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15 Cards in this Set

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Gang fight

منازعه، زد-و-خورد

General Assembly of the United Nations

مجمع عمومی سازمان ملل متحد

general consensus


وحدت نظر عمومی

توافق عام

general good

مصلحت عموم

general nature

ماهیت کلی


اصیل حقیقی و واقعی

going concern

going concern value

موسسه‌ی دایر

ارزش موسسه دایر

good bargain

خرید ارزان

معامله مقرون به صرفه

Gordian knot, to cut the

کنایه از حل و فصل مشکل و قضیه غامض با توسل به تمهیدات زیاد، بی‌توسل به راههای ساده‌تر

solve or remove a problem in a direct or forceful way, rejecting gentler or more indirect methods.

Grant extradition

پذیرفتن درخواست استرداد مجرم

Grant of representation

تنفیذ وصیت نامه

صدور گواهی انحصار وراثت

پذیرش جانشینی

A Grant of Representation is the document you would need to confirm your legal status and ability to deal with the Estate of someone who has died.

انحصار وراثت

Probate the will

Determining those entitled to inheritance

Grant relief

قبول خواسته

جبران خسارت

The relief sought in a lawsuit might, for example, be the return of property wrongfully taken by another, compensation for an injury in the form of damages, or enforcement of a contract.

gratuitous contract

عقد تبرع

عقد بلاعوض

غیر معوض

عقد تبرعی

It is acontract in which one party promises to do something without receiving anything in exchange. Therefore in such contracts only one person is benefited. Gift is an example of a gratuitous contract.





the position of being legally responsible for the care of someone who is unable to manage their own affairs."she was granted temporary guardianship of the three children"

Grant of probate of the will

گواهی انحصار وراثت

Probate is the judicial process whereby a will is "proved" in a court of law and accepted as a valid public document