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28 Cards in this Set

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Occurs at the end of inspiration, don't clear with cough.

High-pitched, short, crackling.

Collapsed or fluid-filled alveoli open.

Fine Rale or Crackle

Occurs at the end of inspiration, don't clear with cough.

Loud, moist, low-pitched, bubbling.

Coarse Rale or crackle

Expiration, inspiration when severe.

High-pitched, continuous.

From blocked airflow as in asthma, infection, foreign body obstruction.

Wheezes (sibilant)

Expiration, inspiration. Change or disappear with cough.

Low-pitched, continuous, snoring, rattling.

Fluid-blocked airways.

Ronchi (sonorous)


Loud, high-pitched crowing heard without stethoscope.

Obstructed upper airway.


Inhalation, exhalation.

Low-pitched grating, rubbing.

Pleural inflammation.

Friction rubs

Soft vibratory sensations best assessed with either the fingertips or the palm flattened on the chest.


Low-pitched sounds, like S3, S4, murmurs, and gallops are best heard with the _________.


A loud blowing sound.

Often associated with a narrowing or stricture of the carotid artery, usually associated with atherosclerotic plaque.


Due to rheumatic fever or cardiac infection.

Murmur heard at the apical area with the client in the left lateral position.

Mitral stenosis

Due to congenital bicuspid valves, rheumatic heart disease, atherosclerosis.

Murmur at aortic area, RSB, second ICS.

Aortic stenosis.

Due to rheumatic fever, myocardial infarction, rupture of chordae tendineae.

Murmur at apex. Sound is transmitted to left axillae.

Mitral regurgitation.


Murmur at pulmonic area radiates to neck. Thrill in left second and third ICS.

Pulmonic stenosis.

From Rheumatic heart disease, congenital defect, right atrial myxoma.

Murmur heard with bell of stethoscope over tricuspid area.

Tricuspid stenosis.

May occur with pectus excavatum, often unknown.

Left lower sternal border in upright position.

Mitral Valve prolabse.

From rheumatic heart disease, endocarditis, marfan's syndrome, syphilis.

Murmur with client leaning forward. Click in second ICS.

Aortic Regurgitation

A blood pressure reading below ____ over _____ could indicate early signs of shock.


An ABI reading of _____ is acceptable. Above shows signs of hardening. Below shows signs of blockage.


_____________ test:

Determines the patency of the radial and ulnar arteries by occluding one, forming a fist, releasing a fist, and seeing whether blood returns.

Allen's test

_____________ test:

Evaluates valve competence in presence of varicosities. Client is supine, raises leg, tourniquet placed on thigh, client stands. Check for rapid filling of superficial veins (incompetent valves).

Trendelenburg test

____________ sign:

could indicate a blood clot in a deep vein in the leg, or inflammation. Could find DVT. Sharply dorsiflex the clients foot when knee is at 5 degree angle. Is there pain?

Homans' sign

Striae is another word for _________

stretch marks

Dullness in the LLQ may indicate the presence of _________.

Stool in the colon

During palpation for rebound tenderness, the experience of sharp stabbing pain as the compressed area returns to a non-compressed state is known as __________________.

Blumberg's sign

__________ sign:

Client is supine, raises leg to meet your hand slightly above their knee. Pain during this manoeuvre is a positive sign.


___________ test:

while client is supine, flex the thigh at the hip, bend knee and rotate the leg internally and externally at the hip.

Obturator test

_________ sign:

While palpating the liver, ask pt to take a deep breath. Diaphragm ascends, pushing liver and gallbladder toward your hand. Pain indicates a positive sign, which could be cholecystitis.

Murphy's sign.

Elevated nitrogenous wastes in the blood. Contributes to mental confusion.
