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21 Cards in this Set

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What muscle is indicated by the blue arrow?
Orbicularis Oculi
What muscle is indicated by the blue arrow?
The Orbicularis Oris
What muscle is indicated by the blue arrow?

What action does it perform?
Levator Anguli Oris

Elevates the angle (corner) of mouth.
What muscle is indicated by the blue arrow?

What action does it perform?
Levator Labii Superioris

Elevates the upper lip.
What muscle is indicated by the blue arrow?

What is it important?
The Buccinator muscle.

It forms the muscular component of the cheek and is used when forcefully expelling air expanding the cheeks.
What gland is indicated by the blue arrow?
The Parotid Salivary Gland
What muscle is indicated by the blue arrow?
The Masseter muscle
What artery is indicated by the blue arrow?
The External Carotid artery.
What is the foramen indicated by the red arrow?

What Cranial Nerve passes through it?
The Stylomastoid Foramen

The Facial Nerve (CN VII).
What branch of the Facial Nerve is indicated by the blue arrow?

What muscles does it innervate?
The Temporal branch

Frontalis and Orbicularis Oculi.
What branches of the Facial Nerve are indicated by the blue arrow?

What muscles do they innervate?
The Zygomatic Branches.

Orbicularis Oculi
What branches of the Facial Nerve are indicated by the blue arrow?

What muscles do they innervate?
The Buccal Branches

The Buccinator and Levators Anguli Oris
What branches of the Facial Nerve are indicated by the blue arrow?

What muscles do they innervate?
The Marginal Mandibular Branches

Depressors of lower lip
What branches of the Facial Nerve are indicated by the blue arrow?

What muscles do they innervate?
The Cervical Branches

The Platysma (a muscle of facial expression that extends past the clavicle)
What branche of the Facial Nerve is indicated by the blue arrows?

What muscles does it innervate?
The Postererior Auricular nerve

The Occipitalis.
What structure is indicated by the blue arrow?

What muscle does it pierce?
The Parotid Duct.

It crosses the Masseter muscle and pierces the Buccinator muscle.
What is the vessel indicated by the yellow arrow?

What does it branch from?
The Facial Vein.

The Internal Jugular Vein.
What is the vessel indicated by the yellow arrow?

What muscle on the neck can it be seen to pass over?
The External Jugular Vein.

The Sternocleidomastoid muscle.
What vessel is indicated by the yellow arrows?
The Facial Artery.
What artery is indicated by the yellow arrows?

What is it a terminal branch of?
The Superficial Temporal Artery.

The External Carotid Artery.
What artery is indicated by the yellow arrows?
The External Carotid Artery.