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250 Cards in this Set

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Misalignment of the tube-part-IR relationship in

Shape distortion

In digital imaging, brightness is controlled by

2. Monitor functions

3. Postprocessing functions

In electronic imaging, as digital image matrix size increases

Pixel size decreases

An algorithm, as used in x-ray imaging is an

Series of variable instructions

The chest radiograph shown in Figure 4-1 demonstrates

The chest radiograph shown in Figure 4-1 demonstrates

Aliasing artifact

The intensity of ionizing radiation decreases as

Distance from the source of radiation increases

Grid interspace material can be made of

2. Aluminum

3. Plastic fiber

The reduction in x-ray photon intensity as the photon passes through material is termed


Which of the lines indicated in Figure 4-2 represents the dynamic range offered by commuted radiography/digital radiography (CR/DR)?

Which of the lines indicated in Figure 4-2 represents the dynamic range offered by commuted radiography/digital radiography (CR/DR)?

Line A is representative of CR/DR

An increase in kilovoltage will have which of the following effects in digital imaging?

1. More scattered radiation will be produced

2. The exposure rate will increase

The x-ray tube used in CT must be capable of

1. High-speed rotation

2. Short pulsed exposures

3. Withstanding millions of heat units

What is the correct critique of the CR image shown in Figure 4-3?

What is the correct critique of the CR image shown in Figure 4-3?

Double exposure

If a lateral projection of the chest is being performed on an asthenic patient and the outer photocells are selected, what is likely to be the outcome?

Decreased IR exposure

Which of the following groups of exposure factors will produce the greatest receptor exposure?

400 mA, 70 ms

The component of a CR image plate (IP) that records the radiologic image is the

Photostimulable phosphor

An x-ray image of the ankle was made at 40 SID, 200 mA, 50 ms, 70 kV, 0.6-mm focal spot, and minimal OID. Which of the following modifications would result in the greatest increase in magnification?

4 '' OID

The radiation dose received by the digital detector for each image is indicated by the

Exposure indicator

HVL is affected by the amount of

1. kVp

2. Beam filtration

The luminescent light emitted by the PSP is transformed into the image seen on the CRT by the


The lateral coccyx image shown in Figure 4-4 was made using AEC but is overexposed. This is most likely a result of

The lateral coccyx image shown in Figure 4-4 was made using AEC but is overexposed. This is most likely a result of

Incorrect centering of part

Which of the following units are used to express exposure?

1. Line-spread function

2. Line pairs per millimeter

The term windowing describe the practice of

Changing the image brightness and/or contrast scale

Foreshortening can be caused by

The radiographic object being placed at an angle to the IR

Acceptable methods of minimizing motion unsharpness is

1. Suspended respiration

2. Short exposure time

3. Patient instruction

Using fixed milliampere-seconds and variable kilovoltage technical factors, each centimeter increase in patient thickness requires what adjustment in kilovoltage

Increase 2 kV

Unopened boxes of radiographic film should be stored away from radiation and

In the vertical position

Potential digital image post processing tasks include

2. Annotation

3. Inversion/reversal

Factors that contribute to film fog include

1. The age of the film

2. Excessive exposure to safelight

3. Processor chemistry

X-ray photon energy is inversely related to

1. Photon wavelength

Which of the radiographs shown in Figure 4-5 most likely required the greater exposure?

Which of the radiographs shown in Figure 4-5 most likely required the greater exposure?

Image B

Characteristics of DR imaging include

1. Solid-state detector receptor include

2. A direct-capture imaging system

3. Immediate image display

Compared with a low-ratio grid, a high-ratio grid will

2. Absorb more scattered radiation

3. Absorb more primary radiation

A decrease in kilovoltage will result in

2. A decrease in photon energy

3. A decrease in receptor exposure

What is the correct critique of the CR image shown in Figure 4-6?

What is the correct critique of the CR image shown in Figure 4-6?

Inverted IP

To be suitable for used in an image intensifier's input screen, a phosphor should have which of the following characteristics?

1. High conversion efficiency

2. High x-ray absorption

3. High atomic number

Resolution in CR increases as

1. Laser beam size decreases

3. PSP crystal size decreases

What pixel size has 512 x 512 matrix with 20-cm filed of view (FOV)?


In radiography of a large abdomen, which of the following are effective ways to to minimize the amount of scattered radiation reaching the image receptor (IR)?

1. Use of close collimation

Which of the following factors contributes to the efficient performance of a grid?

1. Grid ration

2. Number of lead strips per inch

3. Amount of scatter transmitted through grid

The changes between the images shown in Figure 4-7 represent changes made to

The changes between the images shown in Figure 4-7 represent changes made to

Window width

All the following affect the exposure rate of the primary beam except

Field size

Which of the following terms is used to describe unsharp edges of tiny radiographic details?


Image contrast, in screen-film imaging, is a result of

1. Differential tissue absorption

2. Atomic number of tissue being traversed

What grid ratio is represented in Figure 4-8?

What grid ratio is represented in Figure 4-8?


A 5'' object to be radiographed at a 44'' in SID lies 6 inches from the IR. What will be the image width?

5.7 in

In comparison with 60 kV, 80 kV (in analog/screen film imaging) will

1. Permit greater exposure latitude

2. Produce more scattered radiation

The term pixel is associated with all of the following except

How much of the part is included in the matrix

Geometric blur can be evaluated using all the following devices except


Causes of grid cutoff, when using focused reciprocating grids, include the following?

Inadequate SID

The tiny increased brightness, dropout artifacts seen in the proximal portion of the CR image of the radius shown in Figure 4-9 are representative of

The tiny increased brightness, dropout artifacts seen in the proximal portion of the CR image of the radius shown in Figure 4-9 are representative of

Dust/dirt on the PSP

Using a short (25-30in) SID with a large (14x17 in) IR is likely to

Increase the anode heel effect

Which of the following groups of factors would produce the least radiographic density in analog/screen film imaging?

100 mA, 0.020 second, 80 kV, 200-speed screens

Chemical fog on radiographic film image may be attributed to

1. Excessive developer temperature

2. Oxidized developer

3. Excessive replenishment

Because of the anode heel effect, the intensity of the x-ray beam is greatest along the

Cathode end of the beam

The differences between CR and DR include

1. CR uses IPs

The term voxel is associated with all of the following except

Field of view

Using a 48'' SID, how much OID must be introduced to magnify an object two times?

24'' OID

A particular radiograph was produced using 12 mAs and 85 kV with a 16:1 grid. The radiograph is to be repeated using an 8:1 ratio grid. What should be the new milliampere-seconds value?


The main difference between the direct capture and indirect capture DR is that

Direct capture/conversion has no scintillator

Analog-to-digital conversion is required in the following imaging system


The photostimulable phosphor (PSP) plates used in CR are constructed in layers that include

1. Light shield layer

2. Support layer

3. Electroconductive layer

For the same FOV, spatial resolution will be improved using

A larger matrix

Which of the following are methods of limiting the production of scattered radiation?

2. Using the prone position for abdominal exams

3. Restricting the field size to the smallest practical size

Two screen-film images of the skull are shown in Figure 4-10. Which of the following best describes their different appearance?

Two screen-film images of the skull are shown in Figure 4-10. Which of the following best describes their different appearance?

Image A demonstrates higher contrast

The absorption of useful radiation by a grid is called

Grid cutoff

Which of the images in Figure 4-11 has the largest matrix size?

Which of the images in Figure 4-11 has the largest matrix size?

Image #4

Types of shape distortion include

2. Elongation

3. Foreshortening

For the same FOV, as the matrix size increases

1. Spatial resolution increases

2. Image quality increases

3. Pixel size decreases

In digital imaging, as the size of the image matrix increases

2. Pixel size decreases

3. Spatial resolution increases

All of the following are related to spatial resolution except


A satisfactory radiograph was made using a 36'' SID, 12 mAs, and a 12:1 grid. If the exam will be repeated at a distance of 42'' and using a 5:1 grid, what should be the new milliampere-seconds value to maintain the original receptor exposure?


Of the following groups of exposure factors, which will produce the most receptor exposure?

200 mA, 60 ms, 36'' SID

Which of the following groups of analog/screen film exposure factors will produce the shortest scale of contrast?

500 mA, 0.03 second, 70 kV, 8:1

All of the following statements regarding digital imaging are true, except

Brightness is related to IR exposure

In digital imaging, kV selection has an effect on

1. Photon energy

2. Penetration

Which of the following factors influences the production of scattered radiation?

1. Kilovoltage level

2. Tissue density

3. Size of field

Exposure factors of 2 mAs and 75 kV were used for a particular part. Which of the following changes would result in twice the exposure to the image receptor?

4 mAs

Factors impacting spatial resolution include

1. Focal spot size

2. Subject motion

3. SOD

Which of the following are tested as part of a quality assurance (QA) program?

1. Beam alignment

2. Reproducibility

3. Linearity

Focal-spot blur is greatest

Toward the cathode end of the x-ray beam

How are mAs and patient dose related?

mAs and patient dose are directly proportional

Image plate front material can be made of which of the following?

1. Carbon fiber

2. Magnesium

Which of the following pathologic conditions would require a decrease in exposure factors?


An exposure was made at a 36'' SID using 300 mA, a 30ms exposure, and 80 kV and an 8:1 grid. It is desired to repeat the radiograph using a 40'' SID and 70 kV. With all other factors remaining constant, what new exposure time will be required?

0.07 second

Practice that enable the radiographer to reduce the exposure time required for a particular image include

1. Use of a higher milliamperage

2. Use of a higher kilovoltage

If 400 mA, 10 ms, and 90 kV were used for a particular exposure using three-phase, 12-pulse equipment, which of the following exposure changes would be most appropriate for use on single-phase equipment to produce a similar image?

Use 0.02 second

Which of the following materials may be used as grid interspace material?

2. Plastic

3. Aluminum

The radiograph shown in Figure 4-12 demonstrates an example of

The radiograph shown in Figure 4-12 demonstrates an example of

Exposure artifact

Exposure-type artifacts include

1. Double exposure

2. Motion

An increase in the kilovoltage applied to the x-ray tube increases the

2. Exposure rate

Which of the following statements about histograms are true?

1. A histogram illustrates pixel value distribution

2. There is a default histogram for each/different body parts

3. A histogram is representative of the i mage grayscale

Which of the following is the correct order of radiographic film processing?

Developer, fixer, wash, dry

If the radiographer is unable to achieve a short OID because of the structure of the body part or patient condition, which of the following adjustments can be made to minimize magnification distortion?

A longer SID should be used

The exposure factors used for a particular non grid x-ray image were 300 mA, 4 ms, and 90 kV. Another image, using an 8:1 grid, is requested. Which of the following groups of factors is most appropriate?

400 mA, 12 ms, 90 kV

The PA chest image shown in Figure 4-13 exhibits which of the following qualities?

The PA chest image shown in Figure 4-13 exhibits which of the following qualities?

1. Adequate penetration of the heart

2. Long-scale contrast

3. Adequate inspiration

Exposure rate will decrease with an increase in


Which of the following pathologic conditions probably will require a decrease in exposure factors?


Diagnostic x-rays are generally associated with

High frequency and short wavelength

A screen-film image exhibiting insufficient density might be attributed to

1. Inadequate kilovoltage

3. Grid cutoff

Decreasing field size from 14 x 17 in to 8 x 10 inch, with no other changes, will

Decrease the amount of scattered radiation generated within the part

Which of the following devices is used to overcome severe variation in patient anatomy or tissue density, providing more uniform receptor exposure?

Compensating filter

What are the effects of scattered radiation on a radiographic image?

1. It produces fog

Which of the following groups of exposure factors would be most appropriate to control involuntary motion?

600 mA, 0.02 second

Spatial resolution/detail can be improved by decreasing

2. OID

3. Patient/part motion

The functions of the developer in film processing is to

2. Change the exposed silver bromide crystals to black metallic silver

In digital imaging, mAs selection has an effect on

1. Receptor exposure

2. Patient dose

The x-ray image seen in Figure 4-14 is most likely the result of

The x-ray image seen in Figure 4-14 is most likely the result of

Too low mAs factors

Which of the following affects both the quantity and the quality of the primary beam?

1. Half-value layer (HVL)

2. Kilovoltage (kV)

In which of the following ways dose SID affect spatial resolution?

Spatial resolution is directly related to SID

Which of the following would be useful for an exam of a patient suffering from Parkinson's disease?

1. Short exposure time

Underexposure of an SF radiograph can be used by all the following except insufficient


If a duration of 0.05 second was selected for particular exposure, what milliamperage would be necessary to produce 30 mAs?


An anteropostior (AP) projection of the fetus was made using 300 mA, 0.03 second, 76 kV, 40'' SID, 1.20-mm focal spot, and a 400 speed screen-film system. With all other factors remaining constant, which of the following exposure times would be required to maintain correct IR exposure at a 44'' SID using 500 mA?

22 ms

An AP radiograph of the femur was made using 300 mA, 30 ms, 76 kV, 40'' SID, 1.2-mm focal spot. With all other factors remaining constant, which of the following exposure times would be required to maintain correct IR exposure using 87 kV and the addition of a 12:1 grid?

75 ms

Which of the following statements regarding dual x-ray absorptiometry are true?

1. Radiation dose is low

3. Photon attenuation by bone is calculated

In a posteroanterior (PA) projection of the chest being used for cardiac evaluation, the heart measures 14.7 cm between its widest points. If the magnification factor is known to be 1.2, what is the actual diameter of the heart?

12.25 cm

Bone densitometry is often performed to

1. Measure degree of bone (de) mineralization

2. Evaluate the results of osteoporosis treatment/therapy

The differences between CR and DR include

1. DR images are displayed immediately

2. DR has higher DQE and lower patient dose

Which of the following error is illustrated in Figure 4-15?

Which of the following error is illustrated in Figure 4-15?

X-ray tube not centered to grid

The process of "windowing" of digital images determines the image


What is the purpose of the thin layer of lead that is often located in the rear portion of an IP?

To prevent scattered radiation fog

The purpose of the electroconductive layer of a CR PSP plate is to

Facilitate transpiration through the scanner/reader

Which of the following combinations is most likely to be associated with quantum mottle?

Decreased milliampere-seconds, increased kilovoltage

What pixel size has 2,048 x 2,048 matrix with a 60-cm FOV?

0.3 mm

As window level increases

Brightness increases

Which of the following matrix sizes is most likely to produce the best image resolution?

2,048 x 2,048

The device shown in Figure 4-16 is used for

The device shown in Figure 4-16 is used for

Mammographic QA testing

Factors that determine spatial resolution in digital imaging include

1. Part motion

2. Geometric factors

3. Size of focal spot

Examples of healthcare information include

1. HIS

2. RIS


The exposure factors of 400 mA, 17 ms, and 82 kV produce a milliampere-seconds value of


All the following statements regarding CR IP's are true except

IPs must exclude all white light

The radiographic accessory used to measure the thickness of body parts in order to determine optimal selection of exposure factors is the


The x-ray image sent on the computer display monitor is an

Analog image

Modifications to the degree of digital image brightness can be made by adjustments to

2. Monitor controls

3. Window level post processing

For which of the following exams can the anode heel effect be an important consideration?

1. Lateral thoracic spine

2. AP femur

All the following have an impact on radiographic contrast except

Focal spot size

A radiograph made with a parallel grid demonstrates decreased receptor exposure on its lateral edges. This is most likely due to

Decreased SID

What is the correct critique of the CR image shown in Figure 4-17?

What is the correct critique of the CR image shown in Figure 4-17?

Grid centering error

A particular milliampere-seconds value, regardless of the combination of milliamperes and time, will reproduce the same receptor exposure. This is a statement of

Reciprocity law

OID is related to spatial resolution in which of the following ways?

Spatial resolution is inversely related to OID

If 300 mA has been selected for a particular exposure, what exposure time would be required to produce 6 mAs?

20 ms

In digital imaging, as DEL size decrease

Spatial resolution increases

An increase in kilovoltage will serve to

Increase photon energy

The functions of automatic beam limitation devices include

1. Reducing the production of scattered radiation

Spatial resolution is inversely related to

2. OID

3. Part motion

Of the following groups of SF exposure factors, which will produce the shortest scale of radiographic contrast?

500 mA, 0.040 second, 70 kV

The artifact seen in Figure 4-18 represents

The artifact seen in Figure 4-18 represents

CR processing artifact

Magnification fluoroscopy is accomplished by

1. Moving the image intensifier focal point further from the output phosphor

2. Selecting a smaller portion of the input phosphor

Figure 4-19 is representative of

Figure 4-19 is representative of

Anode heel effect

Of the following groups of technical factors, which will produce the greatest radiographic receptor exposure?

10 mAs, 74 kV, 36'' SID

Which of the following requires two exposures to evaluate focal spot accuracy?

Slit camera

Focusing distance is associated with which of the following?


The processing algorithm represents the

Anatomical part and projection

The relationship between the height of a grid's lead strips and the distance between them is referred to as grid


Greater latitude in analog/screen-film imaging is available to the radiographer in which of the following circumstances?

1. Using high kV technical factor

2. Using low-ratio grid

Characteristics of high-ratio focused grids, compared with lower-ratio grids, include which of the following?

2. They are more efficient in collecting SR

3. They absorb more of the useful beam

Factors that can affect histogram appearance include

1. Beam restriction

2. Centering erros

3. Incorrect SID

Figure 4-20 was made using screen-film technique. The area of blurriness seen in the upper part of the radiograph shown is most likely due to

Figure 4-20 was made using screen-film technique. The area of blurriness seen in the upper part of the radiograph shown is most likely due to

Poor screen-film contact

Changes in milliampere-seconds can affect all the following except

Spatial resolution

Low kilovoltage exposure factors usually are indicated for radiographic exams using

1. Water-soluble, iodinated media

2. A negative contrast agent

Which of the following exams might require the use of 70 kV?

1. AP abdomen

Which of the following are associated with magnification fluoroscopy?

1. Increased mA

2. Smaller portion of the input phosphor is used

A lateral SF projection of the lumbar spine was made using 200 mA, 1.0-second exposure, and 90 kV. If the exposure factors were changed to 200 mA, 0.5 second, and 104 kV, there would be an obvious change in which of the following?

2. Scale of radiographic contrast

Subject/object unsharpness can result from all of the following except when

Anatomic objects of interest are in the path of the CR

Brightness and contrast resolution in digital imaging can be influenced by

1. Window level (WL)

2. Window width (WW)

3. Look-up table (LUT)

What feature is used to display RIS information on current patients?

Modality work list

A decrease from 200 to 100 mA will result in a decrease in which of the following?

2. Exposure rate

3. Beam intensity

The radiograph shown in Figure 4-21 illustrates incorrect use of

The radiograph shown in Figure 4-21 illustrates incorrect use of


The effect described as differential absorption is

1. Responsible for radiographic contrast

2. A result of attenuating characteristics of tissue

3. Minimized by the use of a high peak kilovoltage

A satisfactory radiograph of the abdomen was made at a 38'' SID using 400 mA, 60-ms exposure, and 80 kV. If the distance is changed to 42'', what new exposure time would be required?

73 ms

Which of the following are associated with subject contrast?

1. Patient thickness

2. Tissue density

3. Kilovoltage

Typical patient demographic and examination info includes

1. Type of exam

2. Accession #

3. Date and time of exam

For which of the following exams might the use of a grid not be necessary in an adult patient?


The quantity of scattered radiation reaching the IR can be reduced through the use of

2. An air gap

3. A stationary grid

Why is a very short exposure time essential in chest radiography?

To minimize involuntary motion

The interaction between x-ray photons and matter illustrated in Figure 4-22 is most likely to be associated with

The interaction between x-ray photons and matter illustrated in Figure 4-22 is most likely to be associated with

1. High kilovoltage

Beam attenuation characteristics, or density values, in CT are expressed as

1. Hounsfield units

2. CT numbers

If an IR exposed using a 12:1 grid exhibits loss of signal at its lateral edges, it is probably because the

SID was too great

Which of the following is characteristics of a 5:1 grid?

1. It allows some positioning latitude

How is SID related to exposure rate and image receptor exposure?

As SID increases, exposure rate decreases and receptor exposure decreases

An x-ray exposure of a particular part is made and restricted to a 14 x 17 '' field size. The same exposure is repeated, but the x-ray beam is restricted to a 4 x 4 '' field. Compared with the first image, the second image is likely to

1. Generate less scattered radiation

2. Require increased exposure factors

In digital imaging , TFT DEL size is related to

Spatial resolution

Which of the following pathologic conditions would require an increase in exposure factors?


Factors that determine spatial resolution in digital imaging include

1. Focal-spot size

2. SID

3. DEL size

Which of the following analog/screen-film technical changes would best serve to remedy the effect of very dissimilar tissue densities?

High kilovoltage exposure factors

A QA program serves to

1. Keep patient dose to a minimum

2. Keep radiographic quality consistent

3. Ensure equipment efficiency

One line pair is described as

One black line on a light background an d on interspace of the same width

Any images obtained using dual x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) bone densitometry

1. Are used to evaluate accuracy of the region of interest (ROI)

Foreshortening of an anatomic structure means that

It is projected on the IR smaller than its actual size

Digital radiographic imaging equipment provides a number of functions for optimization of image quality, include

1. Exposure data recognition

2. Automatic rescaling

A SF x-ray image made using 300 mA, 0.1 second and 75 kV exhibits motion unsharpness but otherwise satisfactory technical quality. The image will be repeated using a shorter exposure time. Using 86 kV and 400 mA, what should be the new exposure time?

37 ms

The radiograph shown in Figure 4-23 was made using screen/film technique and exhibits an artifact caused by

The radiograph shown in Figure 4-23 was made using screen/film technique and exhibits an artifact caused by

Static electricity

X-ray tubes used in CT differ from those used in x-ray, in that CT x-ray tubes must

1. Have very high-short exposure rating

2. Capable of tolerating several million heat units

3. Have small focal spot for optimal resolution

Figure 4-24 is representative of

Figure 4-24 is representative of

The inverse square law

Which of the following can impact the visibility of the anode heel effect?

1. SID

2. IR size

When involuntary motion must be considered in SF imaging, the exposure time may be cut in half if the kilovoltage is

Increased by 15%

Which of the following groups of exposure factors would be most effective in eliminating prominent pulmonary vascular markings in the RAO position for a sternum?

25 mA, 7/10 second, 70 kV

An exposure was made of part using 300 mA and 0.06 second with a 200-speed screen-film combination. An additional radiograph is requested using a 400-speed system to reduce motion unsharpness. Using 400 mA, all other factors remaining constant, what should be the new exposure time?


The image seen in Figure 4-25 was made using screen-film technique and the film was processed in a chemical film processor. The artifacts seen on the resulting radiograph are called

The image seen in Figure 4-25 was made using screen-film technique and the film was processed in a chemical film processor. The artifacts seen on the resulting radiograph are called

Guide-shoe marks

HVL is affected by the amount of

1. kVp

2. Beam filtration

The attenuation of x-ray photons is not influenced by

3. Photon quantity

If, upon QC testing, the HVL of the X-ray beam produced by a particular x-ray tube increases, it is an indication of

1. Vaporized tungsten deposited on the inner surface of the glass envelope

2. An increase in the kilovoltage being produced by the tube

A compensating filter is used to

Even out widely differing tissue densities

Boxes of film stored in too warm an area may be subject to

Film fog

Which of the following will influence spatial resolution?

2. Part motion

3. Focal spot

Which interaction is responsible for producing the most x-ray photons at the x-ray tube target?


Factors that determine the production of scattered radiation include

1. Field size

2. Beam restriction

3. Kilovoltage

Which of the following are classified as rare earth phosphors?

1. Lanthanum oxybromide

2. Gadolinium oxysulfide

Which of the following is the most appropriated critique for the image seen as Figure 4-26?

Which of the following is the most appropriated critique for the image seen as Figure 4-26?

Low ratio/no grid used

As grid ratio is decreased in analog/SF imaging,

The scale of contrast becomes longer

X-ray film emulsion is most sensitive to safelight fog

After exposure

Which of the following focal-spot sizes should be employed for magnification radiography?

0.2 mm

If a 6'' OID is introduced during a particular radiographic exam, what change in SID will be necessary to overcome objectionable magnification?

The SID must be increased by 42''

If a particular grid has lead strips 0.40 mm thick, 4.0 mm high, and 0.25 mm apart, what is its grid ratio?


The line-focus principle expresses the relationship between

The actual and the effective focal spot

Which of the following has the greatest effect on radiographic IR exposure?


Shape distortion is influenced by the relationship between the

1. X-ray tube and the part being imaged

2. Part to be imaged and the IR

3. IR and the x-ray tube

The flattened hemidiaphragms and widened intercostal spaces seen in Figure 4-27 are representative of 

The flattened hemidiaphragms and widened intercostal spaces seen in Figure 4-27 are representative of


IR's frequently have a rear lead-foil layer that functions to

Absorb backscatter

The continued emission of light by a phosphor after the activating source has ceased is termed


Which combination of exposure factors most likely will contribute to producing the shortest-scale contrast?

20 80 400 10:1 8 x 10 inch

How often are radiographic equipment collimators required to be evaluated?


During CR imaging, the latent image present on the PSP is changed a computerized image by the


Exposed silver halide crystals are changed to black metallic silver by the


Grid cutoff due to off-centering would result in

Overall loss of receptor exposure

The advantages of high kilovoltage chest radiography is that

1. Exposure latitude is increased

2. It produces long-scale contrast

3. It reduces patient dose

The exposure factors of 400 mA, 70 ms, and 78 kV were used to produce a particular image receptor exposure. A similar image could be produced using 500 mA, 90 kV, and

28 ms

Pathologic or abnormal conditions that would require a decrease in exposure factors include all of the following except


The artifacts seen in Figure 4-28 include 

The artifacts seen in Figure 4-28 include

2. Jewelry artifacts

3. Hair braid artifacts

Geometric unsharpness is directly influenced by

1. OID

Which of the following are associated with magnification fluoroscopy?

1. Less noise

2. Improved contrast resolution

3. Improved spatial resolution

Which of the following may be used to reduce the effect of scattered radiation on the radiographic image?

1. Grids

2. Collimators

3. Compression bands

Which of the following is directly related to photon energy?

1. Kilovoltage

What info, located on each box of film, is important to note and has a direct relationship to image quality?

Expiration date

If 40 mAs and a 200-speed screen-film system were used for a particular exposure, what new milliampere-seconds value would be required to produce the same density if the screen-film system were changed to a 800 speed?


An exposure was made using 8 mAs and 60 kV. If the kilovoltage was changed to 70, what new milliampere-seconds value is required to maintain receptor exposure?


Methods that help to reduce the production of scattered radiation include using

1. Compression

2. Beam restriction

Compression of the breast during mammography imaging improves the technical quality of the image because

1. Geometric blurring is decreased

2. Less scattered radiation is produced

3. Patient motion is reduced

Distortion can be caused by

1. Tube angle

2. The position of the organ or structure within the body

3. The radiographic positioning of the part

Which of the following possessed he widest dynamic range?


Which of the following statements are true with respect to the radiographic shown in Figure 4-29?

Which of the following statements are true with respect to the radiographic shown in Figure 4-29?

1. The image exhibits long-scale contrast

2. The image exhibits a clothing artifact

3. The image demonstrates motion blur

What is the relationship between tissue attenuation coefficient in CT and its related Hounsfield unit (HU)?

The greater the tissue attenuation coefficient, the higher the HU value

A grid usually is employed in which of the following circumstances?

1. The radiographing a large or dense body part

2. When using high kilovoltage

Exposure factors of 90 kV and 3 mAs are used for a particular non grid exposure. What should be the new milliampere-seconds (mAs) value if a 12:1 grid is added?


An exposure was made using 300 mA, 40 ms exposure, and 85 kV. Each of the following changes will decreases the receptor exposure by one half except a change to

10 mAs

Which of the following are true when comparing screen-film imaging to CR imaging?

1. CR DQE is better than screen-film DQE

2. CR has a wider exposure range than screen-film

Which of the following are methods used for x-ray film silver reclamation?

2. Metallic replacement method

3. Electrolytic method

Which of the following groups of technical factors would be most appropriate for the radiographic exam should in Figure 4-30?

Which of the following groups of technical factors would be most appropriate for the radiographic exam should in Figure 4-30?

400 mA, 1/30 second, 72 kV

In which of the following exams should 70 kV not be exceeded?

Intravenous urogram (IVU)

Which of the following statements are true regarding the artifact seen in the erect PA projection of the chest seen in Figure 4-31?

Which of the following statements are true regarding the artifact seen in the erect PA projection of the chest seen in Figure 4-31?

The object is located within the IP