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17 Cards in this Set

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Phrasal verbs are very common in English, regardless of whether the speech is formal or informal.

بغضّ النظر عن

They are made up of a verb and a particle or, sometimes, two particles. The particle often changes the meaning of the verb.

فيما يتعلّق ب، فيما يرتبط بِ، فيما يخصّ

Regarding what you told me yesterday, I called Jen to see how she was. (call = to telephone)

طبقاً لِ، بناءً على، بحسب

According to what happened yesterday, they've called off the meeting.

( call of = to cancel)

> In terms of word order, there are two main types of phrasal verbs:

separable and inseparable


"With separable phrasal verbs, the verb and particle can be apart or together".

They've called the meeting off.

Or They've called off the meeting.

"However, separable phrasal verbs must be separated when you use a personal pronoun".

*الله تعالى أعلم أن object pronouns يعني هي اللازم تكون بين قسمي الفعل المركب المنفصل- القابل للفصل-

The meeting?

They called it off.

And here are some common separable phrasal verbs:


Bring up

start talking about a particular subject

• يُنشئ ويُربّي

I didn't want to bring the situation up at the meeting.

• His grandmother brought him up.

Why are you bringing that argument up now?

• Money was a worry but he didn't know how to bring it up.

(2) meanings

يُنشِئ، يُربّي / يرفع، يطرح، يتحدث

في (موضوع معين)

Fill in

= write information in a form or document.

This is the form. Please can you fill it in?

Please can you fill in this form?

يملأ، يكتب معلومات في استمارة،طلب

Turn down

= to not accept an offer

She turned the job down because she didn't want to move to Glasgow. منطقة) غلاسكو)

• The invitation to the wedding? I politely turned it down.


Pick up

= collect someone in a car or other vehicle to take them somewhere مركبة ×h×

• I'll pick up my children after school.

• I'll pick you up from the station at 8 p.m. Or 8 PM.

يلتقط، يصطحب

Look over

= To examine or inspect something or someone.

We'll have to look over this issue to solve that problem.

• He looked over his shoulder and saw his fiance walking the dog. خطيبة تمشي مع الكلب

(2) meanings

ينظر مرة أخرى( يتصفّح بعينيه) /

يُعيد النظر في(يفكّر مرة أخرى بعقله)

Do over

The actors had to do a scene over because the camera man forgot to press record.

Keep doing your essay over until it is perfect.

Let’s do over the walls in yellow.

They did the whole kitchen over to make it bigger.

(2) meanings

يفعل مرة أخرى( يُعيد فعل) من أجل التحسين / يُزيّن

1. To do something again in order to improve or correct mistakes.

2. To decorate a room or an area in a totally different way.

Take someone/something back

The smell of the sea took him back to his childhood.

That song takes me back 30 years.

Ok, I admit that what you said is correct, and I take what I said all back. يعترف

I should take my wife back home and apologize to her.

• I need to take back the shirt I lent you.

Where's the shirt I lent you? I need to take it back.

• The country was taken back by its champions.

(3) meanings

يُعيد شخص ما / يسترجع شيء ما ويستردّه / يتراجع عن

Show somebody around (somewhere)

We were shown around the school by one of the students.

Has anyone shown you around yet?

• Let me know when you're coming to Palestine, and I'll show you around.

• A guide showed us around the exhibition. معرض (exhibit: يعرض)

John had never seen the Church of the Nativity, so I offered to show him around.

To guide someone when they visit a place for the first time (they have not visited it before) to show them what is interesting or to lead them through that place.

باختصار (يأخذ شخص ما في جولة)

✏️ Set up

1) to assemble or prepare something for use > to make a piece of equipment or a machine ready for use: يُجمّع ويحضّر شيء ما حتى يكون جاهز للاستخدام بمعنى

يُعدّه ويُجهّز

Can you help me set up the computer? I don’t know how to do it.

• My computer needs to be set up. Can you help me?

• We have to set up all this equipment before the meeting starts.

• All this equipment has to be set up before the meeting starts.

She wants to talk to him about setting up her mobile phone with email access.

2) يُنشئ...(Establish)

• A fund will be set up for dead men's families. صندوق تبرعات

The government will set it up for victims of the earthquake.

3) يضع، يبني، ينصب خيمة، حاجز،...

• The police set up roadblocks on routes out of the city.

نصبت الشرطة حواجز على طرق الخروج من المدينة.

(3) meanings

* road= street شارع

* route طريق، مسار، مسلك

Bring in

1) to introduce something new such as a product or a law:

• New safety regulations have been brought in. نظام،قاعدة،قانون

Well, we don't have enough time right now, but I'll bring more examples in for the next class.

2) to make money:

•Their chain of restaurants brings in millions of dollars a year.

Or to earn money:

•She brings in about $600 a week.

3) to ask someone to do a particular job:

• We need to bring in an expert to deal with this problem.

4) to attract somebody or something to a place or business. يجذب، يلفت، يستهوي

We're hoping that the price reductions will bring in the customers.

يُقدّم، يعرض

•يعمل مال، يكسب مال

> لاحظ بهذا المعنى تكون inseparable.

•يستعين بأحد ما ويطلب منه القيام بعمل معين

•يجذب، يستهوي

Hand in

• Please hand in the essay on time. You can even hand it in early.

• If your computer breaks, you still have to hand the essay in on time.

• Have you handed in your history essay yet?

• I've decided to hand in my resignation.

(= tell my employer I am leaving my job).

• The students must hand in the projects by the end of the month. بحلول

Hand in the form to the customs officer after filling it out.

* fill in = fill out


To give something to someone in a position of authority:

سلطة حاكمة/ نفوذ، قوة، حكم.

Hand back

The teacher will hand back the tests next Thursday.

• Or the teacher will hand them back next Thursday.

To give something to the person who gave it to you


Give back

to return something to the person who gave it to you:

Has she given you those books back yet?

• The United States controlled the canal but gave control back to Panama in 2000.

Or gave back control to...

يُعيد، يُرجِع

Break down

1) 🖊️ When you simplify a complicated idea, thought, process, situation, etc, and divide it into smaller parts.

• Please break down the process into simple terms, so everyone can understand it.

• Can you break it down for me one more time, please?

Well, you only start the summary, so you might say in German in your case, 'Okay so the first thing I have to do is?' and make it a question. Or for example, 'And which office is that again?' Break it down into smaller questions and the other person will naturally start answering them. That way you're controlling the conversation a bit more.

* conversation/ dialogue/ talk/ discussion حلوات 😁

🖊️When a substance is reduced to its smallest parts.

• Did you know that the liver is the organ responsible for breaking down alcohol in your body so you don’t get poisoned?

السُم. الكبد

A molecule is made up of two or more atoms, so if you break a molecule down, there will be two or more atoms.

2) When something is not functioning/working correctly.

*This meaning has an adjective form for describing a situation where something is in bad condition or is broken.

• Our road trip was going well until our car broke down in the middle of it!

• My computer lasted for 10 years before it finally broke down. يدوم، يستمر

[Adj] The company restores broken-down toys and equipment so they can resell them on eBay. يُخزّن

يُبسِّط simplify

يُعقّد complicate >

معقد complex/ complicated

1) يقسّم / [يُفكّك، يُكسّر \يتفكك، يتكسّر]

2) يتعطّل بهذا المعنى يكون inseparable لأنها ببساطة intransitive