hysteroscopy & laparoscopy

Indication for surgery in bicornuate uterus

Habitual abortions

Surgeries of uterine anomalies

Bicornuate/didelphys - Jones metroplasty

Strassman metroplasty (mc)

Septate - hysteroscopic transcervical septal resection

Reifeinstein syndrome

Partial AIS

Scanty pubic & axillary hair

Rx of AIS

Vaginoplasty just before marriage

by - frank dilator, mcindoe or williams vulvovaginoplasty

Gonadectomy performed after SSC developed and estrogen is taken for lifelong

Main causes of primary amenorrhea

Genetic > MRKH > AIS

Kallman syndrome

Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism



Absence of GnRH

Normal height

Secondary amenorrhea

Mc physiological - pregnancy

Mc pathological - PCOS


Uterine synechia

Honeycomb appearance in HSG (IOC)

Hysteroscopy (gold standard)

Mx - hysteroscopic adhesiolysis

Cu T

Savage syndrome

FSH receptor mutation

FSH > 40 IU/L

E2 normal

Increase antral follicules

Diagnosis of prolactinoma

>30 ng/ml - take serum TSH

>100ng/ml - MRI

Failure of lactation post delivery

Sheehan syndrome

Earliest sign of pregnancy

Subnuclear basal vacuolization

As early as 36 hr post ovulation

Best test for ovarian reserve

Serum amh <1mIU/L in poor ovarian reserve

Also serum inhibin B

Hyperstimulation syndrome

Release of cytokines and inflammatory mediators -> VEGF -> damage to vessel wall -> third space loss

Gold standard investigation for tubal factors

Laparoscopic chromopertubation

Tubal recanalization

Reversal best with

Clips > falope rings > modified pomeroy > cautery

Lenght >4 cms

Isthmoisthmic anastomosis

Age <35 years

Sims cohner test

Post coital test