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61 Cards in this Set
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electoral college
a body of electors who represent the people's vote in choosing the president
Why was Washington selected to be president?
Because he was a war hero and had led the Constitutional Convention
The First Cabinet
Secretary of State: Thomas Jefferson
Secretary of Treasury: Alexander Hamilton |
an action or decision that later serves as an example
Judiciary Act of 1789
The act that created three levels of federal courts and defined their powers and relationships to the state courts
What two important precedents were established for the federal government?
the Judiciary Act and the executive departments and the cabinet
What role did the electoral college play in George Washington's election to presidency?
They represented the people's votes
What were some of Marsha Washington's duties as First Lady?
She organized social events, ran the presidential household, entertained guests, and was a role model for the women of the country.
What precedent did PResident Washington and Congress establish regarding the executive branch?
they formed executive departments and the heads of those departments made up the Cabinet that advised the president.
What do you think was the most important element of the Judiciary Act of 1789?
That it created three levels, because it organized the court system more.
What city served as the first capital of the United States? Why?
New York City, because it was the largest U.S. city and the center of economic trade
DO you think New York City should still be the capital city of the United States?
No, because Washington DC was built to be an impartial state, while New York City was not.
national debt
money owed by the United States
certificates of debt that carry a promise to buy back the bonds at a higher price
people who buy items at low prices in the hope that the value will rise and they can sell the items for a profit
How did southerners feels about the federal government paying state war debts? How did Hamilton change their minds?
They were not happy, because they did not have as much debt as the northern states. Hamilton told the southern states that if they payed, after the government got money they would give money to the southern states.
What were the main differences between Hamilton and Jefferson concerning the power of the nation's government?
Hamilton wanted a strong central government and Jefferson wanted strong state governments.
loose constitution
the federal government can take reasonable actions that the Constitution does not specifically forbid.
strict constitution
the federal government should do only what the Constitution specifically says it can do.
Bank of the United States
the country's first national bank
Why did Congress and the president agree to create a national bank?
to create stability for the U.S. economy
What economic problems did the new government face?
High national debt from the revolutionary war.
Hamilton was a New Yorker, while Jefferson was from Virginia. How do you think that affected their views on the economy?
Since Hamilton was from New York, he wanted to promote manufacturing and make higher tariffs on foreign goods. Since Jefferson was from Virginia, he wanted to promote agriculture and lower tariffs.
Do you agree with Hamilton or Jefferson regarding the average citizen's ability to make decisions for their country?
I believe with both, because the average citizen does have the ability to make good decisions for their country, but they need guidance from the federal government.
Why did Jefferson oppose the creation of the Bank of the United States?
Because they thought it gave to much power to the federal government and that it was unconstitutional.
Defend Alexander Hamilton's stance in favor of the creation of a national bank
It was good, because it protected the United State's money, it was able to give out loans to businesses, and it could print money, thus bettering the economy.
French Revolution
a rebellion of French people against their king in 1789
the Neutrality Proclamation
a proclamation that stated that the United States would not take sides with any European countries that were at war.
private ships hired by a country to attack its enemies.
Jay's Treaty
the treaty that settled the disputes that had arisen between the United States andGreat Britain in the early 1790s.
Pinckney's Treaty
the treaty that settled the border and trade disputes with Spain.
Why did President Washington want the United States to remain neutral?
Because they had just finished fighting a war, and Washington thought it was safer for the country and the economy not to be involved in any more.
Battle of Fallen Timbers
The fight between the Native Americans and the Americans on August 20th, 1794, where the Americans won the battle and the war.
Treaty of Greenville
Gave the United States claim to most INdian lands in the Northwest Territory
What conflicts did the United States face in the late 1700s?
The British attacking and stealing their ships, Spain not letting them cross the border, and the war with the Native Americans over the land.
Whiskey Rebellion
the rebellion where farmers lashed out against the tax on whiskey
Defend the viewpoint of Pennsylvania farmers who did not want to pay the whiskey tax.
it was not fair for them to pay the tax, because they traded with the whiskey and could not afford the tax.
What issues did Washington believe were most dangerous to the future of the new nation?
foreign ties and political conflicts at home.
In what ways were Jay's Treaty and Pinckney's Treaty similar and different?
They were similar because they were both compromises that settled disputes with foreign nations. They were different, because Americans were more satisfied with Pinckney’s treaty
What are some possible consequences of the Treaty of Greenville for American Indians in the Northwest Territory?
Native Americans there would continue to lose land there.
Who were the leaders of American Indian and U.S. forces in the conflict in the Northwest Territory?
Little Turtle led the American Indians and General Anthony Wayne led the Americans.
Why did congress tax American-made whiskey?
To raise money to help pay the federal debt.
Why do you think that President Washington personally led the army against westerners in the Whiskey Rebellion?
He wanted to show his support for federal authority to tax.
How did the tax lead to the Whiskey Rebellion?
People were angry about the taxes and turned violent.
Why did Washington not run for a third term as president?
Because he was tired of public life and wanted to retire at his Virginia farm.
Political parties
groups that help elect people and shape policies
Federalist party
wanted a strong federal government and supported industry and trade
Democratic Republican party
wanted to limit the federal government's power.
How did the election of 1796 change the nature of politics in the United States?
It was the first time two different parties went against each other.
the XYZ affair
the French demand for a bribe
Alien and Sedation Acts
The laws that were said to protect the united States, but the Federalists intended them to crush opposition to war.
Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
the documents that argued that the Alien and Sedation Acts were unconstitutional
What did Americans mean when they said "Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute?"
That they were willing to spend money on protecting themselves from the French, but not for paying the French, because the Americans would not give in to insulting bribes
What two political parties emerged before the election of 1796 and who were the founders of each party?
The federalist party was formed by Alexander Hamilton, and the Democratic Republican party was formed by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.
What effect did the political parties have on the election of 1796?
Resulted in more than one candidate running for president for the first time.
Do you think it was difficult for Adams and Jefferson to serve together as president and vice president?
Yes, because they were from different parties and have different political beliefs.
What was one of Adam's first goals as president?
To improve the relationship between the U.S. and France.
Why were Federalists shocked by Adam's decision to resume peace talks with the French?
They had expected him to call for war.
What did the Alien and Sedation Acts state?
Forbade anyone from publishing or voicing criticism of the federal government.
What idea regarding the states' rights did the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions support?
the states could challenge the federal government
Would you have supported the Alien and Sedition Acts?
No, because it is a Constitutional right for people to have freedom of speech and freedom of press.