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17 Cards in this Set

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Fungi belongs to

Kingdom MYCOTA

Who is the Father of Mycology?

Pier Antonio Micheli

It is a disease cause by fungi


Characteristics of fungi

-no nucleus

-no chlorophyll or chloroplast

The cell wall of fungi is composed of ?

Chitin and glucan

The fungal membrane of fungi contains?


Tinea nigra - presence of brown to black nonscaly macules on the palms of the hands and less commonly the dorsal of the feet.Infections are most commonly caused by

Hortaea wernickii.

Black piedra - fungal infection of the scalp hair and less frequently the beard,mustache,axillary and pubic hair.The disease is characterized by the presence of hard,dark nodules on the hair shaft. The causative agent is called

Piedra hortaea

White piedra - fungal infection of facial,axillary,or genital hairs and less commonly the scalp.Characterized by the presence of soft,white,yellowish,beige,or greenish nodules on the hair shaft.

Causative agent is called

Trichosporon ovoidesis

causes most cases of pubic white piedra.

Trichosporon inkin

Sporotrichosis This infection,characterized by a granulomatous ulcer at the puncture site,may produce secondary lesions along the draining lymphatics.The causative organism is called

Sporothrix schenckii,

is a dimorphic fungus that exhibits the yeast form in infected tissue and the mycelial form upon laboratory culture.Oral Itraconazole is the drug of choice.

Sporothrix schenckii

also called chromoblsastomycosis, this infection is characterized by wartty nodules that spread slowly along the lymphatics and develop crusty abscesses.


Also known as Maduras foot


is the presence of colored grains,composed of compacted hyphae in the exudate.There is no effective chemotherapy for this fungal .Treatment is usually surgical excision.

Mycetoma (Maduras foots)

Coccidioidomycosis is Caused by

Coccidioides immitis,

can cause fever with varying degrees of respiratory illness(called valley fever because of its prevalence in the San Joaquin Valley of the southwestern United States)

Coccidioides immitis