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105 Cards in this Set

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A linear transformation T : Rn ! Rm is completely
determined by its e ect on columns of the n n identity
TRUE The columns on the identity matrix are the
basis vectors in Rn. Since every vector can be written as a
linear combination of these, and T is a linear transformation,
if we know where these columns go, we know everything.
I If T : R2 ! R2
rotates vectors about the origin through an
angle , then T is a linear transformation
n. TRUE. To show
this we would show the properties of linear transformations
are preserved under rotations.
When two linear transformations are performed one after
another, then combined e ect may not always be a linear
FALSE Again, check properties to show it is a
linear transformation.
The columns of the standard matrix for a linear
transformation from R
to R
m are the images of the columns
of the n n identity matrix.
The standard matrix of a linear transformation from R
to R
that reflects points through the horizontal axis, the vertical axis, or the origin has the form 
a 0
0 d

where a and d are +/- 1
TRUE We can check this by checking the images of the
basis vectors.
A mapping T : Rn ! Rm is one-to-one if each vector in R
n maps onto a unique vector in Rm
FALSE A mapping is
one-to-one if each vectors in R
m is mapped to from a unique
vector in Rn
If A is a 3 2 matrix, then the transformation x ! Ax cannot
map R
2 onto R
TRUE You can not map a space of lower
dimension ONTO a space of higher dimension.
A homogeneous equation is always consistent.
TRUE - The
trivial solution is always a solution.
The equation Ax = 0 gives an explicit descriptions of its
solution set.
FALSE - The equation gives an implicit
description of the solution set.
The homogeneous equation Ax = 0 has the trivial solution if
and only if the equation has at least one free variable
- The trivial solution is always a solution to the equation
Ax = 0.
The equation x = p + tv describes a line through v parallel to
False. The line goes through p and is parallel to v.
The solution set of Ax = b is the set of all vectors of the form
w = p + vh where vh is any solution of the equation Ax = 0
FALSE This is only true when there exists some vector p such
that Ap = b.
If x is a nontrivial solution of Ax = 0, then every entry in x is
FALSE. At least one entry in x is nonzero
The equation x = x2u + x3v, with x2 and x3 free (and neither
u or v a multiple of the other), describes a plane through the
The equation Ax = b is homogeneous if the zero vector is a
TRUE. If the zero vector is a solution then
b = Ax = A0 = 0. So the equation is Ax = 0, thus
The e ffect of adding p to a vector is to move the vector in the
direction parallel to p.
TRUE. We can also think of adding p
as sliding the vector along p.
The solution set of Ax = b is obtained by translating the
solution set of Ax = 0
FALSE. This only applies to a
consistent system.
Linear Algebra, David
The columns of the matrix A are linearly independent if the
equation Ax = 0 has the trivial solution.
FALSE. The trivial
solution is always a solution
If S is a linearly dependent set, then each vector is a linear
combination of the other vectors in S.
FALSE- For example,
[1; 1] , [2; 2] and [5; 4] are linearly dependent but the last is
not a linear combination of the rst two.
a four by five matrix has linearly independent columns
TRUE. There are five columns each with four entries, thus by
Thm 8 they are linearly dependent
If x and y are linearly independent, and if fx; y; zg is linearly
dependent, then z is in Spanfx; yg
TRUE Since x and y are
linearly independent, and fx; y; zg is linearly dependent, it
must be that z can be written as a linear combination of the
other two, thus in in their span.
Two vectors are linearly dependent if and only if they lie on a
line through the origin
TRUE. If they lie on a line through
the origin then the origin, the zero vector, is in their span thus
they are linearly dependent
If a set contains fewer vectors then there are entries in the
vectors, then the set is linearly independent.
example, [1; 2; 3] and [2; 4; 6] are linearly dependent.
example, [1; 2; 3] and [2; 4; 6] are linearly dependent.
TRUE If z is
in the Spanfx; yg then z is a linear combination of the other
two, which can be rearranged to show linear dependence.
I If a set in R
is linearly dependent, then the set contains more
vectors than there are entries in each vector.
False. For
example, in R
[1; 2; 3] and [3; 6; 9] are linearly dependent.
A linear transformation is a special type of function
The properties are (i) T(u + v) = T(u) + T(v) and (ii)
T(cu) = cT(u).
If A is a 3 5 matrix and T is a transformation de ned by
T(x) = Ax, then the domain of T is R
FALSE The domain
is R
If A is an m n matrix, then the range of the transformation
x 7! Ax is R
m is the codomain, the range is where
we actually land.
A transformation T is linear if and only if
T(c1v1 + c2v2) = c1T(v1) + c2T(v2) for all v1 and v2 in the
domain of T and for all scalars c1 and c2.
TRUE If we take
the de nition of linear transformation we can derive these and
if these are true then they are true for c1; c2 = 1 so the rst
part of the de nition is true, and if v = 0, then the second
part if true.
Every matrix transformation is a linear transformation.
To actually show this, we would have to show all matrix
transformations satisfy the two criterion of linear
The codomain of the transformation x 7! Ax is the set of all linear combinations of the columns of A
FALSE The If A is
m n codomain is R
m. The original statement in describing
the range
If T : Rn ! R
m is a linear transformation and if c is in Rm,
then a uniqueness question is "Is c is the range of T."
This is an existence question.
A linear transformation preserves the operations of vector
addition and scalar multiplication
TRUE This is part of the
de nition of a linear transformation
The superposition principle is a physical description of a linear
TRUE The book says so. (page 77)
In some cases a matrix may be row reduced to more than one
matrix in reduced row echelon form, using diff erent sequences
of row operations.
The row reduction algorithm applies only to augmented
matrices for a linear system.
A basic variable in a linear system is a variable that
corresponds to a pivot column in the coecient matrix.
Finding a parametric description of the solution set of a linear
system is the same as solving the system.
If one row in an echelon form of an augmented matrix is
[0 0 0 5 0 ], then the associated linear system is inconsistent.
The echelon form of a matrix is unique
The pivot positions in a matrix depend on whether row
interchanges are used n the row reduction process.
Reducing a matrix to echelon form is called the forward phase
of the row reduction process
Whenever a system has free variables, the solution set
contains many solutions
A general solution os a system is an explicit description os all
solutions of the system
An example of a linear combination of vectors v1 and v2 is the
vector 1=2v1
The solution set of the linear system whose augmented matrix
is [a1 a2 a3 b] is the same as the solution set of the equation
x1a1 + x2a2 + x3a3 = b
The set Span U,V is always visualized as a plane through
the origin.
Any list of FI ve real numbers is a vector in R
The weights c1; : : : ; cp is a linear combination
c1v1 +    + cpvp cannot all be zero
When u and v are nonzero vectors, Span U, V contains the
line through u and the origin.
Asking whether the linear system corresponding to an
augmented matrix [a1 a2 a3 b] has a solution amounts to
asking whether b is in Span a1; a2; a3
The equation Ax = b is referred to as the vector equation.
The vector b is a linear combination of the columns of a
matrix A if and only if the equation Ax = b has at least one
The equation Ax = b is consistent if the augmented matrix
[A b] has a pivot position in every row
The rst entry in the product Ax is a sum of products.
If the columns of an m n matrix span R
m, then the equation
Ax = b is consistent for each b in R
I If A is an m n matrix and if the equation Ax = b is
inconsistent for some b in R
m, then A cannot have a pivot
position in every row.
Every matrix equation Ax = b corresponds to a vector
equation with the same solution set
Any linear combination of vectors can always be written in the
form Ax for a suitable matrix A and vector x.
The solution set of the linear system whose augmented matrix
is [a1 a2 a3 b] is the same as the solution set of Ax = b, if
A = [a1 a2 a3
If the equation Ax = b is inconsistent, then b is not in the set
spanned by the columns of A.
If the augmented matrix [A b] has a pivot position in every
row, then the equation Ax = b is inconsistent.
If A is an m n matrix whose columns do not span R
m, then
the equation Ax = b is inconsistent for some b in R
I If A and B are 2 2 with columns a1; a2 and b1; b2 then
AB = [a1b1; a2b2]
FALSE Matrix multiplication is "row by
Each column of AB is a linear combination of the columns of
A using weights from the corresponding column of B
Swap A and B then its true
AB + AC = A(B + C)
TRUE Matrix multiplication distributes
over addition.
A^T + B^T = (A + B)^T
TRUE See properties of transposition.
Also should be able to think through to show this. When we
add we add corresponding entries, these will remain
corresponding entries after transposition.
The transpose of a product of matrices equals the product of
their tranposes in the same order
FALSE The transpose of a
product of matrices equals the product of their tranposes in
the reverse order.
Linear Algebra, David Lay Week F
If A and B are 3 3 and B = [b1 b2 b3], then
AB = [Ab1 + Ab2 + Ab3].
FALSE This is right but there
should not be +'s in the solution. Remember the answer
should also be 3 3.
The second row of AB is the second row of A multiplied on
the right by B
(AB)C = (AC)B
FALSE Matrix multiplication is not
The transpose of a sum of matrices equals the sum of their
In order for a matrix B to be the inverse of A, both equations
AB = I and BA = I must be true.
TRUE We'll see later that
for square matrices AB=I then there is some C such that
BC=I. CHALLENGE: Can you FInd an inverse for any
non-square matrix. If so FInd one, if not explain why. Also in
above statement about square matrices, does C=A?
If A is an invertible n n matrix, then the equation Ax = b is
consistent for each b in R
TRUE. Since A is invertible we
have that X=(A^-1)b
Each elementary matrix is invertible
True. Let K be the
elementary row operation required to change the elementary
matrix back into the identity. If we preform K on the identity,
we get the inverse.
A product of invertible n n matrices is invertible, and the
inverse of the product of their matrices in the same order.
FALSE. It is invertible, but the inverses in the product of the
inverses in the reverse order
FALSE. It is invertible, but the inverses in the product of the
inverses in the reverse order
I If A =

a b
c d 
and ad = bc, then A is not invertible
I If A =

a b
c d 
and ad = bc, then A is not invertible
If A can be row reduced to the identity matrix, then A must
be invertible.
TRUE The algorithm presented in this chapter
tells us how to nd the inverse in this case.
If A is invertible, then elementary row operations then reduce
A to to the identity also reduce A^-1 to the identity
They also reduce the identity to A^-1
If the equation Ax = 0 has only the trivial solution, then A is
row equivalent to the n n identity matrix.
TRUE From Thm
If the columns of A span R
, then the columns are linearly
TRUE Again from Thm 8. Also is n vector span
they must be linearly independent.
If A is an n n matrix then the equation Ax = b has at least
one solution for each b in R
FALSE we need to know more
about A like if it in invertible (or anything else in Thm 8)
If the equation Ax = 0 has a nontrivial solution, then A has
fewer than n pivot positions.
TRUE This comes from the "all
false" part of THM 8. (The statements are either all true or
all false.)
If A^T is not invertible, then A is not invertible
from the all false part of theorem 8
TRUE Thm 8
If the columns of A are linearly independent, then the columns
of A span R
TRUE Thm 8
If the equation Ax = b has at least solution for each b in R
then the solution is unique for each b.
TRUE Thm 8
If the linear transformation x 7! Ax maps R
into R
then A
has n pivot points.
FALSE. Since A is n n the linear
transformation x 7! Ax maps R
into R
. This doesn't tell us
anything about A.
If there is a b in R
such that the equation Ax = b is
inconsistent, then the transformation x 7! Ax is not
TRUE Thm 8
The (i; j)-cofactor of a matrix A is the matrix Aij obtained by
deleting from A its ith row and jth column.
cofactor is the determinant of this Aij times -1^(i+j)
The cofactor expansion of det A down a column is the
negative of the cofactor expansion along a row
can expand down any row or column and get same
The determinant of a triangular matrix is the sum of the
entries of the main diagonal.
FALSE It is the product of the
diagonal entries
A row replacement operation does not a ect the determinant
of a matrix.
TRUE Just make sure you don't multiply the row
you are replacing by a constant.
If the columns of A are linearly dependent, then det A = 0.
TRUE (For example there is a row without a pivot so must be
a row of all zeros.)
det(A + B)= detA + detB.
FALSE This is true for product
If two row interchanges are made in succession, then the new
determinant equals the old determinant
TRUE Both changes
multiply the determinant by -1 and -1*-1=1.
The determinant of A is the product of the diagonal entries in
FALSE unless A is triangular.
If det A is zero, then two rows or two columns are the same,
or a row or a column is zero.
FALSE The converse is true,
det(A^t)= -1detA
FALSE det(A^T)=det A when A is nxn
If f is a function in the vector space V of all real-valued
functions on R and if f(t) = 0 for some t, then f is the zero
vector in V
FALSE We need f(t) = 0 for all t.
A vector is an arrow in three-dimensional space
is an example of a vector, but there are certainly vectors not
of this form.
A subset H of a vector space V, is a subspace of V if the zero
vector is in H
FALSE We also need the set to be closed under
addition and scalar multiplication.
A subspace is also a vector space
TRUE This is the de finition
of subspace, a subset that satis fies the vector space properties.
Analogue signals are used in the major control systems for the
space shuttle, mentioned in the introduction to the chapter.
FALSE Digital signals are used...