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34 Cards in this Set

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What structure separates the abdominal cavity from the pelvic cavity?
The broad ligament, a wide fold of the peritoneum
True of False: The function of the round ligament is to maintain anteversion of the uterus.
Which ligament contains the uterine artery and vein and is attached to the side of the cervix and to the vault and lateral fornix of the vagina?

A. Broad ligament
B. Cardinal ligament
C. Uterosacral ligament
D. Round ligament
B. Cardinal ligament (also know as the lateral cervical ligament or transverse cervical ligament)
What are the 3 layers of the uterus?
endometrium, myometrium, and peritoneum/perimetrium
The cortex of the ovary produces

A. estrogen
B. progesterone
C. both estrogen & progesterone
D. neither
C. both estrogen & progesterone
The muscle comprising the largest portion of the pelvic floor is the

A. levator ani
B. coccygeus
C. bulbocavernosus
D. deep transverse perineal
A. levator ani, which is made up of the pubococcygeus and the iliococcygeus. They form a muscular sling to support the abdominal and pelvic viscera.
What changes occur in the breasts during pregnancy?
increased size
increased areolar pigmentation
enlargement of Montgomery's glands
increased vascularization
hypertrophy of lobules (may feel lumpy in early preg)
thickening of nipple skin
nipples may enlarge
colostrum may be expressed
Infertility is defined as the failure to conceive after __ consecutive months of unprotected, frequent intercourse.

A. 6
B. 9
C. 12
D. 18
C. 12
What 4 factors need to be evaluated in infertility?
Sperm quantity and quality
Ovarian Function
Uterine cavity and endometrium
Female hypothalamic, pituitary and adrenal disorders
What are presumptive signs of pregnancy?
breast tenderness and enlargement
Chadwick’s sign (bluish or purplish discoloration of the vulva and vaginal mucosa)
hyperpigmentation (chloasma, linea nigra)
fetal movements (quickening)
urinary frequency
nausea and/or vomiting
What are probable signs of pregnancy?
abdominal enlargement
uterine enlargement
Braxton-Hicks contractions
Goodell’s sign (softening of the cervix)
Hegar’s sign (softening & compressibility of uterine isthmus)
palpation of fetal contours
positive pregnancy test
What are positive signs of pregnancy?
auscultation of fetal heart sounds
palpation of fetal movements
ultrasound verification of gestation
What is the incidence of spontaneous abortion?
15-20% of all pregnancies
The most common surgical abortion method in the US is ______ and is done through __ wks gestation.

A. Dilation & Evacuation (D&E), 20
B. Vacuum aspiration/suction curettage, 18
C. Dilation and curettage (D&C), 14
D. Vacuum aspiration/suction curettage, 14
D. Vacuum aspiration/suction curettage, 14
Emergency Contraceptives are about __% effective

A. 75
B. 80
C. 65
D. 95
A. 75
True of false: emergency contraceptives will interrupt an established pregnancy.
What are the four phases of the sexual response cycle?
What is the usual presentation, physical findings, diagnosis and treatment for Gonorrhea?
Presentation: vaginal discharge, dysuria, off-cycle menstrual bleeding, bleeding after sex. May be asymptomatic.
Physical findings: cervical appearance can vary from normal to marked cervical inflammation with pus
Diagnosis: cervical swab or urine test
Treatment: cephalosporin. Recommended to treat for Chlamydia as well.
What percentage of Chlamydia infections in women are asymptomatic?
True or false: the mode of delivery does not appear to influence Hepatitis B transmission from mom to infant.
What is the rate of transmission of Hepatitis C from infected mother to infant?
4%. There is no known way of preventing transmission.
What is nongonococcal urethritis (NGU)?
Inflammation of the urethra that is not caused by the gonorrhea bacteria. Often caused by Chlamydia (30%) but may be caused by ther STIs such as Ureaplasma urealyticum, Trichomonas vaginalis, or herpes simplex virus.
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is usually caused by which organisms?
Neisseria gonorrhoeae or Chlamydia trachomatis
What should you suspect if a sexually active woman has cervical motion tenderness or uterine/adnexal tenderness, after ruling out ectopic pregnancy and appendicitis?
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
What is biological sexism in relation to STIs?
Women are more susceptable physiologically than men to contracting infections when exposed.Most commonly used in reference to HIV.
What are the most common areas of Candida infection?
Vulvovaginal, cutaneous (in folds of skin such as under breasts), oropharyngeal
The presence of what 4 criteria is considered diagnostic for bacterial vaginosis (BV)?
Gray discharge
pH > 4.5
fishy odor (whiff test)
clue cells
Vaginal discharge that is frothy, yellow-ish green and alkaline suggests

A. bacterial vaginosis
B. trichomonas
C. candida
D. syphilis
B. trichomonas
What is primary amenorrhea?
The lack of menarche or any sexual characteristics by 14, the lack of menses by 16 ½, or no menses in the two years after breast develop or hair appears in pubic and axillary areas.
What is secondary amenorrhea?
The absence of menses for at least three months in a woman who has had regular monthly periods before.
True or false: a woman is considered menopausal after 1 year of amenorrhea.
What are the symptoms of TSS (toxic shock syndrome)?
High fever, sore throat, diarrhea, rash
What are non-pharmacological treatments for primary dysmenorrhea?
heat, orgasm, water bottle, herbs, calcium
What are the risk factors for cervical cancer?
HPV, smoker, multiple male sexual partners, sexual intercourse before age 16, hx of STIs.