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30 Cards in this Set
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Gender Roles
A term describing socially prescribed roles which delineate different behaviors assumed appropriate for men and women.
Gender Sensitivity
A concept, developed by Lynn Hoffman, to recommend that the concern for gender issues become a significant part of the theory and practice of family therapy.
General Systems Theory
The theory, developed by physicist Ludwig Von Bertalanffy, which first defined the relationship of objects, or individuals, within biologic, economic, or physical systems.
A diagram of extended family relationships which includes at least three generations.
Good Objects/Bad Objects
Terms, which evolved from object relations theory and the psychiatric symptoms of the Borderline Personality Disorder, that describe for family therapists a process of emotional splitting...
A concept from Structural Family Therapy which defines the way leadership and power is organized within family systems...
A concept from systems theory that describes the dynamic state of a system where one or more variables are stable and balanced.
A clinical process in family systems assessment and treatment where available information on the family is used by the therapist to form an hypothesis regarding clinical issues...
Identified Patient
A term developed early in family therapy to designate the family member who displays the symptoms and for whom therapy has been sought.
Incongruous Power Hierarchies
A concpet which describes an ongoing imbalance of power in a marital dyad that generates a constant state of tension.
Intergenerational Loyalties
A concept, developed by Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy, which describes a foundation of emotional commitments and obligations experienced by family members toward their families of origin.
Interlocking Pathologies
An early definition of the complex and multiple levels of clinical dynamics that occur within family systems.
"I" Position
A concpet from Family of Origin Therapy which refers to the ability of a family member to take a position based on the person's own thinking and self-identity...
A concpet from systems theory that describes when certain structural aspects of one system match structural aspects of another system.
Isomorphic Intervention
A clinical intervention which addresses simultaneously problems at multiple systemic levels.
A clinical process from Structural Family Therapy which describes the therapist's role of entering and etablishing rapport with members of a family system.
Linear Causality
A concept from systems theory that describes a nonreciprocal relationship which exists between sequential events such that the intial event causes the second event but the second event does not reciprocally act upon the first event.
Live Supervision
A clinical education method, utilzed extensively in family therapy training, which enhances the learning potential for the student-therapist by utilizing immediate supervisory feedback during the process of the clincal interview.
Managed Care
A health care system in which third-party payers regulate and control the cost, quality, and terms of health care services, including family therapy treatment.
Marital Contracts
A concept, developed by Clifford Sager, that describe a set of expectations and promises, both conscious and unconscious, that each partner brings into the marriage.
Mate Selection
A process described in family theory by which an individual chooses a partner for marriage.
Medical Family Therapy
A clinical approach based on collaboration which physicians and other health care porfessionals in the treatment of family systems and their members.
A concept that describes an implicit and often nonverbal message which addresses the intent of a verbal statement.
A form of accommodation and joining from Structural Family Therapy whereby the family therapist mirrors the family's style, tempo, and affect.
A concept from systems theory which describes the tendency of a system to evolve and to change its structure.
A concept from systems theory which describes the tendency of a system to retain its basic organization.
Multigenerational Transmission Process
A concept utilized in a variety of family systems models to describe the transmission of certain roles, beliefs, values, myths, interactional behaviors, and structural patterns across multiple generations.
Multiple Family Therapy
A clinical method in which a variety of families, often up to five to six, are seen together in a joint group session to focus on presenting problems and family behaviors.
Multiple Impact Therapy
A clinical method using a team of family therapists who interview family members in varying combinations of subsystems over an intensive period of two to three days.
Narrative Family Therapy
A clinical model, developed by Michael White and David Epston, which focuses on helping family systems to develop positive and successful "life stories..."