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42 Cards in this Set

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Plant Ecology

Examines the relationships between plants and their environments

Vitex negundo/Lagundi

Halamang gamot for coughs, colds, fever & asthma

Pansit-Pansitan/Peperomia Pellucida

Halamang gamot for gout and rheumatic pains

Guava or Bayabas/Psidium guajava

Halamang gamot for antiseptic, astrigent, and anti diarrheal

Bawang or garlic/allium sativum

Halamang gamot for lowering blodd cholesterol and antiseptic

sambong/ blumea balsamifera

diuretic in hypertension and dissolve kidney stones

Cassia alata/Akapulko

Halamang gamot that contains chrysophanic acids, fungicide to treat fungal infections like ring worms and eczema, and scabies

niyog-niyogan/Quisqualis indica L.

Halatang gamot for anthelmintic and headaches

Carmona retusa/Tsaang gubat

Halamang gamot for gastroenteritis and gargle to prevent cavities

Momordica charantia/ampalaya

Halamang gamot for lowering blood sugar levels and fertility regulation

Clinipodium douglasii/Yerba Buena

Halamang gamot for pains, headache, dizziness, pruritus

Medicinal plants

Plant that is used to maintaining health, to be administered for a specific condition

1. Primary Metabolites

2. Secondary Metabolites

Natural products divided into 2 Major classes (2)

Primary Metabolites

Organic molecules that have intrinsic function that is essential to the survival of the organism

Primary Metabolites

Organism would die without these metabolites

-Nucleic acid

-amino acids

-Fatty acids


Example of Primary molecules (Core-building blocks) (4)






Examples of Primary metabolites (macromolecules) (5)

Secondary Metabolites

Organic molecules that typically have an extrinsic function that mainly affects other organisms outside of the producer

Secondary Metabolites

Organic molecules that typically have an extrinsic function that mainly affects other organisms outside of the producer

Secondary Metabolites

What metabolites are active compounds produced from?

Secondary Metabolites

Not essential to the survival of the plant

Salicylic Acid

Hormones in plant defenses


Bitter testing chemicals that contain NITROGEN as a component of their organic structure











Examples of Alkaloids (give at least 5)


Plant-based laxatives


have diverse roles in defenses against plant diseases, Hormones mimicking phytoestrogens

Cinnamic Acid

Volatile flavor found in cinnamon (phenylpropanoid)


Constructed from 5 carbon monitoring units called “Isoprene”

Natural Rubber

Assembled from multiple repeating isoprene


-Found in conifers

-Strongly aromatic & serves to repel

-their scent is useful for essential oils

Cinnamic Acid

Volatile flavor found in cinnamon (phenylpropanoid)


Antiseptic and once used as vermifuge

Leaves and flowering top

Parts used in Lagundi/Vitex Negundo

Aerial Plants

Parts used in Ulasimang-bato or pancit-pancitan/ Peperomia Pellucida

Leaves and Fruits

Parts used in Guava/Psidium Guajava

Leaves, Bulbs and Cloves

Parts used in Onions/Allium Cepa or Sativum

Leaves and flowering top

Parts used in Sambong/Blumea Balsamifera


Parts used in Akapulko/Cassia Alata

leaves and fruit

Parts used in Niyog-Niyogan/Quisqualis indica L.


Parts used in Tsaang-Gubat/Carmona retusa

Young leaves

Parts used in Ampalaya/Momordica Charantia

Leaves, Sap of the plant

Parts used in Yerba Buena/Clinipodium douglasii