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220 Cards in this Set

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掛かる かかる

To take (e.g. money), to hang

罹る かかる

To suffer from

鍵 かぎ


限る かぎる

To restrict, to limit, to confine

描く かく

To draw, to paint, to sketch, to depict, to describe

家具 かぐ


学 がく

Learning, scholarship, erudition, knowledge

額 がく

Forehead, brow

覚悟 かくご

Resolution, resignation, readiness, preparedness

確実 かくじつ

Certainty, reliability, soundness

学者 がくしゃ


学習 がくしゅう

Study, learning

隠す かくす

To hide, to conceal

拡大 かくだい

Magnification, enlargement

確認 かくにん

Affirmation, confirmation

学問 がくもん

Scholarship, study, learning

隠れる かくれる

To hide, to be hidden, to conceal oneself, to disappeae

影 かげ

Shade, shadow, other side

陰 かげ

Shade, shadow, other side

欠ける かける

To be lacking

加減 かげん

Addition and substraction, allowance for

過去 かこ

The past, bygone days, the previous

籠 かご

Basket, cage

囲む かこむ

To surround, to encircle

火災 かさい

Conflagration, fire

貸し かし

Loan, lending

菓子 かし


家事 かじ

Housework, domestic chores

賢い かしこい

Wise, clever, smart

歌手 かしゅ


数 かず

Number, figure

稼ぐ かせぐ

To earn income, to labor

数える かぞえる

To count

型 かた

Mold, model, style, shape, data-type

肩 かた


硬い かたい

Solid, hard (esp. Metal, stone), unpolished writting

方々 かたがた

Persons, this and that, here and there, everywhere

刀 かたな

Sword, saber, knife, engraving tool

語る かたる

To talk, to tell, to recite

勝ち かち

Win, victory

価値 かち

Value, worth, merrit


Feel disappointed, be dejected, lose heart

活気 かっき

Energy, liveliness

学期 がっき

Term (school)

格好 かっこう

Shape, form, posture, suitability

活動 かつどう

Action, activity

活用 かつよう

Conjugation, practical use

悲しむ かなしむ

To be sad, to mourn for, to regret


(Not) always, (not) necessarily, (not) all, (not) entirely


Considerably, fairly, quite

金 かね

Gold, gold general

金持ち かねもち

Rich man

可能 かのう

Possible, practicable, feasible

株 かぶ

Share, stock, stump (of tree)

被る かぶる

To suffer

構う かまう

To mind, to care about, to be concerned about

我慢 がまん

Patience, endurance, perseverance

上 かみ

First volume, superior quality, govern

神 かみ


雷 かみなり


髪の毛 かみのけ

Hair (head)

科目 かもく

(School) subject, curriculum, course


May, might, perhaps, may be, possibly

火曜 かよう


空 から


柄 がら

Hilt (of sword), haft (of dagger), handgrip

刈る かる

To cut (hair), to mow (grass), to harvest

彼等 かれら

They (usually male)

川 かわ


河 かわ

River, stream

皮 かわ

Skin, hide, leather, fur, pelt, bark, shell

革 かわ



Poor, pitiable, pathetic


Lovely, sweet

缶 かん

Can, tin

勘 かん

Perception, intuition, the sixth sense

考え かんが

Thinking, thought, ideas, intention

感覚 かんかく

Sense, sensation

観客 かんきゃ

Audience, spectator(s)

環境 かんきょ

Environment, circumstance

歓迎 かんげい

Welcome, reception

観光 かんこう


観察 かんさつ

Observation, survey

感じ かんじ

Feeling, sense, impression

感謝 かんしゃ

Thanks, gratitude

患者 かんじゃ

A patient

勘定 かんじょう

Calculation, counting, considerstion

感情 かんじょう

Emotion, feeling, sentiment

感じる かんじる

To feel, to sense, to experience

心 かんしん

Admiration, well done!

関する かんする

Concern, to be related

完成 かんせい

Complete, completion, perfection, accomplishment

完全 かんぜん

Perfection, completeness

感動 かんどう

Being deeply moved, excitement, impression, deep emotion

監督 かんとく

Supervision, control, superintendence

管理 かんり

Control, management (e.g. of a business)

完了 かんりょう

Completion, conclusion

関連 かんれん

Relation, connection, relevance

議員 ぎいん

Member of the diet, Congress or parliament

関心 かんしん

Concern, interest

記憶 きおく

Memory, recollection, remembrance

気温 きおん


機械 きかい

Machine, mechanism

議会 ぎかい

Diet, Congress, parliament

期間 きかん

Period, term

機関 きかん

Organ, mechanism, facility, engine

企業 きぎょう

Enterprise, undertaking

効く きく

To be effective

機嫌 きげん

Humour, temper, mood

気候 きこう


岸 きし

Bank, coast, shore

生地 きじ


記事 きじ

Article, news story, report, account

技師 ぎし

Engineer, technician

記者 きしゃ


傷 きず

Wound, injury, hurt, cut

期待 きたい

Expectation, anticipation, hope

帰宅 きたく

Returning home

貴重 きちょう

Precious, valuable

議長 ぎちょう



Precisely, accurately


Tight, close, intense

気付く きづく

To notice, to recognize, to become aware of

気に入る きにいる

To be pleased with, to suit

記入 きにゅう

Entry, filling in of forms

記念 きねん

Commemoration, memory

機能 きのう

Function, faculty

気の毒 きのどく

Pitiful, a pity

寄付 きふ

Contribution, donation

希望 きぼう

Hope, wish, aspiration

基本 きほん

Foundation, basis, standard

決まり きまり

Settlement, conclusion, regulation, rule

気味 きみ

-like, -looking, -looked

奇妙 きみょう

Strange, queer, curious

義務 ぎむ

Duty, obligation, responsibility

疑問 ぎもん

Question, problem, doubt, guess

逆 ぎゃく

Reverse, opposite





九 きゅう


旧 きゅう


級 きゅう

Class, grade, rank, school class, grade

球 きゅう

Globe, sphere, ball

休暇 きゅうか

Holiday, day off, furlough

休憩 きゅうけい

Rest, break, recess, intermission

急激 きゅうげき

Sudden, precipitous, radical

吸収 きゅうしゅう

Absorption, suction, attraction

救助 きゅうじょ

Relief, aid, rescue

急速 きゅうそく

Rapid (e.g. process)

急に きゅうに

Swiftly, rapidly, suddenly, sharply

給料 きゅうりょう

Salary, wages

器用 きよう

Skillful, handy

教科書 きょかしょ

Text book

競技 きょうぎ

Game, match, contest

行儀 ぎょう


供給 きょうきゅ

Supply, provision

教師 きょう


教授 きょうじゅ

Teaching, instruction, professor

強調 きょうちょう

Emphasis, stress, stressed point

共通 きょうつう

Commonness, community

共同 きょうどう

Cooperation, association, collaboration, joint

恐怖 きょうふ

Be afraid, dread, dismay, terror

協力 きょうりょく

Cooperation, collaboration

強力 きょうりょく

Herculean strength, mountain carrier-guide

許可 きょか

Permission, approval

局 きょく

Court lady, lady in waiting

巨大 きょだい

Huge, gigantic, enormous

嫌う きらう

To hate, to dislike, to loathe

霧 きり

Fog, mist

切れ きれ

Cloth, piece, cut, chop

切れる きれる

To cut well, to be sharp, to break (off)


Kilo, kg, km

記録 きろく

Record, minutes, document

議論 ぎろん

Argument, discussion, dispute

金 きん

Gold, gold general

銀 ぎん

Silver, silver coin, silver paint

禁煙 きんえん

No smoking!

金額 きんがく

Amount of money

金庫 きんこ

Safe, vault, treasury, provider of funds

禁止 きんし

Prohibition, ban

金銭 きんせん

Money, cash

金属 きんぞく


近代 きんだい

Present day

緊張 きんちょう

Tension, mental strain, nervousness

筋肉 きんにく

Muscle, sinew

金融 きんゆう

Monetary circulation, credit situation

金曜 きんよう


九 く


句 く


食う くう

To eat (male, vulg)

偶然 ぐうぜん

Chance, unexpectedly, suddenly

臭い くさい

Odour, scent, smell, stench

鎖 くさり


腐る くさる

To rot, to go bad

癖 くせ

A habit (often bad), peculiarity

管 くだ

Pipe, tube

具体 ぐたい

Concrete, tangible, material

下さる くださる

To give, to confer (hon)

下り くだり

Down-train (going away from Tokyo)

苦痛 くつう

Pain, agony


Sound asleep, fast asleep

区別 くべつ

Distinction, Differentitation, classification

組 くみ

Class, group, team, set

組合 くみあい

Association, union

組む くむ

To put together

曇 くもり

Cloudiness, cloudy, weather, shadow

位 くらい

Grade, rank, about

暮らし くらし

Living, livelihood, subsistence, circumstances



暮らす くらす

To live, to get along


Glass, grass


Gland, grand, ground



繰り返す くりかえす

To repeat, to do something over again



狂う くるう

To go mad, to get out of order



苦しい くるしい

Painfull, difficult

苦しむ くるしむ

To suffer, to groan, to be worried

暮れ くれ

Year end, sunset, nightfall, end