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13 Cards in this Set
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- Back
Differentiate between rheumatoid arthritis and degenerative joint disease in terms of joint involvement.
Rheumatoid arthritis occurs bilaterally. Degenerative joint disease occurs asymmetrically.
Identify the categories of drugs commonly used to treat arthritis.
NSAIDs (nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs) of which saliclylates are the cornerstone of treatment, and corticosteroids (used when arthritic symptoms are severe)
Identify pain relief interventions for clients with arthritis.
Warm, moist heat (compress, baths, showers); diversionary activities (imaging, distraction, self-hypnosis, biofeedback); and medications.
What measures should the nurse encourage female clients to take to prevent osteoporosis.
Possible estrogen replacement after menopause; high-calcium and vitamin D intake beginning in earl adulthood; calcium supplements.
What are the common side effects of salicylates?
GI irritation, tinnitus, thrombocytopenia, mild liver enzyme elevation.
What is the priority nursing intervention used with clients taking NSAIDS?
Administer or teach client to take drugs with food or milk.
List three of the most common joints that are replaced.
Hip, knee, finger
Describe postoperative residual limb care for the first 48 hours. (After amputation)
Elevate residual limb for the first 24 hours. Do not elevate residual limb after 48 hours. Keep residual limb in extended position and turn client to prone position three times a day to prevent flexion contracture.
Describe nursing care for the client who is experiencing phantom pain after amputation.
Be aware that phantom pain is real and will eventually disappear. Administer pain medication; phantom pain responds t medication.
A nurse discovers that a client who is in traction for a long bone fracture has a slight fever, is short of breath, and is restless. What does the client most likely have?
A fat embolism, which is characterized by hypoxemia, respiratory distress, irritability, restlessness, fever, and petechiae.
What are the immediate nursing actions if fat embolization is suspected ina client with a fracture or otherorthopedic conditions?
Notify physician stat, draw blood gases, administer oxygen according to blood gas results, assist with endotracheal intubation and treatment of respiratory failure.
List three problems associated with immobility.
Venous thrombosis, urinary calculi, skin integrity problems
List three nursing interventions for the prevention of thromboembolism in immobilized clients with musculoskeletal.
Passive range of motion exericses, elastic stockings, and elevation of foot of bed 25 degree to increase venous return.