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31 Cards in this Set

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What are the five functions of Muscle Tissue
1. producing body movements
2. stabilizing body positions
3. regulating organ volume
4. moving substances within the body
5. generating heat
What is muscle contraction
What is contractility?
It is the ability to shorten and thicken (contract), generating force to do work.
What is an isometric contraction?
the muscle develops tension bust does not shorten. (extension does not bend)
What is isotonic contraction?
the tension remains constant while the muscle shortens. (flexion bends at the joint)
Extensibility is the ability to be?
Stretched without damaging the tissue.
Elasticity is the ability to return to original shape after?
contraction or extension
What is smooth muscle?
Nonstriated and involuntary.
How many types of smooth muscle are there?
There are two types of muscle. Visceral smooth muscle and multiunit smooth muscle.
Visceral (single unit) smooth muscle is found in where?
The walls of hollow viscera and small blood vessels; the fibers are arranged in a network.
Multi unit smooth muscles is found where?
It is found in large blood vessels, large airways, arrector pili muscles, and the iris of the eye. The fibers operate singally rather than a unit.
Where would you find muscle that has extensibility?
Smooth muscle, in the heart, and stomach
Where would you find elasticity?:
Skeletal muscle tissue
What makes muscles contract?
If you don't have calcium what happens to the muscles?
Muscles are relaxed and weak.
What is stress relaxation response?
smooth muscle fibers can be stretched considerable without developing tension; this phenomenon is termed the stress relaxation response.
Where is cardiac muscle found?
Cardiac muscle is found in the heart wall.
How are the fibers arranged in the cardiac muscle?
They are arranged similarly to skeletal muscle fibers.
Where do cardiac muscle fibers connect to?
They connect adjacent to fibers by intercalated discs which contain desmosomes and gap junctions.
How do cardiac muscle fibers contract?
They contact when stimulated by their own autorhythmic fibers.
Can cardiac muscle beat on its own?
Skeletal Muscle tissue is a seperate organ composed of what?
Cells called fibers
What is Fascia?
Fascia is a band of fibrous connective tissue that is deep to the skin and surrounds muscles and other organs of the body.
What is superficial fascia or subcutaneous?
superficial fascia or subcutaneous layer separates muscle from skin and functions to provide a pathway for nerves and blood vessels, stores fat, insulates, and protects muscles from trauma.
What is deep fascia?
deep fascia which lines the body wall and limbs and hold muscles with simlar functions together, allows free movement of muscles, carries nerves, blood vessels, and lymph vessels, and fills spaces between muscles.
What are some other connective tissues?
epimysium, covering the entire muscle
perimysium, covering fasciculi,
edomysium, covering individual muscle fibers
What attaches muscle to muscle
a tendon
What allows muscle to lay on muscle?
an aponeurosis
What follows sodium?
Where sodium goes water follows...
What allows calcium to travel within the skeletal muscle?
sarcoplasmic reticulum
What is muscular atropy?
is a wasting away of muscles