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19 Cards in this Set
- Front
- Back
Honor, esteem; public office
Honor, Honoris
The remaining, the rest, the other, all the others
Ceteri, Ceterae, Cetera
How large, how great, how much
Quantus, Quanta, Quantum
Laughable, ridiculous
Ridiculus, Ridicula, Ridiculum
Alive, living
Vivus, Viva, Vivum
Stealthily, secretly
At first, at the beginning
Whence, from what or which place, from which, from whom
Whether... or
Utrum... an
To drink
Bibo, Bibere, Bibi
To become acquainted with, learn, recognize (2 verbs)
Cognosco, Cognoscere, Cognovi, Cognitum (Nosco, Noscere, Novi, Notum)
To grasp, seize, arrest; comprehend, understand
Comprehendo, Comprendere, Comprehendi, Comprehensum
To consume, use up
Consumo, Consumere, Consumpsi, Consumptum
To doubt, hesitate
Dubito, Dubitare, Dubitavi, Dubitatum
To set forth, explain, expose
Expono, Exponere, Exposui, Expositum
To lessen, diminish
Minuo, Minuere, Minui, Minutum
To ask
Rogo, Rogare, Rogavi, Rogatum