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55 Cards in this Set

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During the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union...
wanted to influence the third world to support its side. It failed to understand that other factors, besides allegiance to communism or capitalism, contributed to the situations in various third world countries, and fought proxy wars instead of fighting each other directly.
Fidel Castro led the overthrow of...
nationalist and socialist dictatorship
Initially Fidel Castro’s revolution had mass popular support because..
most Cubans hated Batista, a brutal dictator supported by U.S. corporations.
Kennan’s “Long Telegram” was the basis for what?
The “containment” policy.
Lyndon Johnson's administration escalated the war in Vietnam with Congressional approval after which of the following?
The Gulf of Tonkin incident.
The Marshall Plan was a…
successful, non-violent U.S. foreign policy that sought to contain Communist by rebuilding war-torn economies in Western Europe.
The process of dismantling European colonial empires after WWII is called…
What do Novikov’s and Kennan’s telegrams suggest about the origins of the Cold War?
That each side saw itself as acting defensively against an aggressive opponents.
What showed that the U.S. position in Vietnam was worse than the Johnson administration had claimed and caused Johnson to renounce his candidacy for the 1968 presidential election?
The Tet Offensive.
Which of the following best describes how Ho Chi Minh viewed the Vietnam conflict, according to his 1967 letter?
Ho Chi Minh believed that he was fighting an anti-imperialistic war in order to gain independence for Vietnam.
Which of the following contributed to the start of the Cold War?
The U.S. and Soviets had different visions for Germany
Which of the following contributed to the start of the Cold War?
ideological differences between the United States and the Soviet Union, each side lacked an understanding of the other side, and the creation of nuclear weapons.
Which of the following is true regarding Kennan’s Long Telegram?
It shows Kennan’s view of the how the Soviet Union viewed the United States and the West in general.
Which of the following lines from Johnson’s letter to Ho Chi Minh (1967) provides evidence that Johnson was fighting in Vietnam because he viewed it as part of the Cold War?
“I am prepared to order a cessation of bombing against your country and the stopping of further augmentation of U.S. forces in South Viet-Nam as soon as I am assured that infiltration into South Viet-Nam by land and by sea has stopped.”
Who held the office of the president in the 1960s?
Kennedy and Johnson.
Which company’s close ties with the U.S. resulted in a CIA backed coup d’etat in Guatemala?
The United Fruit Company
Who were most responsible for getting the U.S. involved in the conflict in Vietnam as Kinzer pointed out?
John Foster Dulles and Allan Dulles
Which of the following is true regarding U.S. foreign policy in the 1950s?
It was characterized by covert coup d'etats in a secret war against those the brothers did not like.
What was the key lesson that Che Guevara took from the situation in Guatemala?
That democratic societies were vulnerable to U.S. CIA intervention.
Why did Stephen Kinzer, who began as a daily journalist, conduct historical research?
He wanted to understand what created the situations that he was covering as a journalist, As he traveled to other places on assignment he wanted to know “why is this country like this.” and He wanted to understand the implications of what is happening today for the future.
How did Cold War rhetoric influence the social movements?

Activists sought to make the rhetoric of a free and equal American society that supports democracy throughout the world a reality.

Nixon, and other conservatives, criticized the activist judges of the Warren Court primarily because the Court had support which of the following?
Racial equality.
The 1974 Supreme Court case, Milliken v. Bradley, resulted in which of the following?
"Exempting suburban districts from shouldering the burden of desegregating city schools, Increasing “white flight” from city to suburb, and Leaving poorer communities to deal with the pain and conflict associated with desegregation, which helped turn the most disadvantaged black and white communities against one another."
What did the Kerner Commission Report conclude?
That the civil unrest was the result of racism imbedded within American institutions.
Which of the following best describes Martin Luther King’s methods and goal, as he explained them in his Letter from Birmingham Jail?
Breaking unjust laws while remaining non-violent to illuminate the violent racism that black people faced, particularly in Southern communities, which would give his movement the moral high ground.
Which of the following best describes “black power” as SNCC described it in its 1966 position paper?
SNCC contended that African-Americans needed to create their own identity and their own institutions, along with running their own communities, in order to achieve black self-determination.
Which of the following contributed to the move to the political right after 1968?
It was a reaction against the social movements of the 60s.
Which of the following is true of Lyndon Johnson?
He attempted to combat poverty and racial injustice while president.
Which of the following is true of the Civil Rights Movement?
Deep South governors and police forces often sided with white mobs against civil rights demonstrations.
Which of the following is true of the social movements of the 1960s?
They were worldwide; uprisings occurred in Paris, Tokyo, Mexico, and Prague
Which of the following is true regarding the Brown v. Board of Education (1954) and Brown II (1955) Supreme Court cases?
It was resisted at the state and local level, particularly in the Deep South; some schools did not even attempt to desegregation until 1970, a decade and a half after the land-mark Supreme Court cases.
Which of the following is true regarding the social welfare policies in the 1950s and 1960s?
Eisenhower accepted the basic outlines of the New Deal and Johnson went beyond the New Deal to fight a “war on poverty.”
Why did the Civil Rights movement happen when it did?
The advent of TV, The rhetoric of the Cold War, and A rising black middle class and black membership in Northern unions.
Which of the following are true regarding the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and the inclusion of protection against discrimination for woman in the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
Cultural and social attitudes to women and the worth of woman's labor hindered the effectiveness of that legislation.
What explains why most of the Deep South first abandoned the Democratic Party and voted for Goldwater in 1964?
They turned away from the Democratic Party because of Kennedy's and especially Johnson's support for the African-American Civil Rights movement.
Where did support from Nixon come from?
"Those who believed that the Warren Court had become too easy on criminals, Those who disliked the Civil Rights movement, and so at least wanted to slow it down, and Those who supported the Vietnam War, and so were against the antiwar demonstrations."
Nixon's "tough on crime" alluded to what?
That Nixon would not support Civil Rights protests.
Did Nixon end up supporting liberal policies?
Yes, he did not overturn the New Deal and Great Society programs, and then he supported the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency.
Why was there a consensus culture during the 1950s?
"An increase in prosperity and income inequality was lower than it was at the end of the 19th century or at the beginning of the 21st century, The Cold War, especially the hysteria of the 1950s Red Scare, encouraged people to agree with the government for fear of being seen as a communist, and A majority of Americans were able to live middle class lives and many moved to the suburbs."
What challenged the view that the 1950s were a time of "consensus" with equal opportunity for all?
Persistent discrimination including racial and gender discrimination.

What is the "lesson learned" from Nixon's trip to China?

That although violent conflicts tend to gain more attention, it is effective diplomacy (states talking and compromising with one another) that does much to affect change, avoid wars, and improve the world

Americans became increasingly aware of their dependence on foreign oil after…

The OPEC embargo in 1973-74, which had been a response to U.S. support of Israel in the 1973 Yom Kippur War.

What contributed to the economic downturn of the 1970s?

Inflation caused by increased oil prices, along with U.S. government spending in the 1960s without sufficiently raising taxes, The long-term process of the decline in manufacturing thanks to automation (technological innovation) and globalization, and The U.S. faced competition from other rising states, particularly Japan and Germany.

Which of the following is true regarding the end of the Cold War?

That Gorbachev sought to reform the Soviet Union because of the strain it was under as a consequence of military spending and the cost of the Soviet-Afghan War.

Which of the following was a consequence of Reagan’s economic policy?

Tax cuts, especially for the top tax bracket, along with increases in defense spending and a continuation of "entitlement" programs led to the highest deficit in U.S. history up to that point.

Which of the following is true regarding Nixon's policy toward Vietnam?

His and Kissinger's plan was to train and arm the South Vietnamese to fight alone against North Vietnam while the U.S. withdrew from Vietnam.

What was détente?

A thawing of the Cold War through a more cooperative U.S. foreign policy with Soviets; it was characterized by agreements such as SALT I.

Why was there anti-American sentiment in Iran (between 1953 and 1979)?

Because the U.S. supported the Shah, who was corrupt and brutally silence dissenters; many Iranians saw the Shah as a puppet of the U.S.

How did Carter respond to stagflation?

He supported liberal policies such as the increase in government spending to promote demand for goods and bring the U.S. out of its economic slump. except that in addition to promoting increased government spending to kickstart the economy, Carter also deregulated numerous industries such as airlines, trucking and railroads.

Which of the following contributed the most to Carter losing the 1980 election and Reagan winning the presidential election?

The Iranian Hostage Crisis, which made Carter look weak, even though his administration negotiated the release of the hostages.

What was the Carter Doctrine?

The U.S. would use force to protect its oil interest in the Middle East.

Which of the following were part of the coalition that allowed Reagan to win the presidency?

Evangelicals who made up the "Moral Majority", The white working class that resented the gains that African-Americans had made, along with economic conservatives whose economic policies would actually go against the economic populist part of the party, Cold War hawks, who favored his harsh rhetoric toward the Soviet Union.

How did Reagan’s stance toward to Soviet Union change by his second term? Why did he change?

He shifted to a more moderate and conciliatory policy because his earlier harsh rhetoric and policies almost contributed to a nuclear war.

What was the Iran-Contra Scandal?

Reagan's administration secretly sold weapons to Iran in order to illegally fund the counter-revolutionaries in Nicaragua.

Which of the following is true regarding Reagan's policies

He cut taxes for the wealthiest Americans, which it was argued would create more wealth that would trickle-down to the middle and lower classes. The wages for the lower and middle classes did not rise, but income inequality did.