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13 Cards in this Set

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This may be acute or chronic and cause inflammation on the pancreas


There are 3 digestive enzymes that are delivered from the common bile duct into the small intestines




What is the most important pancreatic enzyme


Tumor of the pancreas often cause obstruction of the pancreatic duct causing

Symptoms similar to Acute pancreatitis

A patient was diagnosed with 3-12 months to live. It is often widespread in the gi and before it is diagnosed with a very poor prognosis . What type of cancer is this

Pancreatic cancer

There is no cure for cirrhosis but what other medical management is there

Vitamin k supplement iv and im

Fluid and sodium restrictions

Blood transfusions

Liver transplant considered

Test serum levels to prevent hepatic encephalopathy

What is most likely present when ast and alt are found together in elevated amounts in the blood

Liver damage

This enzyme is almost excessively found and is formally known as

Alt and sgpt

AST enzymes are also found where and what are they formally known as

Muscles and other organs besides the liver and sgot

What are the two main liver enzymes in the blood that the lft test for

AST and alt

When liver cells are damaged or destroyed the enzymes in the cells leak into the blood . What test can this be measured by

Liver fx test

AST and alt levels

T or f

Most ammonia is formed in the body when protein is broke down by bacteria in the intestines the liver converts ammonia to urea which is eliminated in the urine


Ammonia test measure

The amount of ammonia in the blood