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79 Cards in this Set

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Why would the 1790s be described as an "age of passion" as one historian put it?
Political parties developed due to sharp divisions in ideas about how the country should be governed and political rhetoric became inflamed with one party criticizing the other parties' loyalties to the ideals that brought on the American Revolution.
Alexander Hamilton
Secretary of the Treasury in 1790 and 1791 who developed a controversial financial plan. He was considered a Federalist long with George Washington
What was Hamilton's long-term goal with regard to American Finance?
Hamilton wanted to make the US a major commercial and military power (modeled after Great Britain)
What were the 5 parts to Hamilton's proposed program?
1) Bonds to be bought by individuals (loan money to gov't) and this money used to pay off federal and state war debts
2) Creation of new national debt - old debts paid off with interest-bearing bonds to govt's creditors
3) Creation of a Bank of the US
4) Raise money via taxes on producers of whiskey
5) Tariff on imported foreign goos and gov't subsidies to encourage development of factories in US
Why were many Americans nervous about Hamilton's proposal for a "national army?"
They feared the gov't becoming too powerful.
Why were many people (led by Jefferson and Madison mainly) alarmed by Hamilton's proposal?
*They felt it was too much like Britain who we just won our independence from.
*They felt the whiskey tax unfairly targetted backcountry farmers
*His plan only makes the rich even richer
In what part of the country was most of the opposition to Hamilton's Proposal located?
The more agricultural South
What were the results of the Jefferson-Hamilton Bargain (as brokered by Jefferson)?
1) No subsidies provided to manufacturers (extra monies)
2) A permanent national capital would be built on the Potomac river between Maryland and Virginia (i.e.
What impact did the French Revolution have on the US with regard to the formation of political parties?
There was a great divide due to disagreement as to we supported. Jefferson and his followers supported France (because they were inspired by us) while others led by Washington and Hamilton
What were some of the issues that the Federalists had with John Jay's Treaty?
1) the Brits never had to make any concessions about messing with our sailors (impressment)
2) Brits agreed to abandon western outposts but should have been long gone already
3) US agreed to give Brits favored treatment on imported goods
***Canceled the American-French alliance and recognized British economic and naval supremacy
What sharpened political divisions in the US and led directly to the formation of an organized opposition party?
John Jay's Treaty
Made up of mostly rich folk like bankers
The only major party in American history to proclaim democracy and freedom dangerous in the hands of ordinary citizens
Federalists (Hamilton
Describe the events of the 1794 Whiskey Rebellion.
Backcountry PA farmers sought to block collection of the new tax on distilled spirits. Pres. Washington accompanied 13
Led by Madison and Jefferson
What did both parties accuse each other of?
Each charged the other with betraying the principles of the War of Indepence and of American freedom.
What enabled ordinary citizens to become more involved in the politics of the day?
More and more citizens attended political meetings and read pamphlets and newspapers. More post offices were established and the American press experienced rapid growth
Which president reflected the views of the Federalists when he said
"The government
What groups believed that political liberty meant not simply voting at elections
but constant involvement in public affairs.
What did the Democratic-Republican Societies ultimately do for the common man before they disappeared in 1795?
They helped to legitimize the right of anyone regardless of how much they make
What contributions to the newly forming Republican party did John Burke
Joseph Gales and Thomas Paine make?
British woman who's writing
"A Vindication of the Rights of Woman" made it's way to the US and contributed to the beginnings of a women's movement.
Author of "On Equality of the Sexes" written in 1779 that insisted that women had as much right as men to exercise all their talents and should be allowed equal educational opportunities to allow them to do so.
Judith Murray
Who were the presidential candidates in the election of 1796?
John Adams and Thomas Pinckney (Federalists) vs. Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr (Republicans)
Who was elected the president in 1797 after George Washington resigned from office?
John Adams
What were some of the early problems that Adams dealt with early in his presidency?
Troubles overseas with Britain and France seizing our ships
What thrust freedom of expression to the center of dicussions of American liberty?
The Sedition Act
The Virginia Resolution (written by Madison) and the Kentucky Resolution (written by Jefferson) both attacked the Sedition Act claiming that it was unconstitutional and violated what Amendment?
The first Amendment--freedom of speech.
Who was the radical author of "Rights of Man?"
Thomas Paine
Who won the presidency in 1800?
Thomas Jefferson
What political party had major support in New England?
The Federalists
How did the Republicans build their support/following?
political meetings
What was the major overall result of the events of the the 1790s as far as Americans and politics are concerned?
The events demonstrated that a majority of Americans believed ordinary people had a right to play an active role in politics
What enabled Jefferson to win the election in 1800 against John Adams?
The counting of slaves (3/5) in apportionment
What famous statesman brought the issue of slavery & emancipation before the very first Congress under the new Constitution?
Benjamin Franklin - president of the Pennsylvania Abolition Society at the time
Fugitive Slave Law
1793 law providing for federal and state judges and local officials to facilitate the return of escaped slaves.
Toussaint L'Ouverture
Well-educated slave who organized the rebellious slaves in Haiti into an army that was able to defeat British forces and keep the French from attempting to reestablish French authority. As a result
"The Haitian Revolution"
Inspired hopes for freedom among slaves in the US.
What impact/effect did the Haitian Revolution have on many white Americans?
Former slaveowners/whites fleeing Haiti told stories of massacres and burnings of plantations. This spread fear among whites.
Gabriel's Rebellion
He and his conspirators plotted to march on Richmond
According to Viginian George Tucker what did Gabriel's Rebellion demonstrate?
that slaves possessed a love of freedom as fully as other men and that they grew to claim freedom as a righ.
What were the results in Richmond of Gabriel's rebellion (with regard to gaining freedom)?
The legislature tightened controls over the black population by making it illegal to gather on Sundays without white supervision and put restrictions on masters voluntarily freeing their slaves.
What were some of Jefferson's main goals he spoke of in his inaugural address when he took office in 1801?
Reduce the federal government
What important court case established Judicial Review?
Marbury v. Madison
What ruling did Chief Justice Marshall make with regard to Marbury v. Madison?
He declared that the Judiciary Act of 1789 requiring an executive official to deliver judge's commission NOT in keeping with the constitution. As a result Marbury did not recieve his commission--Jefferson got his way. Beginning of Judicial Review.
Judicial Review
The act of evaluating legislation/laws to ensure that they abide by or are in keeping with the constitution.
Fletcher v. Peck
extended judicial reiew to state laws
Known as Jefferson's greatest achievement.
The Louisiana Purchase
What enabled Jefferson's Louisiana Purchase to take place?
the slave rebellion of Saint Domingue weakened France's position in the US and Napoleon Bonaparte wanted money to fund his military campaigns in Europe.
How much was the Louisiana territory purchased for?
$15 million
Why did Jefferson desire to purchase the Louisiana territory?
He was afraid that the French might try to interfere with American commerce and wanted unchallenged access to the port of New Orleans.
Purchase that doubled the size of the US and ended French presence in North America.
Louisiana Purchase
Why were Federalists upset with the Louisiana Purchase?
They argued that we paid too much money for land which we already had too much of.
What did Jefferson and Madison mean by 'extend the sphere?"
They meant that the large size of the republic made self-government possible (more land for farming--chiefly agrarian character of the US that they supported)
Explorers sent by Jefferson to study the Louisiana territory's plants
animal life and geography and to discover how the region could be exploited economically
What was Jefferson hoping Lewis and Clark would find and do on their expedition?
Discover a water route to the Pacific Ocean (a Northwest Passage that could facilitate commerce with Asia) and establish trading relations with western Indians
What were the results of the very successful Lewis and Clark expedition?
A very large amount of information about the region as well as plant and animal specimens. Also demonstrated the possiblity of overland travel to the Pacific coast. Help to strengthen idea that Amer. territory was destined to reach all the way to Pacific
What was life like for blacks in the New Orleans area prior to the Louisiana Purchase with regard to their freedom?
Spain and France made it much easier for slaves to gain their freedom and have the same rights as whites. Slaves there had many protections and slave women even the right to go to court for protection agains cruelty or rape by their owners.
How did things change for blacks in Louisiana after the purchase?
free blacks suffered a steady decline in status and local legislature adopted slave codes in the South that forbid black to 'ever consider themselves the equal of whites." They were worse off as part of the "liberty-loving US"
What was the cause of the Barbary Wars?
Pirates from the Barbary states on the northern coast of Africa captured American ships and held sailors captive for ransom. Jefferson refused to continue paying. The Pasha of Tripoli declared war on the US. The US won with a victory at Tripoli harbor
What event marked the first US encounter with the Islamic world?
The Barbary Wars
What did Jefferson's Embargo do?
It enforced a ban on ships going to foreign ports. Results were that it devastated economies of American port cities with NO affect on Britain or France.
Non-Intercourse Act
banned trade only with Britain and France but provided that if either side recinded its edicts against American shipping
Macon's Bill No. 2
opened trade with britain and france
Who favored removal of American Indians from tribal lands to land west of the Mississippi?
Thomas Jefferson
People of different cultures come to realize they are a part of a larger national family. It is when a group of people is integrated into a bigger group or society
How did Indians respond to demands to assimilate?
Some embraced assimilation and this infurioriated nativists who wanted to resist further white presence on Indian land.
"The Age of Prophecy" among Indians
Movements for the revitalization of Indian life
Handsome Lake of the Seneca
Indian who believed that Indians could regain their autonomy without directly challenging whites or repudiating all white ways
Called for all Indians to unite as one people and attach American frontier settlements. He believed that the lands were rightfully theirs and criticized chiefs who sold their lands.
religious prophet who called for complete separation from whites
What contributed to the coming of the War of 1812?
Reports that the British were encouraging Tecumseh's efforts
When was the first time the US declared war on another country?
The war of 1812
How was the War of 1812 a "two-front struggle?"
The battle was against the British and against the Indians
Who won the War of 1812?
It was essentially a military draw even though our country's capital was burned by the Brits
What were some of the results of the war for Indians?
Andrew Jackson required that Indians cede (give up) more than half their land to the federal gov't. He also killed over 800 Indians
What was signed ending the War of 1812?
The Treaty of Ghent (1814) restored the previous status quo (made things as they were prior to the war)
What were the results of the War of 1812 for the US?
Completed the conquest of the area east of the Mississippi
What were some of the causes of the end of the Federalist party?
Their anti-war stance