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86 Cards in this Set

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How do we study mammals?

catch/trap, hunter harvest, observation (visual), and fecal sampling

7 characteristics of all mammals

produce milk/mammary glands, live birth, some sort of hair/fur, endothermic, internal fertilization, teeth (with some exceptions), invest time in offspring/parental care.

What is hair composed of?

dead epidermal cells and keratin (protein)

Term for an animal's coat


List the 2 types of hair/fur.

guard hair- top coat (long, silky, keep water off skin).

underfur - fuzzy (like downy feathers on birds).

Define endothermy in mammals.

Maintain stable body temperature through metabolic activity, fat storage, brown adipose tissue, and behaviors (shivering, huddling, nesting).

Explain the mammalian respiratory system.

large lungs, many alveoli for greater gas transfer. Air moves into lungs through diaphragm expansion (unique to mammals) and expansion of intercostal muscles around the ribs.


'live birth' fetus develops in utero

Define precocial young

more developed, fully furred, open eyes, can walk in a day

Define altricial young

less developed, naked, closed eyes, crawl around

Sensory organs in mammals (4) to help with navigating in the dark

smell (vomeronasal organ) Flehmen-moose/elk

hearing (pinna, middle & inner ear) - Fennec fox (enlarged pinna)

tactile (vibrissae)- whiskers -rat

vision (tapetum lucidum) - eyes shine at night, reflect light = see better in the dark.

Homologous structures

same thing, but different species; evolved over time. Similar by phylogenetic origins/ decent

Analogous structures

similar by function alone (wing of bat and bird).

Define evolution

change in genetic structure of a population through time.

Define allele

version of a gene (trait)

Define gene

alleles in a gene pool of a population

What are the mechanisms of evolution? (4)

mutation, genetic drift, gene flow, natural selection.

Define mutation

Changes in DNA that affect phenotype; must occur in gametes to affect offspring.

Define genetic drift

random, chance events that result in differential survival of variants in the population.

Define gene flow

movement of individuals into or out of a population.

Define natural selection

differential survival & reproduction based on adaptations to particular environments.

Natural selection can only occur if there is...

genetic variation, differential reproduction, and heredity.

Define fitness

relative genetic contribution an individual makes to future generations compared with other members of a population.

Define reproductive success

number of offspring an individual has that survive to reproduce.

What happened in the Devonian period?

tetrapods 'arrive'

What happened in the Mississippian period?

Amniotes came into play. Produce cleidoic eggs.

What happened in the Pennsylvania period?

split between Squropsida (turtles, lizards, snakes, dinosaurs, and birds) and Synapsida (mammals).

What are the three main groups of amniotes?

anapsid (gave rise to turtles)

synapsid (mammals)

diapsid (birds)

What happened in the Mesozoic Era? (Triassic and Jurassic)

Synapsids are vastly reduced as dinosaurs expanded. Few lineages of advanced synapsids (therapsids) survived. Cynodonts evolved from therapsids in the last Triassic period.

What happened in the Tertiary period? (Cretaceous)

(early mammals) Dino extinction and adaptive radiation of mammals occured.

What are the 6 faunal regions?

Nearctic (N. America), Neotropical (S. America), Etheopian (Africa), Australasian (Australia), and Palearctic (Asia).

Define fenestration

hole & surface area in nasal structures that aid in blood flow.

Types of teeth (4)

incisors, canines, premolars, molars.

Define heterodont

different kinds of teeth, not all uniform

Define diphyodont

get more than one set in lifetime

What is enamel?

outside of tooth; hardest structure mammals make

What is dentine?

central to tooth; darker than enamel


(low crown height) carnivores; slice & tear rather than grinding.


(high crown height) allow for more wear on teeth; grinding food.

Occlusal cusp shapes (4)

bundont (omnivores), selenodont (undulates, cervids), lophodont (herbivores; rabbits), secodont (carnivores)

carnassial pair

last upper pre-molar & 1st lower molar. used to tear/slice through food.

Population abundance assumptions (4)

population is closed during sampling periods, all individuals are equally likely to be caught and recaptured, random mixing must occur between sampling periods, and animals don't lose their marks.


egg-laying mammal

Define HSI

habitat suitability index

What are the 6 types of questions about behavior?

what (specific behavior), when (temporal), how (physiological/ anatomical adaptations), where (spatial), who (demographic), and why (motivation/ adaptation)

How many extant species of bears are there in the world?


Know the difference between a black bear and a grizzly bear

hump, claw length, ear shape, face profile, foot/track characteristics, how long each keeps their cubs (2 v 3 yrs).

List some benefits of endothermy

don't rely on outside temperature to regulate heat, able to sustain activity through range of temperatures, smaller body size allowed mammals to take advantage of new niches

Costs of endothermy

high energetic cost to maintain constant internal temperature (5-10x more than reptile of the same size).


Thermal neutral zone (not a lot of work to maintain temperature)


basal metabolic rate (amount of O2 consumed per unit time at STP).

Male reproductive system components

testes (scrotum), paired accessory glands contribute to seminal fluid, duct system, and copulatory organ (penis).

Female reproductive system components

ovaries (2), oviducts (Fallopian tubes), uterus (1 or 2), cervix, and vagina.


male invests little and mates with many females. (resource defense, harems, leks).


female with many males. Can be biological (litter with many fathers) or social (litter left with father while she goes off and has another litter with another male)


one mate for a duration of time (could be for one or more breeding cycles). sexual (1 partner to mate and raise young with) or social (male and female take care of offspring; may not be his)

What is the function of the placenta?

anchor fetus to uterus, transport nutrients from maternal bloodstream, excrete fetal waste products, and produce regulatory hormones to maintain pregnancy.

4 types of placentas

diffuse, cotyledonary, zonary, discoidal.

kin groups

group members related to one another (muskrat, beaver, meerkat)

mating groups

formed as a function of reproductive activities (pairs, harems, leks, spawning groups)

Eusocial groups

highly structured groups of individuals living in colonies that demonstrate overlapping generations, reproductive division of labor, and cooperative care of young. (naked mole rat)

Costs of social living

conspicuousness, disease, competition, submissiveness, reproductive interference.

Benefits of social living

predator defense, disease assistance, improved foraging, subordinate protection, and reproductive interference.

What are some common furbearer diseases in NY?

rabies, canine distemper, squirrel fibroma, raccoon roundworm, heart-worm, warbles/bot fly, giant kidney worm, tularemia, Yersinia pseudo-tuberculosis, and abscesses.


transmissible spongiform encephalopathy

Types of fitness

direct, indirect, inclusive

Reproductive suppression

reduced probability that all members of a social group will reproduce.

Reproductive skew

differential reproduction in a group influences gene dynamic and effective population size.

Saltatorial locomotion

hopping; long, powerful hind limbs, stiff skeletal structure, long tails as counter balance, rapid acceleration and directional change

Scansorial (claws) & Arboreal (grip) locomotion

climbing; navigating 3-D environment, friction pads, claws, prehensile tails, opposable digits, advantage: escape from predators.

Fossorial locomotion

digging, burrowing

Volant locomotion


Swimming locomotion

aquatic, semi-aquatic; modified flippers, webbing

Cursorial locomotion

running; adaptations for increased speed

Factors that influence stride length (4)

limbs positioned under body, distal elements lengthened, change in foot posture, and increased flexion in vertebral column.

Factors that influence stride rate (3)

re-positioned muscle mass, added joint to locomotor mechanism, and reduced digits.


digits 3 & 4 (artio: even-toed)


digit 3 (pariso: odd-toed)


An interaction between 2 organisms where one uses the other for food.

4 elements of predation

detection, attack, capture, consumption (prey can escape during any phase)

Anti-predator behaviors

evolutionary adaptations that increase the likelihood for prey survival.

How to avoid detection

camouflage (deer fawn & ground squirrel)

How to avoid attack

warnings & repellents (alarm calls in ground squirrels and skunk repellent spray)

How to avoid capture

grouping behavior, defensive behavior, synchronized life history events (moose dropping calves at the same time; predator swamping).

How to avoid consumption

unpalatability (opossum plays dead and emits fowl smell; porcupine has quills)

Landscape of fear

relative levels of predation risk across a landscape that reflect the level of fear of predation prey experience in different parts of the environment.