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35 Cards in this Set

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what are the  Structures of the Urinary System ?
× Kidneys- remove waste from the blood and excrete it in urine
× Ureters- urine travels via these to the urinary bladder
× Urinary bladder- stores urine until it is eliminated
× Urethra- site of urine excretion
× Defense system of urinary system: flushing action; desquamation (shedding of the epithelial cells); acidic pH; lysozyme, lactoferrin, lgA antibodies
Describe the male reproductive system.

the parts and their functions
× Male: (23.2)

- Testes- production of sperm cells and hormones

- Epididimis- duct leading from the testes

- Prostate gland- provides fluid for the semen

- Penis- terminal part
Describe the female reproductive system.

the parts and their functions
-Ovaries- production of egg cells

-Fallopian tubes- transport of the egg into the uterus

-Uterus- fetusdeelops

-Vagina- terminal portion of the system
where is the Normal Microbiota of the Urinary tract and Reproductive system ?
× Urethra
-Colonized by some microorganisms
-Primary species include Lactobacillus and Stapholococcus, nonhemolytic streptococci

× Remainder of the urinary organs are sterile (under normal conditions)

× Male reprodctive system
-The regions above the prostate are sterile

× Female reproductive system
-The vagina is colonized by various microorganisms depending on hormone levels (lactobacillus, corynebacteria, cocci…)
-Role of lactobacillus is protective- provides low pH and discourges growth of other microorganisms
name 3 Examples of bacterial diseases of the urinary system
× Example of bacterial diseases of the urinary system
- Cystitis
- Leptospirosis
- Streptococcal acute glomerulonephritis
describe  Cystitis

- cause
-portal of entry
× Inflammation of the urinary bladder
× Causitive agents: E. coli, Klebsiella, Proteus, and Pseudomonas
× Portal of entry: Urethra- often by self-inoculation with fecal bacteria
× Females are more susceptible- due to short urethra that is close to anus
× Signs/ Symptoms: frequent, urgent, painful urination; urine may be cloudy
× Diagnosis: analysis of urine
× Treatement: Antimicrobial drugs
× *on nutrient agar it will show how much bacteria is on one ml of urine
what are the 3 types of STDs?
- Bacterial STDs
- Viral STDs
- Protozoan STDs
is candidiasis sexually transmitted?
describe candidiasis

-Predisposing factors
× Candidiasis- most common vaginal infection
× Causitive agent: yeast Candida albicans
× Not sexually transmitted
× Opportunistic overgrowth when the competing (normal) microbiota is supressed
× Predisposing factors: diabetes, pregnancy and antibiotic therapy
what is  Trichomoniasis?

- treatment
 Trichomoniasis
× Causitive agent: Trichomonas vaginalis- aerobic protozoan
× Inhabitant of vagina and urethra in males
× Males have no symptoms of infection
× Symptoms in female: irritation and itching with the discharge
× Treatment: metranidazol- administered to both partners
True or false?

× Bacteria are a common cause in STDs
true or false.

× Bacteria causing STDs survive on inanimate objects and are thus transmitted via sexual intercourse

× Bacteria causing STDs survive POORLY on inanimate objects and are thus transmitted via sexual intercourse
Examples of bacterial STDs ____
 Gonorrhea
 Syphilis
 Chlamydial infections
What causes  Gonorrhea and how is the infection started?
× Causitive agent: Neisseria gonorrheae
× Diplococci (Gonococcus) are attached to epithelial cells by fimbriae
× The infection is followed by inflammation
what are the symptoms of Gonorrhea?
× Symptoms in males: painful urination and discharge of pus (few days after infection).
× Females are asymtomatic (in most cases). (Abdominal pain as the result of pelvic inflammatory disease)
what are the complications of Gonorrhea?
× Complications of gonorrhea

- If not treated (both males and females)
× Gonorrheal endocarditis, gonorrheal meningitis, gonorrheal arthritis, gonorrheal infection of eyes and pharynx

- In males:
× Blockage of urethra and sprem carrying tube (sterility)

- in females:
× untreated gonorrhea may lead to ophtalmia neonatorum
o blindness caused by infectioin of infants during the birth
What is the treatment for Gonorrhea?
× Treatment: Penicillin, ciprofloxacin, cephalosporins (high rate of resistant strains)
× There is no adaptive immunity
Can men get Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)?
No, women only.
what is Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)?

- cause
-incubation period
 Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)- women only

× Inflammation of the uterus and fallopian tubes
× Cause: Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamidia trachomatis, Mycoplasma hominis (rarely)
× Untreated PID can cuase ectopic pregnancy or streility
× Signs/ symptoms: inflammation of uterine tubes, fever, abdominal pain
× Incubation period: months to years after infection
× Treatment: cephalosporin
true or false

× Chlamydia is the least frequently reported bacterial STD in the united states

× Chlamydia is the MOST frequently reported bacterial STD in the united states
why is chlamydia known as the silent diease?
× Known as a “silent” disease because about ¾ of infected women and ½ of infected men have no symptoms whatsoever
What are the symptoms of chlamydia?
× Symptoms in women:
- The bacteria initially infect the cervix and the urethra; might have an abnormal vaginal discharge or a burning sensation when urinating
- If not treated- pelvic inflammatory disease

× Symptoms in men
- Discharge from the penis or a burning sensation when urinating

-Up to 25% of women treated for chlamidia get reinfected within three to six months
what causes  Syphilis?
× Causitive agent- Treponema pallidum, Gr- spirochete

Cannot be grown on artificial media
how is syphilis transmitted and what is the incubation period?
× Transmitted by sexual contact
- Can also be transmitted from mother to fetus

× Incubation is between 2 weeks to several months
what are the stages of syphilis?
The disease has several stages:

× Primary stage
~Soft chancre- small lesions on the skin in the site of infection
~10-90 days after infection
~They are painless and later disappear
~The bacteria enter the blood stream

× Secondary stage
~Seceral weeks aftr the primary stage0 skin rashes and lesions (contains bacteria), infection by non-sexual contact is possible
~The symptoms disappear and the disease remains latent for 2-4 years (non- infectious stage)

× Tertiary stage
~Largely non-transmissible
~Primary and secondary syphilis are not disabling- if not treated prodresses to 3rd stage
~Lesions called gummas (rubbery thickening of the skin or internal organs)- not very infectious
~Organs affected- cardiovascular system, and brain resulting in personality change, blindness and seizure
How is syphilis diagnosed and what is the treatment for it?
 Syphilis
× Diagnosis of primary, secondary, and congenital syphilis: presence of specific antibody against T. pallidum antigens

× Treatment: Benzathin penicillin- long lasting, remains in body for 2 weeks
what is  Congenial Syphilis?
× Occurs when a child is born to a mother with seconday or tertiary syphilis
× Some infants have symptoms at birth, but most develop symptoms later (23.16 b)
what causes  Genital Herpes ?
× Causitive agent: Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2)
× HSV-1 can also cause Genital Herpes
what are the symptoms of genital herpes?
× Symptoms: (one week after infection) Asymptomatic, or vesicles appear on the skin of genital organs, painful urination
 Blisters may form at sites far from initial infection site
× Rarely meningitis or encephalitis may occue
× Vesicles disappear in 2 weeks
× Herpesvirus kills epithelial cells at infection site
true or flase

Herpevirus doesn't kill epithelial cells at infection site, it kills connective cells.

× Herpesvirus kills epithelial cells at infection site
Describe if Herpes virus remains latent and where?
× Virus remains in a latent state in nerve cells Reactivation of a virus can happen every 3-4 months
is there a cure for herpes?


× Acyclovir alleviates the symptoms
× Valaclovir if taken daily reduces sexual transmission
Describe  Wart Diesase

× Caused by human papillomavirus (HPV)- more then 90 different types of this virus
× Symptoms: warts- outgrowth of tissue on the genital or on the skin in the groin area
× Some types of HPV in females can lead to malignancies of the cervix (HPV-16 and HPV-18)
× The existing vaccine provides protection against 4 types of HPV. Recommended for girls age 9
× Prevention: Precancerous changes can be detected early- Pap smear
× The affected tissue is removed
what is the most causative agent for urinary tract infections?
true or false
 The secondary stage of syphilis infection of non sexual contact is possible