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20 Cards in this Set

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prenatal period

-38 weeks in length
-stages are cleavage, embryonic, fetal


fertilized egg
-fertilization usually occurs in uterine tube

cleavage embryo

-cleavage begins 30 hours later
-this is mitosis (1 cell  2 4 8 etc.)
-little growth occurs, so cells become smaller with each division
-organelles are produced, but little cytoplasm
-blastomeres = cells resulting from cleavage
-cleavage embryo = the tiny ball of cells after the first cell divisions

cleavage embyro travels

down uterine tube to uterus
-takes about 3 days to reach uterus


16 cell stage
-floats freely in the uterine cavity for another 3 days
-cell division continues
-ball starts to become hollow
-these cells are the stem cells (multipotent cells


hollow ball of cells
-begins to implant in the endometrium (lining of the uterus)
-this lining is shed monthly if no pregnancy occurs


-occurs at about end of the first week
-blastocyst secretes enzymes to digest a bit of endometrium
-it enters the endometrium and becomes surrounded by it

placenta development begins

-vascular structure
-made from some outer cells of the blastocyst and some cells of endometrium
-regulates exchange of nutrients, gases, wastes between blood of mother and embryo

Embryonic Stage

-weeks 2 through 8

gastrula stage

-threeprimary germ layers of tissue form
-ectoderm layer becomes nervous tissue, skin
-mesoderm layer becomes muscle, bone, blood vessels
-endoderm layer becomes linings of various tracts (respiratory, digestive, urinar

chorion develops

a membrane surrounding the embryo

chorion projections

extend from chorion, called chorionic villi

site of CVS, chorionic villus sampling

CVS, chorionic villus sampling

a few cells of chorionic villi are removed via the mother’s cervix

-can be tested for evidence of genetic abnormalities in fetus
-can be done as early as 10th week of development

-is an alternative to amniocentesis, which is usually done at 16th week
-later in development, the chorion becomes part of the placenta

amnion also develops at this time

-a second membrane that will surround the embryo
-amniotic fluid forms inside the amnion (aka amniotic sac)
-surrounds fetus
-acts as a protective cushio

yolk sac also forms at this time

these cells later give rise to sex cells, blood and bone marrow stem cells

allantois also forms at this time

-another sac-like structure
-later forms blood cells, blood vessels

Fetal Stage

-called fetus from ninth week to birth
-period of rapid body growth
-birth usually occurs at about day 266




general term for any stage of development of a fertilized egg

Timeline of Development

zygote cleavage embryo morula

blastocyst gastrula embryo

fetus neonate