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21 Cards in this Set

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1) Describe gen structure/fxn lipids
-organic, poorly soluble in water, readily dissolves in organic solvents (ether, benzene),
-mem lipids are ampipathic (nonpolar/polar ends)
3) List major biological fxns of lipids
body: metaboilic fuels, storage transport energy, structural component cell mem, dietary constituent
a. Simple lipids: esters of FA w/ various alchools
i. Fats- FA w/ glycerol
ii. Waxes- esters i\of FA; higher molecular weight
b. Complex lipids: esters of FA in addition to alcohol and FA
i. Phosphlipids: phoshporic acid residue
1. Glycerolipids-
2. Sphino\gophospholipid
3. Glycolipid- FA _+carbohydrate + sphingosine
4. Other complex lipid: vitamins and hormones also lipoproteins
sphingoid base backbone that is synthesizedde novo from the amino acid serine and a long-chain fatty acyl CoA, then converted into ceramides, phosphosphingolipids, glycosphingolipids and other compounds
mono-, di- and tri-substituted glycerols, three hydroxyl groups of glycerol are each esterified, usually by different fatty acids
fatty acid
acetyl-CoA primer with malonyl-CoA or methylmalonyl-CoA groups, hydrocarbon chain that terminates with a carboxylic acid group
classify FA accordning to # C
i. Short: 2-4, med: 6-10, long: 12-26
ii. Even numbered, linear, come in pairs
classify # double bonds
i. Short: 2-4, med: 6-10, long: 12-26
ii. Even numbered, linear, come in pairs
isomer configuration
i. Cis: *most common, causes bend- impt for formation membrane, more pronounced more double bonds
ii. Trans: partially hydrogenated oils
iii. Acyl chain same side of double bond = CIS, opposite trans
iv. Cis = low melting point,
e. Position of the double bond relative to w-end of molecule
i. `
Methly end, ch3, w 6 = double bond on sixth c counting from w terminal
pancreatic lipase
Methly end, ch3, w 6 = double bond on sixth c counting from w terminal
lipoprotein lipase
1. Hydrolizes lipids in lipoproteins, in chylomicrons and LVDL, into 3 FFA and one glycerol, requires Apo-C11 as cofactor
2. Found in endothelial cells lining capillaries, heart, muscle, adipose
hepatic lipase
1. form of lipase. It is expressed in the liver and adrenal glands.[1]One of the principal functions of hepatic lipase is to convert IDL to LDL.
hormone sensitive lipase
2. hydrolzye first FA from triacylglycerol molecule , freeing FA and diglyceride, actiavtead when needed energy stores in body
3. long form in testis- cholesteryl esters to free cholesterol, short form in adipose tissue, hydrolzyes triglycerdies to FFA
a. Packaging of newly synthesized TAGs into chyolomicron (phase 4)
a. Packaging of newly synthesized TAGs into chyolomicron (phase 4)
b. Name four major classes of lipids present in lipoproteins
TAGS: 16%
ii. Phospholipids: 30%
iii. Cholesterol 14%
iv. Cholesteryl esters: 36%
i. Chylomicrons: chyle, rich in triglyceride, common in blood, digestion, transport all dietary lipids
. VLDL: transport of traicycglycerol from liver to extrahepatic tissues
iii. LDL: delivers cholesterol to tissues, final stage, most dangerous
. HDL: removes cholesterol from tissue and retrun to liver for excretion