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94 Cards in this Set

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The task environment is the set of forces and conditions that originate with:





Who provides an organization with the input resources (such as raw materials, component parts, or employees) it needs to produce goods and services?


An organization that is not presently in a task environment but has the resources to enter if it so chooses is called a

potential competitor.

What factors make it difficult and costly for a company to enter a particular task environment or industry?

Barriers to entry

What are the cost advantages associated with large operations?

Economies of scale

______ is customers' preference for the products of organizations currently in the task environment.

Brand loyalty

Which of the following changes explain the global force in the general environment?

Political systems

The traditional system of relationships established between people and groups in a society is referred to as:

social structure.

______ forces are pressures emanating from the social structure of a country or society or from the national culture, such the concern for diversity

Sociocultural forces

______ forces are outcomes of changes in, or changing attitudes toward, the characteristics of a population.


What is the tax that a government imposes on goods imported into the country from another country?

A tariff

______ states that if each country specializes in the production of the goods and services that it can produce most efficiently, this will make the best use of global resources.

The free-trade doctrine

______ are unwritten, informal codes of conduct that prescribe appropriate behavior in particular situations and are considered important by most members of a group or organization.


Values and norms are the building blocks of national:


______ is a worldview that values subordination of the individual to the goals of the group and adherence to the principle that people should be judged by their contribution to the group


Societies with ______ are easygoing, value diversity, and tolerate differences in personal beliefs and actions.

low uncertainty avoidance

A national culture with a ______ rests on values such as saving and persistence in achieving goals.

long-term orientation

A national culture with a ______ is concerned with living for the present.

short-term orientation

What process occurs when managers search for ways to improve organizational performance to benefit customers, employees, and other stakeholder groups?

Decision making

What type of decisions are made based on rules and guidelines?


The decision making process that is routine or automatic is referred to as:


Managers rely on ______—feelings, beliefs, and hunches that come readily to mind, require little effort and information gathering, and result in on-the-spot decisions


Which model specifies how decisions should be made?


What term describes the situation in which the number of alternatives a manager must identify is so great and the amount of information so vast that it is difficult for the manager to even come close to evaluating it all before making a decision?

Bounded rationality

Information is incomplete because of:



time constraints.


What is present when managers know the possible outcomes of a particular course of action and can assign probabilities to them?


When ______exists, the probabilities of alternative outcomes cannot be determined and future outcomes are unknown.


______ is searching for and choosing an acceptable response, rather than trying to make the best decision.


In the real world, managers must rely on their ______ to make what seems to them to be the best decision in the face of uncertainty and ambiguity.


What are rules of thumb that simplify the process of making decisions?


The tendency of decision makers to overestimate their ability to control activities and events is called

illusion of control.

______ is source of cognitive bias resulting from the tendency to commit additional resources to a project even if evidence shows that the project is failing.

Escalating commitment

______ is a pattern of faulty and biased decision making that occurs in groups whose members strive for agreement among themselves at the expense of accurately assessing information relevant to a decision.


A critical analysis of a preferred alternative, made in response to challenges raised by a group member who defends unpopular or opposing alternatives for the sake of argument is referred to as

devil's advocacy.

______ learning is the process through which managers seek to improve employees' desire and ability to understand and manage the organization.


______ is a decision maker's ability to discover original and novel ideas that lead to feasible alternative courses of action.


______ is a cluster of related managerial decisions and actions to help an organization attain one of its goals.

A strategy

What statement explains an organization's purpose, products, and customer base that differentiate an organization from its competitor?

Mission statement

______ means that managers need to make every attempt to collect and use all available information in the planning process.


In large organizations planning usually takes the ______ level of management. corporate, business or division, and department or functional.





The ______ plan contains top management's decisions concerning the organization's mission and goals, overall (corporate-level) strategy, and structure.


______ strategy outlines the specific methods a division, business unit, or organization will use to compete effectively against its rivals in an industry.


Typically ______-level goals and strategies require long- and intermediate-term plans.


______-level goals and strategies require intermediate- and short-term plans.


The use of ______ plans allows managers to plan flexibility without losing sight of the need to plan for the long term.


______ plans are used in situations in which programmed decision making is appropriate.


A ______ is a general guide to action.


A ______ is a formal, written guide to action.


A ______ is a written instruction describing the exact series of actions that should be followed in a specific situation.

standing operating procedure

______ is the generation of multiple forecasts of future conditions followed by an analysis of how to respond effectively to each of those conditions.

Scenario planning

A planning exercise that analyzes the internal strengths and weaknesses the external opportunities and threats of the external environment is referred to as:

scenario planning.

SWOT analysis.

In a _____ strategy, managers try to gain a competitive advantage by focusing the energy of all the organization's departments or functions on driving the company's costs down below the costs of its industry rivals.


______ is the corporate-level strategy of expanding a company's business operations into a new industry in order to produce new kinds of valuable goods or services.


When adopting a ______, an organization sells the same standardized product in each national market in which it competes.

global strategy

When expanding internationally, which way has the greatest amount of risk?


A(n) ______ is a strategic alliance among two or more companies that agree to jointly establish and share the ownership of a new business.

joint venture

What is the set of functional-level strategies to increase the performance of the operating system a company uses to transform inputs into outputs?

value chain management

A company's ______ is the sequence of functional activities necessary to transform inputs into the finished goods.

value chain

The ______ function can help create value through brand positioning and advertising that increase customer perceptions of the utility of a company's product


The ______ function controls the movement of physical materials from the procurement of inputs through production and to distribution and delivery to the customer.

materials management

The ______ function is responsible for creating, assembling, or providing a good or service—for transforming inputs into outputs.


The ______ function can create a perception of superior value by solving customer problems and supporting customers after they have purchased the product.


______ means producing goods and services that have attributes that customers perceive as being superior to those found in competing products.


Successful ______ gives an organization something unique or different about its products that rivals lack.


According to ______ philosophy, the customer, not managers in quality control or engineering, defines what quality is.


In the ______ process, once a measure has been set for comparison, the next step is to set a challenging quality goal and create incentives for reaching that goal.


The goal of ______ is to improve a company's quality to only three defects per million by systematically altering the way all the processes involved in value chain activities are performed

Six Sigma

______ focuses on improving value chain processes to increase quality.

Six Sigma

What is a measure of how well an organization uses all its resources—such as labor, capital, materials, or energy—to produce its outputs?


By utilizing a JIT inventory system, Wal-Mart maintains the same service level as its competitors, but at one-fourth the inventory holding cost, which is their major source of cost savings. The retail giant is utilizing:


______ involves the radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical measures of performance.

Process reengineering

______ development is the management of the value chain activities involved in bringing new or improved goods and services to the market


The ______ plan specifies all of the relevant information that managers need to decide whether to go ahead with a full-blown product development effort.

product development

______ members are the members of a team who bear primary responsibility for the success of a project.


What is the process by which managers establish the structure of working relationships among employees to allow them to achieve organizational goals efficiently and effectively?


__________ technologies are characterized by low task variety and high task analyzability


Job ______ is the process by which managers decide how to organize the tasks that workers need to do into the jobs that are needed to produce the organization's goods or services.


Job ______ is increasing the number of different tasks in a given job by changing the division of labor.


Jill's manager encourages workers to develop new skills, allows them to monitor and measure their own performance, allows them to decide how to work and respond to unexpected situations, and empowers them to experiment to find new, better ways to do their jobs. Based on this information, Jill's manager is using ______ to group tasks into jobs.

job enrichment

A ______ team is a group of managers that are brought together from different departments to perform organizational tasks.


______ is the extent to which a job requires that a worker perform all the tasks necessary to complete the job, from the beginning to the end of the production process.

Task identity

______ is the degree to which a worker feels his or her job is meaningful because of its effect on people inside the organization, such as coworkers, or on people outside the organization, such as customers.

Task significance

______ is the degree to which a job gives an employee the freedom and discretion needed to schedule different tasks and decide how to carry them out.


______ is the extent to which actually doing a job provides a worker with clear and direct information about how well he or she has performed the job.


When managers organize divisions according to the type of good or service they provide, they adopt a ______structure.


When its customers are very diverse, even within a particular area, it is most appropriate for a company to use a _________.

market structure

A(n) ______ structure groups people and resources by function and product simultaneously.


The relative authority that each manager has is referred to as:

the chain of command.

The term ______ refers to the number of subordinates who report directly to a manager.

span of control

Lesley is concerned about the amount of coordination among the various departments in her organization. To increase the level of coordination she can:

establish liaison roles.

Because of her commitment to organizational culture at RST Enterprises, Eva is able to ______ organizational values and norms and then let these values and norms guide their decisions and actions.


Organizational ______ is shaped by the interaction of four main factors: the personal and professional characteristics of people within the organization, organizational ethics, the nature of the employment relationship, and the design of its organizational structure.


What type of culture develops an emphasis on entrepreneurship and respect for the employee and allows the use of organizational structures that empower employees to make decisions and motivate them to succeed?

Adaptive culture

In what type of culture are employees content to be told what to do and have little incentive or motivation to perform beyond minimum work requirements?
