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20 Cards in this Set

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After fertilization,the zygote undergoes rapid mitotic cell division called ___


After cleavage the cell undergo ____________


16 cells in 3 days also called


58 cells in day 4 know as?

Early blastocyst

By day 3-5, early blastocyst enters the uterus for implantation

This blastocyst possesses an?

-The Inner cell mass - embryoblast

-The outer cell mass called - trophoblast

Which gives rise to embryo, amnion and umbilical cord

Inner cell Mass-embryoblast

That gives rise to placenta and chorion?

Outer cell mass - trophoblast

__________ embryo stage

2-8 weeks

____________ is a pre-embryonic stage

0-2 weeks

_____________ fetal stage

8weeks to birth

Implantation ideally happened in______________ because?

upper superior wall- because it's rich in blood supply needed for the nutrients, excretion and oxygenation.

These 3 layers will form particular part of the embryo by day 15 in a process of ______________


The Embryoblast differentiates into two types of cells namely



Will give signal to embryonic tage1

3 Germinal layers known as?

Ectoderm- form the brain, spinal cord, integuments

Mesoderm- form the muscles, skeletal, blood and blood vessels.

Endoderm- form the respiratory, digestive and urinary systems and organs such as liver and pancreas.

0-2 weeks

*primitive streak appears

* some body system laid down to primitive form

*primitive CNS form

* heart develop and begin to beat

*covered with layer of the skin

*limb buds form

*gender determined

4-8 weeks

* Very rapid cell division

*More body systems laid down in primitive form

*Blood is pumped around the vessels

*Lower respiratory system begins

* Head and facial features develop

* Early movements

*Visible on USD from 6 weeks

8-12 weeks

* Rapid and weight gain

* Eyelids fuse

* Swallowing begins

*External genitalia present but gender notdistinguishable.

*Fingernails develop

*Lanugo appears

*Some primitive reflexes present

12-16 weeks

* Rapid skeletal development (visible in x-rays)

*Meconium present in gut

*Nasal septum and palate fuse

*Gender distinguishable

16-20 weeks

* constant weight gain

*Quickening - first movements of the fetal

*Fetal heart heard on auscultation

*Vernix caseosa appears

*Skin cells begins to be renewed

20-24 weeks

*Most organs function well

*Eye complete

*Periods of sleep and activity

*Ear apparatus developing

*Responds sound

*Skin red and wrinked