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86 Cards in this Set

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While auscultating heart sounds, the nurse hears a murmur What should be used to assess it?
The bell of the stethoscope
The nurse is testing a pt's visual accommodation, which refers to:
Pupillary constriction when looking at a near object
In using the ophtalmoscope to assess a pt's eyes the nurse notes a red glow in the pupils. What does the nurse do?
Consider it a normal reflection of the light off the inner retina
Preparing to do an otoscopic exam on a 2 yr old. What is correct procedure?
Pull pinna down
When using otoscope to assess the nasal cavity, what does the nurse need to do?
Avoid touching the nasal septum w/ the speculum
During assessment of a 20 yr old pt w/ 3-day history of N/V, nurse notes dry mucosa, deep fissures on tongue. Reflective of:
When listening to heart sounds, the nurse knows that the valve closures that can be heard best at the base of the heart are:
Aortic & pulmonic
Assessmt of 70 yr old - swelling in ankles, jugular venous pulsations. This indicates?
Increased pressure in the right side of his heart
During assessmt of healthy adult, where would you palpate the apical pulse?
Fifth left intercostal space MCL
While counting apical pulse on 16 yr old, nurse notes irregular rhythm - speeds up on inspiration, slows on exhalation - What is the nurse's response?
NO response - normal!
If a mother hides a block under her baby's blanket & baby looks for it, the nurse knows that the baby has begun what concept?
Object permanence
The nurse is checking ROM in pts knee & knows the knee is capable of what movements?
Flexion and extension
A pt's annual phx exam reveals lateral curvature of thoracic & lumbar segments of spine. Dissapears when forward bending. This is called:
Functional scoliosis
When examining the face, what 2 prs of salivary glands are accessible to exam?
Parotid & submandibular
Pts lab data reveal an elevated thyroxine level. What needs examination?
A non cancerous thyroid nodule is a lump that:
Is mobile and not hard
Four areas of the body where lymph nodes are accessible:
Head & neck, arms, inguinal area, axillae
Severe HA in frontotemporal area, throbbing & somewhat relieved when lying down. Mother also had these HA's. What type?
Hyperthyroidism - thyroxine & T3 levels are elevated, what finding would be likely on examination?
What is a bruit?
Soft, whooshing, pulsatile sound best heard w/ bell of stethoscope
What is a characteristic of culture?
Adapts to specific environmental factors & available natural resources
Describe culturally competent care
The caregiver understands & attends to the total contxt of the pts situation
15 mo old son - mother at a loss for answers about behavior & appetite. What does the nurse do?
Determine whether she is primary caregiver for her son
If an American Indian comes to the clinic for care the nurse can expect that:
She may also be seeking assistance of shaman or medicine man
After completing initial assessmt nurse charts resp are eupnic & pulse is 58. This type of data would be:
Pt tells nurse he is very nervous and that he "feels hot". This type of data would be:
An example of objective info obtained during the phx assessmt would be: hx of allergy, use of meds, LMP, scar
2X5cm scar on rt lower forearm
Which technique uses sense of touch? Palpation, inspection, percussion, auscultation?
What does an otoscope do?
Directs light into the ear canal & onto the tympanic membrane
What is an important fact about the epidermis?
Replaced every 4 weeks
What is an important fact about the dermis?
Contains sensory receptors
Pt says "I sweat a lot but it doesn't have odor." This could be related to:
Eccrine glands
80 yr old man w/ skin that is thin, lax, wrinkled and dry. Related to:
Increased loss of elastin & decrease in subcutanous fat in the elderly
Pt has excess dryness of the skin - described as:
65 yr old w/ emphysema & bronchitis, what is expected on examination of skin:
Clubbing of the nails
Pt w/ "terrible itch" for seceral mos that he has been scratching continuously. Nurse might expect to find:
Purpura would be seen as:
Confluent & extensive patch of petechiae & ecchymosis
What is the vertebra prominens?
Spinous process of C7
Costal angle of 90*. This characteristic is:
Normal finding in a healthy adult
Normal to feel tactile fremitus most intensely over which location?
3rd intercostal space MCL
Trachea bifurcates anteriorly at the:
Sternal angle
The primary muscles of respiration are the:
Diaphragm and intercostals
The most important technique when auscultating on the thorax is:
Side-to side comparison
When auscultating the chest in an adult, the nurse would:
Use the diaphragm of the stethoscope held firmly against the chest
Percussion over an area of atelectsis in the lungs would reveal:
A normal finding when assessing the resp system of elderly adult is decreased:
mobility of the thorax
When inspecting the anterior chest of an adult, the nurse should assess for:
The shape & configuration of the chest wall
Unequal chest expansion occurs when:
Part of the lung is obstructed or collapsed
Pt has long hx of COPD. During assessmt nurse most likely observes:
An anteroposterior-to-transverse diameter ratio of 1:1
During auscultation of breath sounds, the nurse will use the stethoscope correctly as follows:
Listen to at least one full resp in each location
Nurse suspects injured spleen. What is true regarding assessmt of spleen in this situation?
An enlarged spleen should not be palpated because it can rupture easily
Abdominal pulsations between the xiphoid & umbilicus aer:
Normal abdominal aortic pulsations
The main reason auscultation precedes percussion & palpation of the abdomen is to:
Prevent distortion of bowel sounds that might occur after percussion & palpation
What is true of bowel sounds?
They are usually high-pitched, gurgling, irregular sounds
Tenderness along the costovertebral angles is most often indicative of:
Kidney inflammation
A nurse notes pt has ascites, which indicates that which of the following is present? Fluid, feces, flatus, fibroid tumors
Pt has black tarry stool. Possible cause would be:
GI bleeding
Tenderness on light palpation in RLQ could indicate a disorder of what structure?
Pt asks nurse to explain what a hernia is. What action by nurse is appropriate?
Explain that hernia is loop of bowel protruding through weak spot in abdominal muscles
18 month old w/ rounded "pot belly" abdomen, marked lordosis, short slightly bowed legs, & large head. Nurse concludes:
Child is built like a normal toddler
Erikson believes toilet training to be representative of which of his stages?
Autonomy v. Shame & Doubt
Developmental crisis of generativity versus stagnation could be resolved by:
Having and raising a family
How would you best describe tasks of late adulthood?
Older adults must accept that they cannot change the past & make peace w/ their lives
24 month old - mother describes as a child who falls apart if she changes even the smallest thing in his environment. This behavior:
Can be expected from a toddler. They typically experience ritualism & global thinking
What is an appropriate health & safety issue to teach the parent of an 8 month old?
Stair guards or gates are important to use at this stage
75 yr old man, during the mental status portion of the exam the nurse can expect:
He may take a little longer to respond, but his general knowledge & abilities should not have declined
What is the first thing to be assessed with aging adults before making judgements about mental status?
Their sensory-perceptive abilities
Pt admitted to unit after MVA, during mental exam pts speech is dysarthric & she is lethargic. Best approach to this exam?
Plan to defer the rest of the mental status exam
Pt in ICU x 10 days. Just been moved to med-surg. During tests of cognitive function the nurse would expect that he:
Will be oriented to place & person but may not be certain of the date
When evaluating a pt's pain, the nurse knows example of acute pain would be: arthritis, fibromyalgia, kidney stones, low back pain.
Kidney stones
4 year old points to stomach and says "it hurts so bad". Which pain assessment tool would be the best choice?
Wong-Baker Scale (Faces)
What is the most reliable indicator of pain?
The subjective report
When assessing the quality of pt's pain the nurse should ask which question?
What does your pain feel like?
What is true regarding the internal structures of the breast? (What is it composed of?)
Composed of fibrous, glandular, and adipose tissue
9 yr old girl says "Am I normal? I don't need a bra yet but my friends do." What is the nurse's best response?
I understand it is hard to feel different from your friends, breasts usually develop btw 8-10 yrs old
Pt describes unilateral enlargement of rt breast w/ associated tenderness in 10 yr old daughter. What is nurse's best response?
Tell mother: exam would rule out a problem, it is most likely normal breast development
What are some things the nurse should teach a newly pregnant woman about her breasts?
She can expect areolae to become larger & darker in color.
Pt states she has noticed pain in left breast. What is nurse's most appropriate response?
I would like some more information about the pain in your left breast.
43 states she doesn't perform monthly breast self-exams. Tell the nurse mammmograms are better. Nurse should explain:
Mammography may not detect all palpable lumps
During exam nurse notices left breast is larger than right. What should she do?
Finding is not unusual, but nurse should verify that this change is not new
What position is most likely to make significant lumps more distinct during breast palpation?
Supine w/ arms raised over head
Pt states she noticed a lump in her left breast near the axilla. The nurse should plan to:
Palpate the unaffected breast first
What is the purpose of a functional assessment?
With the elderly, it helps to determine how they are managing day-to-day activities
Nurse suspects pt may be deficient in iron. What lab studies should be anticipated?
Hemoglobin and hematocrit
To assess the dorsalis pedis artery the nurse would palpate:
Lateral to the extensor tendon of the great toe
The documentation of a pt pulse states: radial pulses "2+". This indicates what type of pulse?