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152 Cards in this Set

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Compile, arrange, systemize, and writebthe laws of a given region into a code


The body of law imposed by the state or government

civil law

The body of law based on custom and judicial precedent

common law

Written law enacted by federal and state legislative bodies

statutory law

Another term for statutory law

black letter law

A municipal law or regulation


What is the theory of stare decisis

The court is bound by precedents set by other courts

What are the two categories of law

civil and criminal

A legal wrong for which civil remedies for injuries or damaged are provided


The process of bringing a lawsuit against someone


Live, oral testimonies under oath


All legal rights that are attached to the ownership of physical property

bundle of rights

The right to borrow money in order to purchase or finance

right to encumber

Property attached to the land

real property

Fructus natutales

naturally occurring plant growth, considered part of real property

Fructus industriales

crops produced by human labor, considered personal property


anything permanently attached to real property

Fixtures added to a property for the purpose of conducting business

trade fixture

All the rights that pass with the transfer of the property


The rights an owner has to the air space above the property to a reasonable height

air height

Two types of water

surface and groundwater

Water found on the land and in nature

surface water

Water beneath the surface of the land


Rights applying to surface water

riparian/usufructary rights

Lateral support

right to have your property in its natural condition

Subjacent support

right to have your land supported beneath its surface

Subsurface rights

rights to the natural resources below the surface of a property

Professional measurement of a tract of land


A point, line, or surface against which measurements are made


Another term for point of beginning


How big are townships

6 by 6 miles (36 square miles)

What lines are used for the Public Land Survey System

principal meridans and base line

Two types of real property interests

possessory and non-possessory

An estate with indefinite duration

freehold estate

The present right to physically occupy land and to exclude others from that same land

possessory interest

non-possessory interest

interest that cannot be exercised today but will in the future

3 types of estates

fee simple absolute, fee simple defeasible, and life estates

Type of estate that gives the owner the greatest power over the title

fee simple absolute estate

Type of estate where the ownership is dependent on specific conditions

fee simple defeasible

Statute designed to simplify and facilitate real property title transactions in furtherance of public policy by enabling persons to rely on record title

marketable record title act

A present possessory interest that gives the grantee a possessory interest for the length of a measuring life

life estate

When someone resumes possession of a property after the life tenant's death

reversionary interest

a leasehold interest where the duration is determined by the term or frequency of rent payment

periodic tenancy

Lease that has a fixed term and definite end date

tenancy for years

When the tenant's right to remain has expired (holdover tenant)

tenancy at sufferance

Tenancy at will

when a tenant obtains possession of the property without the owner's permission

The right of the owner of the dominant tenenment the right to do something

affirmative easement

Negative easement

the right of the dominant tenement to prohibit certain actions on the property

Easements created with the approval of the servient tenement

advetse easement

A right attatched to one parcel of land that comes along with the normal rights in taking title to that property

appurtant easement

A personal right of one person to use land owned by another

easement in gross

Easement created by law because it is essential for the use of the property

easement by necessity

An easement created when one person acquires an involuntary easment in the land of another

easement by prescription

Pre-packaged limitations on what you can do with your property known as "CC&Rs"

covenants, conditions, and restrictions

The home occupied by a family that is exempt from the claims of unsecured creditors


A judicial order that a judgement be enforced

writ of execution

A permissive use of land that is revocable by the grantor



The process by of private properties reverting to the government when the owner dies without a will

Spot zoning

when a public entity decides to change the zoning for a single parcel


how close a structure can be built to neighboring property lines


legal process to remove nuisances and code violations

Ministerial projects

permits an applicant has a mandatory right to recieve

When the government places an excessive amount of restrictions

regulatory taking

When the government takes private land for public use

physical taking


National Enrivonmental Policy Act

Mandatory elements of a general plan

Land use, housing, and public safety

A partition erected on a property boundary to provide common support to the structure

party wall

Division fence

a fence that separates two properties

Adjoining landowners, (coterminous owners)

people that share common boundaries and therefore have mutual rights

How much time does a landowner have to give each affected adjoining landowner a written notice of amy intent to occur costs for a division fence

30 days

How tall must a fence be to be considered a private nuisance

10 feet

What is the height restriction imposed by most cities for fences

6 feet tall

Spite fence

a fence erected to annoy the neighbor

Trees whose trunks grow on the boundary line

line trees

Who is responsible for the maintenance of line trees

both landowners

Agreed boundary doctrine

a new boundary line set by noth landowners when there is uncertainty regarding an actual boundary line

Difference between private and public nuisance

private affects a few people and public affects the whole community

Removing ir destroying a nuisance without causing injury


The 2 legal remedies available to obtain relief for a trespass

abatement or civil action

What is the statute of limitations to remove an enroachment

3 years

When the court allows the enroachment to stay, requiring the enroacher to pay the owner money damages

balancing the equities

A claim of full ownership of a land

adverse possession

A claim for the right to use a land

prescriptive easement

What determines the ownership of a tree and its fruits

the location of the trunk

Prevents adjacent landowners from building a structure that woulf block sunlight or air from reaching the dominant estate

light, air, and view easement

"First in time" rule

whichever was first between a tree and solar energy system can remain

Where is the boundary line situated if the boundary is a non-navigable waterway

thread of the waterway

Who owns navigable non-tidal waters in California

state of California

Ownership in severalty

when property is owned by one person or a single corporation whose rights to the property are not shared with any other person

An interest held under the same title by two or more people

undivided interest

When two or more persons or entities own property at the same time with undivided use

fractional ownership interests

concurrent ownership

the ownership of real property by more than one person

Meaning of "stand in the shoes"

the heirs of a deceased cotenant inherit only that share

Four unities of joint tenancy

time, title, interest, and possession

Who can community properties exist with


General partnership

when two or more individuals or businesses join to operate a business

Someone who contributes funds into a partnership, but has no additional liability beyond the contribution

limited partnership

"Propeety acquired by a partnership is property of the partnership and not of the partners individually

Uniform Partnership Act (UPA)

Common interest development (CID)

project that combines the individual ownership of private dwellings with an interest in common with other owners

Evidence outside of the deed itself

extrinsic evidence

Words that demonstrate intent on the part of the grantor to transfer a present interest from the grantor to the grantee

granting clause

Habendum clause

clause in a deed that defines the type of interest and rights to be enjoyed

When the grantor gives up all interest they may have in a property

quitclaim deed

The forced sale of real property by a taxing authority

tax sale

A court proceeding to establish an individual's right to ownership of real property against one or more adverse claimants

quite title action

The process by which the government acquires private property for public use


Instructions from a deceased person explaining how that person wanted their estate to be disposed

testanentary instrument

Testamentary instrument that supplements or affects the validity of an earlier will


Two types of wills

inter vivos and testamentary

When property reverts to the state because the deceased owner left no will


The ability to obtain title by occupying land for a statutory time period without the permission of the owner

adverse possession

A process by which there is an addition to property by the efforts of man or natural forces


A person who in good faith pays valuable consideration for propeety without notice of prior claims

bona fide purchaser

Trusts established while the settlor is still alive

inter vivos trusts

Trusts established by will

testamentary trusts

California's codified law that regulates professionals

Business and Professions Code (B&P Code)

Where do fees charges from the licesning of persons and the regulation of transactions go

Real Estate Fund

How much may the Comissioner credit for the Education and Research Account


Order to Desist and Refrain

a court ordered demand that prohibits a businres or individual from carrying on a particular activity

Moral turpitude

conduct consideted contary to community standards of justice, honesty, or good morals

Account for the payment of non-collectable court judgements against licensees who committed fraud or misrepresentation

Consumer Recovery Account

Making exaggerated statements of opinion regarding a property



A contractual obligation to compensate the loss incurred

Business agreements between competitors

horizontal arrangement

The collaboration or agreement of one or more persons to set a fixed price

price fixing

Illegal action of requiring buyers to purchase one product to obtain another


Safeguards the privacy of an individyal's information by mandating a disclosure prior to passing information to third parties

FTC Privacy Rule

Fair Credit Reporting Act

establishes procedures for correcting mistakes on a person's credit record and requires a consumer's record only be privided for business needs

A contract that remains to be performed by one or both parties

executory contract

What is the mailbox rule

the acceptance or rejection of an offer is complete once it is deposited in the mail

Contracts opposing general public policy

contracts of adhesion

A contract that cannot be forced by law

void contract

Influencing someone to perform an act without attention to the consequences

undue influence

Four corners doctrine

the whole document conveys the purpose of a contractual document

A term in a contract declaring this is the completr and final agreement between the parties

merger clause

A contract that exists by order of a court, not by agreement of the parties


A rule that prevents the introduction of most evidence regarding negotiations between parties prior to the execution of a written contract

parol-evudence rule

What is the time limit to file an action on any written contract

4 years

Real estate contracts may be electronically wtitten and signed

California Uniform Electronic Transactions Act

When a contract states thay no commissions are paid unless the property actually sells

no deal, no commission clause

When one party has made an offer that the other party is interested in but is unsure where to accept or not

option contract

Items that would affect the value or desirability of the property

material facts

innundation map

map of areas that may flood as the result of a dam failure

Any residential housinh built before 1978, excluding housing built for the elderly or disabled

target housing

What does CID stand for

common interest development

Property where multiple owners share a common set of financial obligations

common interest development

Leases can b e verbal if they last less than how long?

1 year

Implied warranty of habitability

requires landlords make sure their units comply with health and safety codes

An arrangement in which a lesee rents his or her leasehold interest to another party

sublease (sandwhich lease)

The transfer of the entire leasehold estate to a new person


How much notice must a landlord give if the tenant has lived there for more than a year

60 days

Type of property where a corporation holds the title
