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39 Cards in this Set

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What religion was introduced in the Yamato period?
Buddhism. Clashed greatly with the established Shinto belief system.
What oral traditions were important during the Yamato period?
The tale of the Sun Goddess Amadarasu. Those who have direct Blood line of her are powerful.
What is the "back side" of Japan?
The snow country on one side of the mountains near Honshu.
Where might the Japanese work ethic originate?
perhaps from the mild climate or adopted from China and Confucianism.
What is the "typhoon mentality"?
Regularly expect natural disasters. Able to rebuild quickly. Reverence for nature.
What is the size of an average farm today in Japan?
About 2.5 acres
What are some characteristics of Japanese farming techniques?
Overly mechanized. Smaller equipment. Irrigation. Mostly Rice paddies.
How much of Japan in mountains and how many Islands are there?
Over 80% is mountains and there are about 4,000 islands.
When was the last major quake in Tokyo?
What is a result of Japan being so mountainous?
Groups settled in isolation. Association with individual village.
So, why do the Japanese have such a group mentality?
They are an island. Imperial family has long genetic line. war brings them together.
How long have people lived on the Japanese islands?
about 200,000 years. Skeletal remains tell us this.
Who are the Jomon people?
Name comes from the coil designs on their pottery. sunken huts, matriarchal, hunter/gatherers. lots of shellfish. probably from the south pacific. Buried dead in the village.
Who are the Yayoi people?
Agriculture and rice paddies show possibly different origins than Jomon. Pottery on the wheel. Bronze. Buried dead away from village.
Who are the こふん?
The tomb people. Han influence. Inclined to discover other people/villages. Spriritual leader. Patrilinneal. Caste system based on family ties and occupation ( sado, be, and yasuko).
What happened during the Taika reform of 645?
Increase in Chinese technology. Awareness of native/non-native. Because politically unified in 7th cent. AD.
How is Japanese Feudalism different from Europe?
Less emphasis on Law from the ruler and more on morality ( less concept of political rights). Women are as tough as men. Men pride themselves in the arts.
What are the three sects of Buddhism?
1) Amida: "pure" land of the west (India) Congregational organization.
2) Nichiren: Japan is the center of the faith.
3) Zen: meditation, simplicity, nature. Monasteries became intellectual centers.
What was Japan's first permanent capital?
What is the purpose of the Kojiki?
To show genealogy. It is Genesis. More mythical. shyoki is more serious.
When was the Phonetic alphabet first seen?
During the Heian period of 794-1185
When is the Regent system first put into place?
During the Heian period of 794-1185
What was the first book written in the new phonetic alphabet?
The Tale of Genji by Murasaki shikibu
When is the regent system dismantled and why?
During the Kamakura period of 1185-1333. The Gempei War (1180-85) destroyed the Taira and this created Yorimoto the first shogun.
How much of Japan did the Ashikaga family rule?
About 1/3 the rest was ruled by samurai and by whoever lived on the land.
When were the Daimyo first seem?
During the Ashikaga period of 1392-1575. Landholding warrior families replaced by feifdoms controlled by Daimyo.
When and who were the first Euopeans in Japan?
Portuguese, 1542, missionaries.
When was the "warrior ethic" first seen?
During the Ashikaga peiod of 1392-1575. Created by Samurai, like knights of chivalry. Seppuku.
When was the 200 year seclusion in Japan?
During the Tokugawa period of 1603-1868. The Japanese fall behind in technology. Merchant class grows and Samurai are poor (SPAM). Confucianism re-born.
What did Matthew Perry do in 1853?
Comes from America to try to open Japan to trade and relations. Comes back one year later to show he means business.
Where is the slogan " revere the emperor, expel the barbarian" from?
The Satsuma and Choshu regions VS. Tokugawa regime. 1862
What starts the Meiji restoration?
The emperor is "restored" to power and the capital moves to Tokyo. Tokugawa shogun resigns and the shogun-ate system is dismantled.
When are the Samurai stripped of their swords?
In 1876. This starts the Seinan war/ Satsuma rebellion ( Samurai outraged and poor). They lose and the restoration continues.
When is the Japanese constitution written?
In 1889. It is GIVEN to the people, there is no revolution.
When are the unequal treaties reversed in Japan?
In 1899 because Japan has become more powerful after winning a war with China.
When does Japan become a world power?
In 1904-05 after they win the Russo-Japanese war over Korea.
Who is Japan allied with in WWI?
France and Great Britain
What are some key events during the 1930s in Japan?
Japanese imperial army tried to take over Asia without government approval. Military takes over government after a nationalist fervor. Japan invades china, french indochina and the Philippines. BOMB pearl harbor in 1941.
When is the occupation of Japan and what is the general sentiment?
From 1945-1952. Generally regarded as a guide to a better day.