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9 Cards in this Set

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- Themes of dehumanisation and the isolated mind

- 1st person perspective as part of narrative voice

- Authorial intrusion/focalisation

Body paragraph 1

- Dehumanisation

- 1st person perspective past tense

Evidence 1A

1st person allows for the dehumanisation of the narrator to be realised through the tone of her internal monologue and dialogue

- “Yes, ma’am,” + “I won’t not again”

Evidence 1B

The dehumanisation of the narrator is furthered by the characterisation of Mary as a cruel figure by the narrator

- “She had built a nest of human bone, rag and leather”

- “Maliciously silent as a white barn owl”

Evidence 1C - Inspiration

Theme of dehumanisation and use of 1st person past tense parallels Jane Eyre

Body paragraph 2

- The Isolated Mind

- Authorial intrusion/focalisation

Evidence 2A

Symbol of the bird through focalisation of Julian, motif of the woods

- “Like the flutter of a featherless wing”

- “A dense patch of woods”

Evidence 2B

Authorial intrusion into Jeremy’s psyche expresses need for stimuli

- “Let there be not another night for I”

Evidence 2C/Parallels

Breaks from reality parallel Jane Eyre’s narration

- “The hills rolling away and fading into burning sand”