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32 Cards in this Set

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Title: Double Portrait: traditionally identified as Giovanni Arnolfini and Gionanna Cenami

Artist: Jan van Eyck

Pre Renissance

Title: Merode Alterpiece (Triptych of the Annunciation)

Artist: Robert Campin

Pre Renissance

Title: Deposition

Artist: Rogier van der Weyden

Pre Renissance

Title: Delivery of the Keys to Saint Peter

Artist: Pietro Perugino

Pre Renissance

Title: Birth of Venus

Artist: Sandro Botticelli

Pre Renissance

Title: Expulsion from Paradise

Artist: Masaccio

Pre Renissance

Title: The Last Supper

Artist: Leonardo Da Vinci

Italian Renissance

Title: Vetruvian Man

Artist: Leonardo Da Vinci

Italian Renissance

Title: Mona Lisa

Artist: Leonardo Da Vinci

Italian Renissance

Title: The Small Cowper Madonna

Artist: Raphael

Italian Renissance

Title: School of Athens

Artist: Raphael

Italian Renissance

Title: Pieta

Artist: Michelangelo

Italian Renissance

Title: David

Artist: Michelangelo

Italian Renissance

Title: Dome of Florence Cathedral

Artist: Filippo Brunelleschi

Pre Renissance

Title: Sistine Chapel

Artist: Michelangelo

Italian Renissance

Title: Creation of Adam

Artist: Michelangelo

Italian Renissance

Title: Last Judgment

Artist: Michelangelo

Italian Renissance

Title: The Tempst

Artist: Giogino

Italian Renissance

Title: Pastoral Concert

Artist: Titian

Venetian Renissance

Title: Venus of Urbino

Artist: Titian

Venetian Renissance

Title: Last Supper

Artist: Tintoretto


Title: Deposition

Artist: Jacopo da Pontormo


Title: Isenheim Altarpeice

Artist: Nikolaus Hagenauer

Northan Rennisance

Title: Self Portrait

Artist: Albrecht Durer

Northan Rennisance

Title: Adam and Eve

Artist: Albrecht Durer

Northan Rennisance

Title: Garden of Earthly Delights

Artist: Hieronymis Bosch

Northan Rennisance

Pre Rennisannce

(time frame, style, popular mediums, context)

Before 1500's

flat but fairly accurately porportioned figures

Oil on panels, usually wood and temera on canvas

Just before the boom of the Rennisannce and the Protestant Reformation

Italian Rennisannce

(time frame, style, popular mediums, context)


Classic but idealized human forms, stability and order, strong light/shadows, strong geometry, vibrant colors, large and complex scenes

Fresco, Marble statues, temporal

Reformation begining to make a scene but Catholic Church still dominates, growing interest in sceince, philosophy and academics

Modern, Modernity, Modernism

Modern - up-to-date, current trend, depature from traditional values, dosn't refer to "today"

Modernity - Historical period starting at 1500 (Rennisannce), prioritized indivdualism, belief in science and technology, moveing from Fuedalism to Capitalism, industrialization, urbanization, developing democrazy and public education

Modernim - Philosophical/artistic movement (1800's-1950's), part of Modernity, suggested practices in art were out of date, revolt agienst Industrial Revolution, progressive in all ways

Northern Renisannce

(time frame, style, popular mediums, context)


Graphic/distrubing, highly accurate in color and lighting, uncensored, real life

Oil painting, canvas (started this)

Occuring same time as Italian Rennissance, print press invented and utalized


(time frame, style, popular mediums, context)

Between (1500's) Rennisance and (1600's) Bouroque

Softer shading, gaudy colors, elongated bodies, soft and clean instead of violent/distrubing, theatrical/dramatic, adult-looking babies, artifical over natural, doll-faces, exhaggerated scale

Oil paint

Rejection of Rennisannce style, expirement with body instead of being ideal



love of classical learning, wanted to understand human nature, likes Greek/Roman culture