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stolz |
proud |
(Sie) waren stolz darauf... ... sehr stolz sogar |
... stolz darauf, ... zu sein |
lit. on (sth.), then auf used with stolz = proud of (sth.) |
Acts as anticipatory adverb, allowing zu clause to stand as object of preposition auf |
ganz und gar |
completely |
Sie sind ganz und gar normal Idiomatic phrase |
sogar |
even, actually, as a matter of fact |
Niemand wäre auf die Idee gekommen... |
to conceive of (sth.) Subj. (someone) would conceive of (sth.) |
merkwürdig |
strange, odd |
geheimnisvoll |
mysterious, secretive |
die Geschichte |
history, story, tale, narrative, storyline |
sie könnten sich in eine merkwürdige und geheimnisvolle Geschichte verstricken |
to involve oneself in (sth.) |
solch- -er, -e, -es pl. -e |
demonstrative adjective |
der Unsinn
nonsense, rubbish |
die Bohrmaschine; syn. Bohrer, Bohrgerät |
herstellen |
to manufacture, make, produce, fabricate |
bullig |
beefy, brawny |
dafür aber
but on the other hand |
der Schnurrbart |
mustache |
dünn |
thin, skinny, lean |
Mrs.Dursley ... besaß doppelt so viel Hals... |
owned, possessed, had |
1st/3rd person singular preterite of besitzen |
doppelt |
twice, double |
doppelt so viel |
twice as much |
allerdings |
certainly, indeed, however |
konnte sie den Hals ... recken |
she could crane her neck |
general sense: to stretch, elongate sth. |
der Gartenzaun |
garden fence |
hinüber |
across, over |
to peer, peek, spy, pry |
zu den Nachbarn hinüberspähen |
to spy over (sth.) at the neighbors |
compound verb: hinüber + spähen |
nirgendwo |
nowhere |
es gab |
there was |
past tense form of 'gibt es'
prächtig |
splendid, superb, gorgeous, magnificent |
besaßen |
owned, possessed, had |
1st/3rd person plural preterite of besitzen |
das Geheimnis |
secret, mystery |
aufdecken |
to discover, reveal, unveil, detect, uncover |
die Sorge |
concern, anxiety |
unerträglich |
unbearable, intolerable |
einfach (adv.) |
just, simply |
die Sache |
matter, thing, affair |
herauskommen |
(matter) to get out, to come out, to emerge |
schon seit |
(temporal) for, since
etliche |
several, a number of, quite a few |
doch |
however, still, yet, but |
coordinating conjunction |
gar (particle) |
even, at all |
Nichtsnutz |
scallywag; good-for-nothing, useless/worthless person |
wie man essich nur denken konnte |
as you could only imagine |
Was würden bloß die Nachbarn sagen...? |
just what would the neighbors say...? |
aufkreuzen |
to appear, come around, show up |
der Grund |
reason, cause |
fernhalten |
to keep away/out/from/at arm's length |
fern - far, distant + halten, to hold, keep |
in Berührung kommen |
to come in contact (with) |
die Berührung |
the touch, contact |
trüb |
murky, dull, dim, bleak, gloomy |
wolkenverhangen |
overcast, dull, cloud-covered |
die Augenaufschlugen |
to wake up |
draußen |
outside, outdoors |
das Vorzeichen |
omen, portent, sign |
das Ding |
the thing, object, widget, entity |
erkennen |
1. to realize, recognize, discern, perceive, to be seen 2. to indicate, reveal, signify, be indicative of |
geschehen |
to occur, happen, transpire, take place |
summen |
to hum, buzz |
vor sich hin |
(verb) to oneself | |
Mr.Dursley summte vor sich hin |
Mr. Dursley hummed to himself |
aussuchen sich |
to choose, pick out...for oneself
langweilig |
boring, dull, tired, tedious |
die Krawatte |
the tie, necktie |
schwatzen |
babble, chatter, gossip |
munter |
cheerful, feisty, spirited, frisky, perky |
Mrs. Dursley schwatzte muntervor sich hin... |
Mrs. Dursley gossiped cheerfully to herself |
schreiein |
to scream, shout, yell, cry |
dem schreieinden Dudley |
screaming (adj. participle) |
rangeln |
to wrestle, wrangle, jostle |
der Hochstuhl |
the high chair |
zwängen |
to worm, wedge, squeeze/force (sth.) into (sth.) |
riesig |
huge, enormous, vast, giant, mammoth, colossal |
der Waldkauz |
tawny owl |
vorbeifliegen |
to fly past |
die Aktentasche |
briefcase, portfolio, attache |
greifen (irr.: ei => i) |
to grasp, grab, grip |
nach (+ dat.) greifen |
to reach for, snatch at, grasp at (sth.) |
der Schmatz
(coll. / ugs.) |
smacker, smackeroo |
die Wange |
cheek |
versuchen |
to attempt, try |
der Abschiedskuss |
goodbye kiss, farewell kiss
danoch |
but, yet, nevertheless |
daneben |
missed but came close, nearby |
weil Dudley gerade einen Wutanfall hatte |
Because Dudley was having just at that very moment a temper tantrum |
der Wutanfall |
temper tantrum, rage, fit, rampage |
der Haferbrei |
porridge, oatmeal, cereal |
bewerfen |
to plaster, splatter, spatter |
...und die Wände mit seinem Haferbrei bewarf.. |
...and plastered the walls with porridge... |
der Schlingel |
rogue, scamp, rascal |
glucksen |
to chuckle, chortle |
rückwärts |
backwards, reversed |
die Einfahrt |
driveway, entrance, entry |
hinausfahren |
to drive out |
die Straßenecke |
the street corner |
auffallen |
to strike, attract attention, get (sb's) attention, catch one's eye |
die Straßenkarte |
street/road map |
rasch (adv.) |
rapidly, swiftly, quickly |
zurückwenden |
to turn back |
(inf.) zurückwenden
(pret.) zurückwandte, zurückwendete (perf.) zurückgewandt, zurückgewendet |
hinschauen |
to look (over there) |
hin- (prefix) |
movement in a direction away from the speaker toward a particular destination |
her- (prefix) |
movement from a point of origin in a direction toward the speaker |
noch einmal |
once more, once again, again, anew |
die Einbiegung |
curve, inward bend |
getigerte Katze |
striped, tabby |
about/of/by which, on what |
die Sinnestäuschung
misperception, hallucination, delusion, illusion |
literally: sense deception |
blinzeln |
to blink, squint |
an starren |
to stare at, gaze at |
biegen |
to turn (a car) |
entlangfahren |
to cruise/drive along |
beobachten |
to observe, study, watch, notice |
der Rückspiegel |
rearview mirror |
das Schild |
sign, signpost |
der Ruck |
jerk, jolt, shake |
verjagen |
to expel, chase away, scare away |
der Gedanke
thought, notion, idea |
in Richtung |
toward, towards, in the direction of |
der Auftrag |
the order, commission, assignment, mission |
im Sinn
in mind |
eintreffen |
to arrive, reach, turn up |