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72 Cards in this Set

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How do you test for intraocular pressure?
Tonipen testing-touch pen to eye.
For glaucome.
Normal signs of aging in the eye?
Light yellow sclera, slow pupil recovery, gray ring around the iris
What is an eye symptom NOT associated with normal signs of aging?
How do you assess for accomodation of the eyes?
Watch pupils dilate and constrict as move object closer/distant
What is a good patient teaching for the eyes regarding the eyes?
Wear sunglasses that protect from UV light to prevent development of cataracts.
What is the average time a person blinks their eyes per minute?
15 per minute. If less, add eye drops or artificial tears.
What is the term for loss of the central area of vision assoc. with aging?
Macular degeneration
What are two tests for visual acuity?
What do they test?
If a patient has presbyopia, what vision test do you use?
When asking about sleeping habits and a patient says they sleep with the radio on,what do you ask about?
Tinnitus-ringing of the ears
What test is used for hearing? Describe it.
Rinne test-tests air conduction vs. bone conduction hearing
In a Rinne test, what are normal results?
Air conduction is 2X longer than bone.
In normal aging, what are the results of a Rinne test?
Often presbycusis, bone is longer than air
If a person wears bifocal glasses, what eye problems are they correcting?
Myopia, Presbyopia-near and distant vision
A patient is in an MVA and wears contacts. You must assess vision. What do you do first?
Remove the contacts.
How do you walk with a blind person?
Walk 1 step and slightly to the side of the person with their hand on your elbow. Warn them of height changes.
How do you prevent spread of eye diseases between eyes or other people?
Wash hands often. Now swapping washcloths, avoid eye touching or dropper touching. No cosmetics.
A patient is having cataract surgery. What do you do before surgery?
Assess vision in other eye before surgery.
After cataract removal surgery, what teaching do you address?
For the patient, how to correctly add eyedrops to eye
What are the s/s of retinal detachment?
No pain
Loss of central and peripheral vision
light flashes-go now to ER!
What are some everyday causes of IOP?
lifting, coughing, sneezing, straining during bowel movements
What are some workrelated preventable causes of hearing damage?
loud workplace, loud music, guns
What are some frequently used drugs that cause ototoxicity?
Gentomycin, tobomycin, aspirin, lasix
What is a nursing diagnosis appropriate for Meniere's disease?
Risk for falls r/t ms
With an older patient, how do you best communicate with them?
Drop voice, slower speech, face them
What is the best way to fit a hearing aid?
Go to a quiet environment to experiment with the volume. Turn up volume until they can hear.
What are cochlear implants used for?
Sensinuero hearing loss
A patient is in respiratory distress. What is the FIRST action?
Focus on respiratory system. Do not try to complete a full assessment. Do that later.
What is the proper position for a thoracentesis?
How much s/b removed?
Sit up, lean on table.
Remove 1 L of fluid from pleural area
A patient is in metabolic acidosis and is diabetic. What would you expect to observe?
Kussmaul's respirations-rapid, deep breathing to blow off excess CO2
How does smoking affect the lung action?
Kills the ciliary action and mucociliary action to clear the lungs
What are the normal blood gas values?
pH 7.35-7.45
pCO2 35-45
HCO3 22-26
A person with COPD exhibits a barrel chest. Why?
The alveoli are overinflating because of air trapping
How do you perform tactile fremitus?
Stand behind the patient. Place the hand on the top of the patients back, asking them to say 99,move down
What do you check before a bronchoscopy is performed?
gag reflex
Assess high pitch blowing sound in the lung bases.
Bronchial sounds s/b heard in bronchials not bases.
Norms of:
arterial pressure
oxygen saturation of blood
O2 80-100%
SaO2 95-100%
What is a CT uses to rule out regarding the lungs?
Pulmonary embolis
What should you ask a patient BEFORE performing a CT?
allergies to iodine or shellfish
Used in contrast media.
What should you educate the postop rhinoplasty patient regarding positions?
45 degrees head elevation for 48 hours sitting to decrease swelling
How do you immediately stop a nosebleed?
Lean forward, pinch soft end of nose and apply direct pressure
How do you treat allergic rhinitis?
Identify allergen and avoid it.
Patient has an upper respiratory infection. How do you prevent a secondary infection?
high intake of oral fluids, watch change of sputum color, give tylenol for discomfort, nasal spray 3 days only
When assessing apnea, what do you ask?
CPAP machine? Use how often?
What action do you perform before patient suctioning?
Hyperoxygenation then suction 10-15 seconds.
Regarding sunctioning, which body areas are clean, which are sterile?
sterile-trachea, lungs
What action do you do before deflating the trach tube?
Suction first.
What behavior increases the chance of laryngeal cancer?
alcohol use
A patient had a radical neck dissection. What is the highest nursing priority?
Airway-maintain patency
Education of nasal inhaler use.
Blow nose before beginning. Squirt to side on inside of nostril. Then breath out of mouth.
A patient has a nonproductive cough with sputum. What is their nursing diagnosis?
Ineffective airway clearance
How do you promote airway clearance of a pneumonia patient?
Encourage coughing with a pillow splint at lung level while coughing
A patient has 89% OSat, pneumonia, weak, needs assistance out of bed. What is priority?
Impaired gas exchange
What are some nursing education topics for prevention of recurring pneumonia?
Vaccination, deep breathing, coughing
How do you prevent aspiration pneumonia?
Turn pt on lateral side to prevent swallowing.
What makes a person at risk for aspiration?
Change in LOC, impaired swallowing, GERD
When is a patient with TB considered non-contagious anymore?
After 3 consecutive negative sputums
How to prevent TB transmission?
Frequent hand washing
Use tissues 1X
Cover mouth when coughing
How is B6 beneficial regarding TB?
Prevents peripheral nerve damage
How do you encourage a homeless person to get the series of meds to treat TB?
Offer food with meds.
What education do you give a 40PPY smoker?
Smoking cessation
A patient has chronic bronchitis. What is an observable goal of treatment reached?
Cough, productive
What is the characteristic to confirm CHRONIC bronchitis?
Bronchitis that happened 2+ times in consecutive years
What is the purpose of pursed lips breathing?
Helps blow off CO2 and prevent collapse of airway, prevent airtrapping
What is cor pulmonale?
Right sided heart failure. Symptoms observed are JVD, ascites, edema
What is an observable symptom of an acute asthma attack?
How do you treat wheezing?
Maintain airway--Give meds-bronchidilator
A COPD patient states they can't do anything for self anymore. What would be a dx?
Ineffective coping r/t loss of independence
A Cystic Fibrosis patient experiences lung tightening and secretions. What is an intervention?
Chest physiotherapy
A patient has an acute asthma attack. What is intervention?
Give albuteral ASAP
What would be a dietary intervention for COPD patient?
High calorie, small, frequent meals