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83 Cards in this Set

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Can Java operators be overloaded?
Which operator comes overloaded out of the box?
The + operator which if applied to a String concatenates the right-hand operand to the operand on the left.
What are variables?
just bit holders, with a designated type
What does an object reference variable contain?
bits representing a way to get to the object - it is a value representing a specific object on the heap or null.
If the object reference value has not been assigned a value what does it hold?
bits representing "null"
What is the "assignment operator" and what does it do?
the equal (=) sign and is used to assign a value to a variable
What type is a literal integer(such as 7) always?
an "int"
What happens when you assign a literal integer to a byte variable?
the compiler automatically narrows the literal value to a byte, i.e. the compiler puts in the cast
What is the result of an expression involving anything "int"-sized or smaller?
What happens with this:
byte b = 3;
byte c = 8;
byte d = b + c;
It is always an "int".

It won't compile - you get the error "possible loss of precision". If you put in the cast it will work:
byte d = (byte)(b + c);
Every floating point literal is a _____ not ____.
What happens if you do:

float f = 32.3;
It won't compile.
What must you do to assign a floating-point literal to a "float" variable?
You must either cast the value or append an "f" (or "F") to the end of the literal.
What happens if you do:

byte a = 128;
it won't compile - the compiler knows that it is too big to fit into the variable
"possible loss of precision"
What happens when you do:

byte a = (byte)128
You lose all the bits to the left of the bits you're narrowing to. So we are left with 10000000 where 1 is the sign bit so this is really -128.
What actually happens when you do:
byte b = 3;
b += 7;
it is equivalent to:

byte b = 3;
b = (byte)(b + 7);

so it lets you add to the value of b without putting in an explicit cast.
When you assign one primitive variable to another, what happens?
the contents of the right-hand variable are copied - they do not share a single value.
What 3 things does the following line do:
Button b = new Button();
1. Makes a reference variable named b, of type Button
2. Creates a new Button object on the heap
3. Assigns the newly created Button object to the reference variable b
What does it mean to assign "null" to an object reference variable?
it means the variable is not referring to any object
You can use a reference variable to refer to any object that is a _____ of the declared reference variable type.
Can you change the value of a String object?
No, they are immutable
What happens when you use a String reference variable to modify a string?
1. A new string is created, leaving the original String object untouched.
2. The reference used to modify the String is then assigned the brand new String object
For any object type except String, what happens when two references refer to the same object and either of these references is used to modify the object?
both references will see the change because there is still only a single object
How many String objects are created in the following:

String s = "Fred";
String t = s;
two String objects were created but the newly created String holding "FRED" is toast since it isn't assigned to a String variable; both t and s referr to the String "Fred".
Comparison operators always result in a ______ value.
boolean (true or false)
What are the 4 comparison operators?
> (greater than)
>= (greater than or equal to)
< (less than)
<= (less than or equal to)
Can characters be used in comparison operators?
Yes, when comparing a character with a character, or a character with a number, Java will take the ASCII or Unicode value of the character as the numerical value, and compare the numbers
Can the "instanceof" operator be used for primitive variables?
No, only for object reference variables
What do you use the "instanceof" operator for?
to check whether an object is of a particular class or interface type. It checks if the object referred to by the variable on the left side of the operator passes the IS-A test for the class or interface type on the right
Any object reference will evaluate to true if you use the "instanceof" operator against type _____.
An object is said to be of a particular type (meaning it will pass the "instanceOf" test) if any of the object's _______ implement the interface.
What happens when you test whether a "null" object (or "null" itself) is an instance of a class?
will always result in false
Is an array an object or a primitive?
It is an object, even if the array is an array of primitives
An array is always an instanceof _____.
What 2 operators test for equality?
== equals
!= not equals
The equality operators compare two things and return a ______ value.
Can you compare incompatible types?
What four different type of things can be tested for equality?
1. Numbers
2. Characters
3. Boolean primitives
4. Object reference variables
What happens if a floating-point number is compared with an integer and the values are the same as in (5.0 == 5L)?
the == operator returns true
Can integer values be used where a boolean value is expected?
What does the == operator test for when used with object reference variables?
to see if they refer to the same object
What are the 4 basic arithmetic operators?
+ addition
- subtraction
x multiplication (use *)
/ division
What does the % operator do?
it is the remainder operator and divides the left operand by the right operand and the result is the remainder
What happens when you divide an integer by zero?
an ArithmeticException
What happens when you use the % operator with a right operand of zero?
an ArithmeticException
What happens when you divide a floating-point number by positive zero?
You get positive infinity
What happens when you divide a floating-point number by negative zero?
You get negative infinity
Will you get an ArithmeticException when you use the remainder operator on floating-point numbers, where the right operand is zero?
When does the + operator become a String concatenation?
When either operand is a String. If both operands are numbers, the + operator is the addition operator.
What are the two operators that will increment or decrement a variable by one?
++ increment (prefix and postfix)
-- decrement (prefix and postfix)
What happens when you use the increment or decrement operator on a "final" variable?
a compiler error, final variables can't be changed
Give the 3 shift operators.
>> right shift
<< left shift
>>> unsigned right shift(zero-filled right shift)
Can you use shift operators on floating-point numbers?
How do you determine the result of a shift operator?
you have to convert to binary
With the left shift operator, what happens to the right side?
the right side is filled with zeros
When using the right shift operator, what happens to the left side?
the leftmost bits are filled in on the left with whatever the sign bit was
With the right shift operator, what happens to a negative number?
It stays negative
Except for a few special cases, the result of an unsigned right shift is always _____?
positive, regardless of the original sign bit
All operands in a bit shift are promoted to at least ____
an int
How many bits are shifted with the shift operators? How many bits are shifted when you shift an int by 34?
always the right operand modulus the total number of bits for that primitive type.
2 bits
If you shift an "int" by any multiple of 32 or a "long" by any multiple of 64, what do you get?
the original value will not change
What actually happens when you use the right shift operator?
the number being shifted is "divided" by 2 to the power of the number of bits to shift.
What actually happens when you use the left shift operator?
the number being shifted is "multiplied" by 2 to the power of the number of bits to shift
What are the 3 bitwise operators?
| inclusive OR
^ exclusive OR
What does the "&"operator do?
compares corresponding bits between two numbers. If both bits are 1, the final bit is 1. If only one of the bits is 1, the resulting bit is 0.
What does the "|" operator do?
sets the resulting bit to 1 if either (of both) of the bits is a 1
What does the "^" operator do?
compares two bits to see if they are different. If they are different, the result is 1.
What does the "~" operator do?
it is the flip-the-bits operator. It will change all 1s to 0s and vice versa.
Give the structure of the conditional operator.
someVariable = (boolean expression) ? value to assign if true: value to assign if false
Can you nest conditional operators into one statement?
What does "casting" let you do?
Convert primitive values from one type to another.
Typically, an implicit cast happens when you're doing a ______ conversion.
The large-value-into-small-container conversion is referred to as _____.
Which type of converions requires an explicit cast, widening or narrowing?
What happens when you assign a floating-point number to an integer variable?
a compiler error
What are the 4 logical operators?
&& short-ciruit AND
|| short-circuit OR
The "&&" operator is similar to the "&" operator except for what?
it evaluates only boolean values and can't be used as a bitwise operator.
What does the "&&" operator do if the left side of the operation resolves to false?
It doesn't bother looking at the right side of the operation
What does the "||" operator do if the left side of the operation resolves to true?
It doesn't bother looking at the right side of the operation.
Can the bitwise operators (& and |) be used in both logical and bitwise expressions?
Yes, but they are rarely used in logical expressions since they are not efficient - they evaluate both sides of the expression
What happens when you pass an object reference variable into a method?
both the caller and the called method will now have identical copies of the reference, and thus both will refer to the same exact (not a copy) object in the heap.
Is Java "pass-by-reference" or "pass-by-value"?
pass-by-value, which means pass-by-copy-of-the-variable so the called method can't change the caller's variable.
What does shadowing involve?
It involves declaring a variable that's already been declared somewhere else. The effect is to hide the previously declared variable in such a way that it may look as though you're using the shadowing variable
When a floating-point zero is divided by zero, what do you get?