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32 Cards in this Set

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102.1 State the purpose of the Navy Training System.

Ensure a systematic approach for determining what to train and how best to accomplish it.

System with 3 distinct but inter-related elements: preparation to train, delivery of training, evaluation of training.

102.2 Define the most essential, single link in the training chain.

The instructor: must simplify the learning process for students of varied backgrounds and experience in a complex training system.

Must present knowledge and skills required to transform students into proficient and productive members of the operating forces.

102.3 State and discuss the 3 qualities of an efficient and effective instructor.

Knowledge: be thoroughly familiar with subject matter as SME. Know more about subject than what you teach. Training to meet needs of Navy. Know basic instructional strategies and techniques.

Ability: professional ability; leadership skillsc optimizing use of resources delegating authority, disciplining and rewarding, instructional ability; be efficient and effective. Know principles, methods, techniques of instruction

Personality: gain respect of students by displaying professional attitude towards others. Adhere to rules of conduct; instructor's code of ethics.

102.4 Discuss the Instructor's responsibility in terms of:

a. Responsibility to students

b. Responsibility to training safety

c. Responsibility to security

d. Responsibility to curriculum

a. Teach effectively, set a good example for students to follow, and resolve conflicts, which can hinder training. Fraternization/sexual harassment/diversity.

b. Demonstrate proper safety procedures, in addition to teaching students. Ensure a safe training environment for students.

c. Be aware of all requirements for teaching and storage of classified material. Never downplay importance of the security of classified material.

d. know surveillance process, maintenance of the curriculum to ensure course remaints current and accurate.

102.5 List and discuss the four principles of John Keller's model of motivational theory.

Confidence: guide learners by helping them set challenging but achievable goals, building their confidence, and helping them become aware of the relationship between effort and success.

Attention: learners must think about what they hear, see, or do to optimize learning.

Relevance: connecting what trainees are learning to what they will be doing on the job.

Satisfaction: feeling good about an experience often serves as its own motivator. Creating opportunities for them to succeed, maintaining high standards, and recognition for their attainment.

102.6 List and discuss key principles of applying motivation theory in a training situation.

Needs and drives: lack of something desirable or useful that causes a desire for satisfaction.

Attitudes: feelings for or against people, objects, or ideas.

Achievements: strong desire, an aim, a goal or a desired objective.

Values: student's values, attitudes, and prior experience affect student learning.

Interests: person's view of an activity as worthwhile or enjoyable for its own sake.

Incentives: rewards, stimulate student motivation.

102.7 State the ultimate goal of instruction.

To cause students to remain motivated beyond the instructor's influence and apply what they have learned on the job and in other areas of their lives.

102.8 State and discuss the six laws of learning.

Law of readiness: people can only learn when they are physically and mentally ready.

Law of exercise: practice makes permanent and perfect (when taught correctly).

Law of effect: emotional reaction of learner.

Law of primacy: first instructional event often creates a strong impression on the learner.

Law of intensity: if stimulus is real, a change in behavior or far more likely to occur.

Law of recency: things learned last will be best remembered.

102.9 State and discuss the five ways of learning.

Association: comparison of past learning to new learning situations, mental process.

Trial and Error: learning by doing, hands-on experience, instructor setting proper example.

Imitation: students observe and imitate behavior of others, primarily instructor.

Transfer: applying past learning to new but somewhat similar situation.

Insight: understanding that the whole is more than just the sum of the parts, "ah-ha" moment.

102.10 Discuss how motivation affects student learning.

Motivation often has as much or more impact than scholastic ability. Students bring different abilities and experience levels to the training environment. Motivation often determines whether or not a student achieves course objectives.

102.11 State and discuss the types of sensory learners.

Sensory learning is the first type of learning that occurs.

Visual learner: visual learning accounts for 75% of basic learning, visual aids.

Auditory learner: learners prefer verbal presentation of new information

Kinesthetic learner: spatial relationship with surroundings, blend of all senses with psychomotor and perceptual skills

102.12 State and discuss the four basic learning styles.

Concrete learners: experience-based approach to learning. Relies on feelings/personal judgments.

Active learners: becoming involved with subject and taking active step by step approach.

Reflective learners: observe and reflect before drawing conclusions.

Abstract learners: theory-based, analytical approach to learning, solitary thinking.

102.13 Discuss the barriers to effective communication.

Fear: fear of showing ignorance, disapproval, losing status, judgment.

Overuse of abstractionisms: concepts, ideas, or words not directly related to subject

Lack of common core experience: unlikely that any group will have same common core experience.

Environmental factors: noises and temperature may interfere with the communication process.

102.14 State and discuss the purpose of an effective communication process.

Communication is the exchange of thoughts, opinions, and information through speech, writing, nonverbal cues, signs and images. The communication process consists of a sender, a message, a delivery vehicle, and a receiver.

102.15 Discuss the importance of listening communication skills.

It is an active process of hearing and understanding, which demands concentration and attention. Instructor must ensure environment is free of distractions, and be alert to their non-verbal behavior. Learn to determine listening by type of feedback. Effective listening depends on motivation. Students must take responsibility through active listening, arriving ready to learn, participating.

102.16 Describe six factors that must be considered in planning instructional delivery.

Force (of delivery)


Rate of Speech




102.17 State and discuss the importance of body movement as an important part of successful communication.

Body movement reinforces, emphasizes, and clarifies verbally expressed ideas.

102.18 State and discuss the four purposes of oral questioning.

Focuses attention.

Arouses interest in subject matter.

Drills students on subject matter.

Stimulates students to think.

102.19 State and discuss the characteristics of a good oral question.

Clarity of meaning: ensure questions convey the true or intended meaning, brief/conversational

Level of instruction: simple words, correct grammar, complete sentences.

Use of an interrogative: us at beginning of questions so students know immediately when a question is being asked.

102.20 Discuss the types and purpose of oral questions.

Multiple answer: more than one correct answer.

Yes/No: can be used to arouse interest.

Canvassing: helps determine who is already familiar with subject matter.

Leading: suggests its own answer.

Interest arousing: used to focus student attention.

Factual question: asks for specific information.

Thought provoking: stimulates student thinking.

102.21 State the five steps of the five-step questioning technique.



Pick (call on a student by name)

Listen (comment on answer)

Emphasize correct answer

102.22 List and discuss the different instructional methods.

Lecture: instructional presentation, presents a large amount of info in a short period of time.

Lecture with audiovisuals: learning aids.

Lesson: transfer knowledge or information.

Demonstration: covers all steps needed to learn a skill in an effective learning sequence.

Role-playing: assume active roles in simulated situations followed by group discussions.

Team dimensional training: team members diagnose and correct own performance problems

Gaming and simulation: most recent generation, manipulating characters in a variety of crises.

102.23 State and discuss the three parts of a learning objective.

Behavior: what student will be able to do, consists of subject/object/verb.

Condition: aiding and limiting factors imposed upon student in satisfying performance requirements. From memory if not specified in TLO.

Standard: what degree of proficiency will be required to perform behavior 100% if no stated in the TLO.

102.24 Discuss the two methods of testing and their importance.

Knowledge: measure achievement of objectives through use of test items written at appropriate learning level.

Performance: measure skill acquisition by having student demonstrate specific behaviors defined by learning objectives.

102.25 Explain the five learning levels a knowledge test item may test. (order is important)

Comprehension: understanding of what was taught rather than simply memorizing information.

Recognition: verbatim identification of terms, facts, rules, methods, principles, procedures.

Recall: respond from memory exactly as taught.

Application: use acquired knowledge in a job-related situation.

Analysis/evaluation: involves understanding of elements of data and judgment of the value of effectiveness of procedures or solutions.

102.26 Discuss the different types of performance tests.

Product: comparing student effort to an acceptable completed example.

Process: correctly follow procedural steps in completing a task.

Combination: combination of both process and product measurement.

102.27 List and describe the primary materials used in presenting instruction.

Lesson Plan: (front matter, lesson topics) ensures proper sequence and depth required by objectives.

Instruction Sheets: (outline, job, problem, assignment, information, diagram) provide students information or directions. "OJPAID"

IMM/Visual Media Material: specially prepared exhibit that will assists students in understanding and expedite training.

102.28 Discuss student feedback/course critique.

Purpose of the student critique program is to provide feedback to training and course supervisors on areas such as training and curriculum effectiveness, instructor performance, safety, and quality of life issues. Source of feedback to instructors on their performance.

102.29 Discuss the following programs and include possible actions and responsibilities of an instructor.

a. Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)

b. Navy Core Values

c. Sexual Harassment

d. Diversity

102.30 Discuss the instructor qualification process.

Upon completion of formal instructor training and immediately upon arrival at instructor assignment, learning centers will direct a formal process to certify new instructors to ensure proficiency in two areas: instructional technique and technical knowledge.

102.31 Discuss the instructor disqualification factors and process.

Instructors failing to maintain original screening requirements as well as instructors receiving unsatisfactory evaluations shall be disqualified. Reclassified (NEC 9502 removal process and reassignment); cognizant learning centers have authority to establish what constitutes disqualification of their instructors. LCs may re-qualify individuals when deficiencies have been corrected or standards met by cognizant LC guidelines.

102.32 Discuss the items with your mentor that can be found on the MTS Community of Practicee (CoP).

MTS COP: MTS program manager, all applicable instructions, MTS PQS, certificate requests, program description, and feedback.