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21 Cards in this Set
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Comitas (gentium):
courtesy’/respect legal base of Statutists for their method. States (mutually) respect the validity of foreign law in their country;
Exceptio litis pendentis
the exception to the rules of international competence on the ground that the same dispute between the same parties is pending before another court;
. Forum conveniens
although a court is not competent under international competence rules, it may still have jurisdiction when the case is closely connected to the legal order of the
Forum non conveniens
court that would have jurisdiction according to general rules is free under the particular circumstances of a case to decide to decline jurisdiction, or at least to order a stay if foreign court appear to be the more appropriate court;
. Forum necessitates
also general exception to international competence rules. A distinct court which formally has no international competence may declare itself competent if a judicial procedure elsewhere appears to be impossible. (Thus, no competent court or foreign court is accessible because of exceptional circumstances such as war);
Forum prorogatum
court which had no jurisdiction, but obtains jurisdiction by agreement of the parties;
Forum rei:
court of the defendant (reus) e.g. court can base its competence on the domicile or hab. residence etc. of the defendant;
Forum solutionis
the court of the place of performance of the relevant obligation;
Forum rei sitae:
the court where the good is situated (res: the thing, object) court’s competence is based on the place of situation/location of the good;
Ius sanguinis:
right of the blood’: citizenship determined by having one or both parents who are citizens of a specific nation;
Ius soli
right of the soil’: citizenship determined by place of birth;
Lex causae
law of the cause’: the law which is applicable to the case as determined by the conflict rule;
lex loci actus
law of the place where a legal action takes place. It is the place where the act occurred that gave rise to the legal claim;
Lex personalis
the law that is applicable to a person; law of the domicile of the person;
Lis pendens
the same dispute between the same parties is (also) pending before another court/concurrent proceedings;
. Locus regit actum
the law of the state of the legal act determines its form;
Locus sine lege:
a place without law, e.g. Antartica, at open sea (not in the territorial areas) etcetera;
Perpetuatio fori/perpetuation iurisdictionis
the continuation of the jurisdiction of the court despite change in circumstances;
. Statuta realia:
statutes of immovables, governed by the principle of territoriality;
36. Statuta personalia:
statutes of personal law, governed by principle of domicile;
37. Statuta mixta: ‘
mixed’ rules of statutists, governed by principle of territoriality.