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26 Cards in this Set

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A government that has complete control over every part of public and private life


Extreme NationalismHeavy use of propaganda and control of informationNo opposition to the government allowedUse of police terrorA strong leader as a symbol of power ("cult personality")

Characteristics of Totalitarianism

1. Terror and violence to force obedience and eliminate opposition.2. Spying on citizens; Arrests; Non-public trials; Murder

1. Terror and violence to force obedience and eliminate opposition.2. Spying on citizens; Arrests; Non-public trials; Murder

1. Terror and violence to force obedience and eliminate opposition.2. Spying on citizens; Arrests; Non-public trials; Murder

Totalitarianism methods of control

"Police Terror"

Instruction in the government beliefs (to mold people's minds)


Control information to glorify the leader and convince citizens of unconditional loyalty.

Totalitarianism methods of control

"indoctrination methods"

When does indoctrination begin?

Begins with youth

Biased information used to sway people to accept certain beliefs or actions.


Control all mass media (newspapers, film, art, music)Citizens are given false information that appears to be true.

Totalitarianism methods of control

"Propaganda and Censorship methods"

What is questioning government information considered?

Treason and a crime




Totalitarian governments

Type of government used by Joseph Stalin - U.S.S.R. ?


Name of the type of government used by Benito Mussolini -Italy?


Name of the type of government used by Adolf Hitler's Germany?


Name of the type of government used by Kim Jung Un - North Korea?

Stalinist Communism

Born poorAbusive father who passed away when Stalin was 14Studied in a Russian Orthodox Seminary until he was kicked outHe was an early BolshevikUsed ruthlessness to beat out Trotsky as Lenin's replacement

Joseph Stalin's background

Police state

Propaganda and Censorship

Education and Indoctrination of Stalinist Communism

Stalin's Totalitarian System

Tapped telephones

Read mail

Placed informers everywhere

Children encouraged to turn in their parents for disloyal remarks

Arrested and executed millions of "traitors"

These are all examples of?

Stalin's "Police State"

A. Stalin assassinated the popular Sergei Kirov and claimed it was part of a plot by enemies of the Soviet Union

B. Arrested and executed any potential threats to Stalin's power including many old Bolsheviks

C. Confessions and show trials

D. An estimated 8 -13 million Soviets killed

Stalin's "Great purge"

Stalin controlled newspapers, films, and radio

All publications must conform to views of the state

All publications were used as propaganda

Stalin's "Propaganda and Censorship"

Promote virtues of communism & the U.S.S.R.

Create a cult of personality for Stalin

Stalin's "Education and Indoctrination"

Promote atheism

Intended to replace religion with communism

Persecuted the Russian Orthodox Church and Jews among others

Stalin's "Religious Persecution"

Command Economy

Five year plans

Collective farms

Stalin's "Economic system"

A system in which the government makes all economic decisions.

The government owns all businesses & distributes all resources

Command economy

Stalin set high quotas (numerical goals) for industrial goods.

Limited production of consumer goods.

Industrial production improved.

Five year plans

The state seized privately owned farms and combined them into large government run farms.

Farmers resisted and were arrested (5 -10 million died)

Collective farms

Police Terror


Propaganda & Censorship

Methods of control