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11 Cards in this Set

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Describe the Stated􏰀 Preferences method.

-Economists 􏰀prefer demand􏰀 information 􏰀revealed􏰀 in􏰀 actual􏰀 market 􏰀choices􏰀(“revealed 􏰀preference”􏰀data)

-However, 􏰀for 􏰀fundamentally 􏰀non􏰁market􏰀 goods,􏰀 indirect􏰀 market 􏰀methods 􏰀(travel􏰀 cost􏰀 method,􏰀 hedonic􏰀 property􏰀 value􏰀 method) 􏰀may 􏰀not􏰀 work

-Recourse? Figure 􏰀out 􏰀how􏰀 to􏰀 ask 􏰀people 􏰀what 􏰀tradeoffs􏰀 they 􏰀would make, 􏰀if􏰀 they 􏰀needed 􏰀to

-So􏰁 called􏰀“stated􏰀-preference”􏰀demand􏰀 data

-Other 􏰀kinds 􏰀of􏰀 economists 􏰀have 􏰀begun􏰀 to􏰀 concede 􏰀that􏰀 important 􏰀economic􏰀 quantities 􏰀are􏰀 often􏰀 not􏰀 directly􏰀 observable, 􏰀but􏰀 we􏰀 need􏰀 to 􏰀know 􏰀them 􏰀to 􏰀explain 􏰀behavior

Describe Contingent 􏰀Valuation􏰀(CV􏰀 or 􏰀CVM).

-A􏰀 survey 􏰁based􏰀 method used 􏰀to 􏰀place 􏰀monetary􏰀 values􏰀 on􏰀 environmental􏰀 goods 􏰀and􏰀 services􏰀 not 􏰀bought 􏰀and􏰀 sold􏰀 in 􏰀the􏰀 marketplace

-A􏰀“stated􏰀 preference”􏰀(SP)􏰀 technique…􏰀dominated 􏰀by “revealed􏰀 preference”􏰀(RP) 􏰀methods 􏰀when 􏰀RP 􏰀methods􏰀 are􏰀 feasible.

-But:􏰀􏰀 SP􏰀 methods􏰀 are􏰀 the 􏰀only feasible 􏰀method􏰀 to 􏰀measure􏰀 “passive􏰀use”􏰀 values 􏰀(also 􏰀called􏰀“non􏰁use”􏰀or􏰀“existence”􏰀 values)

Describe the Binary􏰀 (referendum)􏰀 CV method.

-Respondent􏰀 offered􏰀 binary choice 􏰀between􏰀 two 􏰀alternatives

A.􏰀􏰀 Status􏰀 quo 􏰀policy

B.􏰀􏰀 Alternative􏰀 policy 􏰀at􏰀 a􏰀 greater 􏰀cost 􏰀that 􏰀will􏰀 be 􏰀imposed 􏰀some how 􏰀by􏰀 the 􏰀government,􏰀 perhaps:􏰀

Increased􏰀 taxes

Higher 􏰀prices, 􏰀lower􏰀 wages, 􏰀lower 􏰀invest.􏰀 returns􏰀 due􏰀 to 􏰀regulation

User􏰀 fees

-Indicate􏰀“favor/not􏰀 favor”􏰀alternative􏰀 policy􏰀(referendum)

-Stated 􏰀costs􏰀 are 􏰀randomly 􏰀assigned across 􏰀respondents

-Analyze 􏰀votes􏰀 like 􏰀biologists 􏰀analyze 􏰀a􏰀“ dose 􏰁response” 􏰀function

Describe the Debate 􏰀about 􏰀CV validity.

Technical:􏰀 What􏰀 economic 􏰀criteria􏰀 should􏰀 be 􏰀met 􏰀by 􏰀the􏰀 results􏰀 of􏰀 a􏰀 CV􏰀 study?

-CV􏰀 studies 􏰀range􏰀 from 􏰀good􏰀 to 􏰀awful􏰀 (often 􏰀as􏰀 a 􏰀function􏰀 of􏰀 the􏰀 resources􏰀 available􏰀 to􏰀 conduct􏰀 them)

-What 􏰀constitutes 􏰀a 􏰀good􏰀 study? 􏰀What􏰀 criteria must􏰀 be 􏰀met􏰀 before 􏰀we􏰀 trust􏰀 a 􏰀study’s 􏰀results

-Can 􏰀apparent􏰀 anomalies be􏰀 explained 􏰀from􏰀 a􏰀 behavioral􏰀 perspective?

-Are 􏰀they􏰀 actually 􏰀consistent 􏰀with 􏰀richer􏰀 models 􏰀of 􏰀choice􏰀 behavior?

-Best􏰀 practices 􏰀in􏰀 CV 􏰀research? 􏰀􏰀25􏰀 years􏰀 of􏰀 study􏰀 concerning􏰀 what􏰀 can 􏰀go 􏰀wrong􏰀 and􏰀 how􏰀 to􏰀 minimize􏰀 potential 􏰀biases 􏰀and􏰀 distortions….

How was the CV controversy resolved?

-National 􏰀Oceanic􏰀 and 􏰀Atmospheric 􏰀Administration 􏰀(NOAA)􏰀 commissioned􏰀 an 􏰀independent􏰀 Blue 􏰁Ribbon 􏰀Panel to 􏰀assess 􏰀CV􏰀

-Chaired􏰀 by􏰀 two 􏰀Nobel􏰀 Prize winners:􏰀 Kenneth􏰀Arrow,􏰀 Robert􏰀Solow

-Concluded 􏰀that􏰀 “CV􏰀 studies􏰀 can􏰀 produce􏰀 estimates 􏰀reliable 􏰀enough 􏰀to 􏰀be􏰀 the􏰀 starting􏰀 point 􏰀for􏰀 a 􏰀judicial􏰀 or􏰀 administrative􏰀 determination 􏰀of􏰀 natural􏰀 resource 􏰀damages—including􏰀 lost􏰀 passive 􏰁use􏰀 value”

-Proposed􏰀 guidelines􏰀 (preferred 􏰀methods􏰀 for 􏰀most􏰀 reliable 􏰀results):

In 􏰁person 􏰀interviews

Binary 􏰀discrete􏰁 choice 􏰀format

Careful 􏰀description􏰀 of􏰀 the 􏰀good􏰀 and its􏰀 available 􏰀substitutes

Several􏰀 tests 􏰀for 􏰀which 􏰀results 􏰀should 􏰀be 􏰀included􏰀 in 􏰀reports

What are alternative 􏰀elicitation 􏰀formats (CV)?

-Binary 􏰀choice (referendum)􏰀– has 􏰀best􏰀 properties, 􏰀but􏰀 need 􏰀lots – Better􏰀 state 􏰁of 􏰁the 􏰁world, 􏰀but 􏰀at a 􏰀price 􏰀(answer􏰀Y/N)

-Open 􏰁ended􏰀 (hard􏰀 with􏰀 unfamiliar 􏰀goods)– What 􏰀is 􏰀the 􏰀most you 􏰀would 􏰀be 􏰀willing􏰀 to 􏰀pay

-Payment􏰀 card 􏰀(or 􏰀payment 􏰀ladder)-Look 􏰀at 􏰀this 􏰀list 􏰀of 􏰀values; 􏰀circle 􏰀highest 􏰀amount 􏰀willingly 􏰀paid

-Multiple􏰁 bounded 􏰀(provides 􏰀information􏰀 about􏰀 uncertainty)– Payment􏰀 card, 􏰀but 􏰀rate 􏰀likelihood of 􏰀being 􏰀willing 􏰀to 􏰀pay 􏰀each􏰀 indicated 􏰀amount 􏰀(definitely, 􏰀probably,􏰀 unsure,􏰀…)

-Conjoint􏰀 choice 􏰀experiments􏰀(to 􏰀be􏰀 considered􏰀 separately) –Several 􏰀alternatives􏰀 at 􏰀several 􏰀prices, 􏰀each 􏰀with 􏰀specified 􏰀mix􏰀 of􏰀 attributes; 􏰀which􏰀 is􏰀 most 􏰁preferred?

What are things 􏰀to 􏰀deal􏰀 with􏰀in 􏰀CV􏰀 studies?

Face􏰀 validity–Is􏰀 the 􏰀choice􏰀 scenario 􏰀plausible;􏰀 is􏰀 there 􏰀enough 􏰀information?

Yea 􏰁saying– Respondent 􏰀says 􏰀yes 􏰀to 􏰀WTP 􏰀question􏰀 to 􏰀please􏰀 the􏰀 interviewer􏰀 (who􏰀 must􏰀

care􏰀 about 􏰀this 􏰀issue 􏰀or 􏰀they 􏰀wouldn’t􏰀 be􏰀asking)

Protest􏰀 zeros,􏰀 nay􏰁saying– Respondent 􏰀has 􏰀positive 􏰀WTP 􏰀for 􏰀the 􏰀environmental 􏰀good 􏰀but􏰀 finds 􏰀the􏰀 choice􏰀 scenario 􏰀in 􏰀the 􏰀survey 􏰀to 􏰀be 􏰀implausible,􏰀 or 􏰀doesn’t􏰀 like 􏰀the􏰀 payment􏰀 vehicle􏰀 (i.e.􏰀taxes)

Calibration– If 􏰀there 􏰀is 􏰀a 􏰀systematic􏰀 bias 􏰀in 􏰀WTP 􏰀estimates 􏰀due􏰀 to􏰀 the 􏰀hypothetical􏰀 choice􏰀 context, 􏰀can/should 􏰀this 􏰀be 􏰀corrected?
– Can􏰀 SP 􏰀data 􏰀be 􏰀combined with􏰀 available 􏰀RP 􏰀data 􏰀(perhaps 􏰀over 􏰀a 􏰀narrower􏰀 range􏰀 of 􏰀conditions) 􏰀so 􏰀that 􏰀the 􏰀RP 􏰀information 􏰀“disciplines” 􏰀the􏰀 SP􏰀 results?

What are typical 􏰀CV 􏰀survey 􏰀components?

Introductory section􏰀– general􏰀 context,􏰀 background􏰀 information􏰀 about􏰀 science,􏰀etc.

Detailed 􏰀description of􏰀 the 􏰀nonmarket 􏰀natural 􏰀resource􏰀 improvement/protection 􏰀in 􏰀question,􏰀 so􏰀 it 􏰀is􏰀 clear 􏰀what 􏰀is 􏰀to 􏰀be􏰀 valued

How 􏰀the 􏰀natural􏰀 resource 􏰀improvement/protection 􏰀will 􏰀be􏰀 provided

How 􏰀the 􏰀natural 􏰀resource 􏰀improvement/protection 􏰀will􏰀 be 􏰀paid􏰀 for

A 􏰀suitable 􏰀value 􏰁elicitation method

Debriefing questions 􏰀about􏰀 choices 􏰀made 􏰀by 􏰀respondent

Attitudes 􏰀and􏰀 sociodemographic 􏰀variables, 􏰀to 􏰀allow􏰀 assessment􏰀 of􏰀 “construct􏰀validity”􏰀 (demonstrate􏰀 that 􏰀demand􏰀 differs 􏰀in 􏰀ways􏰀 you’d􏰀 expect, 􏰀across 􏰀different 􏰀types 􏰀of 􏰀people)

What are things to worry about in all SP studies?

-Incentive􏰁 compatible if 􏰀individua l􏰀perceives 􏰀that 􏰀their􏰀 choice 􏰀will􏰀 affect 􏰀the 􏰀chance 􏰀that 􏰀they􏰀 will 􏰀actually􏰀 have 􏰀to 􏰀pay 􏰀the 􏰀amount 􏰀in􏰀 question;􏰀 disembodied􏰀 hypothetical􏰀 choices 􏰀with􏰀 no 􏰀consequences􏰀 are􏰀 unlikely 􏰀to􏰀 elicit 􏰀useful 􏰀values

-Key􏰀idea:􏰀􏰀 “consequentiality”􏰀 of􏰀 a􏰀 stated􏰀 choice…choice 􏰀has 􏰀to 􏰀be􏰀 perceived 􏰀to 􏰀have􏰀 some􏰀 effect 􏰀on 􏰀decision-􏰁making 􏰀(if 􏰀only 􏰀probabilistically),􏰀 and 􏰀respondent 􏰀has􏰀 to􏰀 care 􏰀about 􏰀the 􏰀outcome􏰀of􏰀 the 􏰀decision

Describe Conjoint Analysis.

-Also 􏰀known􏰀 as􏰀 “stated 􏰀choice,”􏰀or􏰀“ choice􏰀


-Multiple alternatives, 􏰀multiple attributes,􏰀 often􏰀

more􏰀 than 􏰀one 􏰀choice 􏰀scenario 􏰀per 􏰀person

-Advantage 􏰀over 􏰀CV: 􏰀􏰀estimate􏰀 marginal values􏰀 associated 􏰀with􏰀 many 􏰀different􏰀 attributes 􏰀of 􏰀the􏰀 alternatives 􏰀(like 􏰀hedonic 􏰀models)– If 􏰀range􏰀 of 􏰀attributes 􏰀across 􏰀choice􏰀 sets 􏰀spans entire􏰀 relevant 􏰀range 􏰀in 􏰀possible 􏰀policies, 􏰀you􏰀 can􏰀 estimate􏰀 WTP􏰀 for 􏰀policies 􏰀that 􏰀differ 􏰀from 􏰀the 􏰀ones 􏰀used 􏰀to􏰀 estimate􏰀 the 􏰀marginal 􏰀utility 􏰀parameters– Advantage?􏰀􏰀you 􏰀are 􏰀ready 􏰀for 􏰀changes􏰀 in􏰀 plans

Describe a Conjoint Choice.

-Choices 􏰀among􏰀 more 􏰀alternatives 􏰀(including􏰀 the 􏰀status􏰀quo),􏰀 where 􏰀each􏰀 alternative 􏰀has􏰀 different􏰀 levels 􏰀of a􏰀 list of 􏰀different􏰀 attributes

-Most 􏰁preferred􏰀 alternative 􏰀tells 􏰀us, 􏰀on 􏰀average,􏰀 the􏰀 extent 􏰀to􏰀 which 􏰀people 􏰀are 􏰀willing 􏰀to 􏰀trade􏰀off 􏰀among􏰀 different􏰀 attributes 􏰀in 􏰀making􏰀 their 􏰀choices

-Random􏰀 utility 􏰀models􏰀 can􏰀 be 􏰀used 􏰀with 􏰀these 􏰀hypothetical 􏰀choices 􏰀just 􏰀as 􏰀they 􏰀are􏰀 used 􏰀throughout 􏰀economics 􏰀with 􏰀real choices– Estimate 􏰀implied 􏰀marginal 􏰀utilities 􏰀associated􏰀 with 􏰀each􏰀 attribute– Ratios 􏰀of 􏰀marginal 􏰀utilities 􏰀imply 􏰀how 􏰀much 􏰀of 􏰀one 􏰀attribute 􏰀is 􏰀viewed􏰀 as 􏰀equivalent 􏰀to 􏰀one 􏰀unit 􏰀of 􏰀any 􏰀other 􏰀attribute 􏰀(e.g.􏰀how􏰀 many 􏰀dollars􏰀 of 􏰀cost are 􏰀viewed􏰀 equivalent􏰀 to 􏰀one􏰀 more􏰀 unit 􏰀of 􏰀the􏰀 specified􏰀 attribute 􏰀of 􏰀the􏰀 natural 􏰀resource)