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47 Cards in this Set

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Gram (+) and branching; has beaded and band forms, has filamentous rods. Has sulfur granules

Actinomyces israelii


Toxoplasma, other agents, rubella, CMV, Herpesviridae

Other agents in TORCH






Stenotrophomonas maltophila can also be


Amoeba cyst with a single nucleus

I. butschlii & E. Polecki

Important for the presumptive identification of C. neoformans

Rapid urease

Can also be (India ink & Serology)

Commonly isolated from NPS (nasopharyngeal swab)

H. influenzae, N. meningitidis, B. pertussis, M. catarrhalis

LENS system of microscope

1.) Primary closet to the specimen (obectives)

2.) Secondary -closet to the observer (eye pieces/oculars)

Koplik spots

Rubeola (measles)

A 3 day measles

Rubella (german measles)

Last PPE to remove in doffing?


Last to wear in donning


Incubation time & temp for acetimide and acetate test? What day? Pos result (?)

35°C in 7 days result : blue

Most commonly used isolation

Streak plate

Kirby bauer discs long term storage?

within 7 days : 8°c (ref)

> 7 days : -14°c (freezing point)

Red colony in MAC refers to

Lactose fermentation

Swarming of proteus on MH should be?

Ignored (read the outer zone)

Fast and k39 are for? Immunochromatographic


Transplacental transmission (+) babies may show chorioretinitis, epileptic seizures, hydrocephaly & microcephaly? Mainly in?

Toxoplasmosis (cats)

It is identified as the cardinal feature of herpesviruses


An increase in these two electrolytes is associated with increased resistance to aminoglycosides by the pseudominas group

Calcium and magnesium

In AMS = Calcium - 25mg/ml

= Magnesium - 2.5mg/dl

It is not a fungal media. Used for slime and molds, it can also be used for protozoans

Hay infusion

Wrinkled cyst, double walled and free- living

Acanthamoeba castellani

⭐ what structure is found inside a hydatid cyst

1.) Protoscolices

2.) Hydatid sand

3.) Broad capsules

In plasmodium charac.

1.) Very amoeboid troph

2.) Crescent troph

3.) Band troph

1. P. Vivax

2. P. Falciparum

3. P. Malariae

Klebsiella is characteristically?

LDC (+)

DDM (Disk diffusion method)

1. Too shallow or deep agar

2. Too heavy or light inoculum

1. False susceptible; false resistant

2. False resisitant; false susceptible

If the inoculating loop used is 1ul, what factor must be multiplied to the number of colonies formed to get the CFU/ml number?


*if with per multiply

____ result in net intestinal fluid secretion by stimulating guanylate cyclase

Heat stable toxin (STS)

⭐ choleratoxin action

Heat labile toxin (LTS)

True or false

Zone of inhibition are reliable when confluent lawn of growth is observed


What is the free-moving and swimming structure arises from snails??


Purpose of enrichment media when culturing enterobacteriaceae

To support the growth of fastidious enterobacteriaceae

Well known schistosome test

Circumoval precipitin test

What is the negative control for

1. Taxo A

2. Taxo P

1. Taxo A: pyogenes (+) S. agalactiae (-)

2. Taxo P: S. pneumoniae (+) S. Mitis (-)

Causation of measles


Endotoxin (gram neg) detection

Limulus lysate test using (horse shoe crabs)

What is the most common extraintestinal manifestation of E. histolytica

Amoebic liver abscess

LDC & ODC (+)

Enterobacter aerogenes

What cestode has proglottids with rosette-shaped uterus

Diphyllobotrium latum (aldmond)

Temperature where most incubators are set:

35 +-2°c (33-37°C)

1.) What parasite has ova with bipolar plugs

2.) If flattened:

T. trichuria

C. philippenensis

1.) Agar dilution

2.) Broth dilution

3.) Disk diffusion

4.) Colony age greater than 24 hours

Catalase bubbles are due to the formation of

Gas and h20

1.) QC is performed on which media?

2.) Not performed on

1.) Lab prepared media and complex media

2.) Commercial media

Which of the following is an obligate aerobe

A. Mycobacterium

B. Clostridium

C. Lactobacillus

D. Campylobacter

A. Mycobacterium

Produces also by pseudomonas

Exotoxin A