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37 Cards in this Set

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Explain the physiology of breastfeeding.

The sucking infant stimulates the hypothalamus which releases oxytocin and prolactin.

Define the effect of prolactin in breast milk production

It produces milk

Define the effect of oxytocin in breast milk production.

It releases the milk.

Define colostrum.

It is the first milk released and produced late in pregnancy and for a week after pregnancy. It contains more water, protein, immune factors, minerals, vitamins, and less fat than regular breast milk.

What is the benefit to the baby from colostrum?

Huge benefit to the gastrointestinal tract by acting as a natural laxative. Also boosts the child's immune system.

Explain the calorie requirements for breast feeding mothers.

500 extra calories a day to make 25 oz of milk.

What is the difference in the nutritional needs of a pregnant woman and a lactating mother?

Nursing mothers need more carbs, fiber, and water.

Explain proper positioning of infant for breastfeeding.

cradle holds, side holds, lying down. The baby's body should be very close to it's mother's, lips should be curled out.

Describe strategies for common lactation problems such as nipple soreness, engorgement, anxiety, breast infection.

Don't give the baby pacifiers until they're good at latching, start with the least sore side, make sure they baby takes in as much of the dark part of the nipple as possible. Let your breasts air dry, change breast pads often, breastfeed often.

Describe appropriate expression of milk and storage.

Freeze it or put it in the fridge. Throw out what isn't taken from the bottle.

Describe appropriate bowel and urinating routine of a breast fed baby.

6 wet diapers in 24 hours, 2 dirty diapers in 24 hours.

What supplements are recommended for a full term breast fed baby?

Vitamin D (sunshine), flouride drops, and iron at 4 to 6 months.

Describe circumstances or conditions of the mother when breast feeding should be discouraged.

Drug use, certain diseases (cancer, HIV), a condition of the baby, environmental and lifestyle conditions, and if you don't want to breastfeed.

Compare and contrast the carbohydrate, protein, and fat type and concentration in mature human breast milk to cow's milk and formula.

The protein in cow's milk is too high and the carbs too low. Formulas are right in there.

Describe how to evaluate the nutritional status of an infant.

By weight and length.

How much should an infant grow in a year?

Their weight should double in the first five months and triple in a year. Their length should increase 50% in a year.

Explain the infant supplementation recommendations.

They begin at 4 to 6 months an include iron, vitamin D, and flouride.

Explain how the division of responsibility would be implemented with an infant.

Children: use trial and error to identify signals, let the baby decide how much, how fast, and when to eat.

Adults: Choose what to feed the infant, hold the baby securely, talk and smile, be patient, keep foods safe

Define infant lactose intolerance:

Most commonly present only in formula-fed babies, usually temporary.

How does a toddler's expanding of their sense of self affect their eating habits?

They may refuse to eat, even if they want to. "No" doesn't always mean no.

How does a toddler's ability to express themselves verbally affect their eating habits?

They may only want one kind of food. They will start pointing, pushing, and using small words.

How does a toddler's need to explore affect their eating habits?

They may be more interested in playing than eating. Warn before taking from play, every 2 1/2 hours, offer food. There is a time to eat and a time not to to eat.

How does a toddler's refined fine motor control affect their eating habits?

They will get frustrated as they try to use eating utinsils, may give up in frustration. They will play with their food.

How does a toddler's neophobia affect their eating habits?

They will refuse new foods. Offer new foods 10 times or more before it is no longer 'new' to them.

What are some suggestions for managing mealtime with a toddler?

-Allow enough time for eating. Don't rush them.

-Set limits for behavior at the dinner table, e.g., make them sit in their chair, no throwing food.

-Check seating and make sure they can eat in it, that they're part of the eating process.

-Respect preferences. No short-order cooking.

-Offer new foods with familiar foods.

-Let them help with the food prep

-Don't let them fill up on milk or juice.

-Don't reward for eating.

-Set a good example.

How much should a toddler eat?

Three meals and two snacks. Serving sizes are 1 tablespoon per year of age. They can have more, but that's how much you offer.

How do you calculate caloric need?

Start with 1000 calories and add 100 for each year of age.

How much protein should a toddler take?

0.6 grams per pound of body weight (milk and meat)

How much calcium should a toddler take?

500 mg (1 8oz glass of milk is 300 mg)

How much vitamin C should a toddler take?

They need a daily source of about half a cup.

How much vitamin A should a toddler take?

They need a source every other day - these are dark green or orange vegetables

How much iron should a toddler take?

Iron fortified breakfast cereal served with a source of vitamin C

How much flouride should a toddler take?

Supplementation, unless it's in the water.

How can you make foods easy to eat for toddlers?

Use bite sized pieces, cut up meats finely

Make some foods soft and moist

Serve foods near room temperature

Serve salads as finger foods

Make soups thin enough to dink

Make food attractive and colorful

What is the parents' division of responsibility with regard to feeding the toddler?

Select and buy the food

Make and present the meals

Decide the timing of meals and snacks

Presenting food in a correct way
Allowing easy eating methods

Remind child to attend to eating

Making family mealtimes pleasant (no power struggles)

And helping the child to participate in meals.

What is the toddler's division of responsibility with regard to feeding the toddler?

Decide how much to eat

Decide whether or not to eat

How their body turns out, looks, and grows.

What if the toddler does not eat?

Do not punish the child for refusing foods

Frequency of exposure is important

Offer food in a positive way

Imitation is still the best way children learn

Allow the child to help prepare the food

Ignore the behavior - don't give in to a power struggle.