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46 Cards in this Set
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hormones are regulated by:
a) simple and complex feedback systems b)the nervous system c)natural body rhythms d) all of the above |
d) all of the above
The anterior pituitary secretes 6 hormones. Name the 3 we discussed in this course.
The posterior pituitary produces this hormone.
When testing thyroid function endocrinologists recommend looking particularly at these 2 lab values.
T4 |
The parathyroid is composed of 4 small glands that produce and secrete PTH.What does PTH regulate?
serum calcium levels.
Too little Ca++ in the blood,sensors tell the parathyroids to release PTH which moves Ca++ from bone into bloodstream |
The adrenal glands are made up of a cortex and a medulla. What hormone is secreted by the medulla?
and noradrenaline also known as catecholamines |
What hormone is the cortex of the adrenal glands responsible for?
particularly cortisol |
The pancreas has 3 types of cells. Alpha, Beta and Delta. Beta cells secrete insulin. What do the Alpha and Delta cells do?
Alpha secretes glucagon
Delta secrete NT somatostatin |
The most common form of hyperthyroidism is________ _______ it is an ___________.
Graves disease
autoimmune |
Which of the following symptoms would be observed in a pt with hyperthyroidism. Check all that apply.
a) warm, moist skin b) increase in HR c) decrease in body temp d)decrease in BP e) increased appetite f) hair full and lush g)constipation |
a,b,e would all be S/S of hyperthroidism. as well as diarrhea, inc. BP, dyspnea, hair loss,
Thyroid nodules are associated with HYPO or HYPERthyroidism?
Thyroid nodules may be investigated using:check all that apply.
a)ultrasound b)CT scan c) xray d) angiogram e)thyroid scan f) MRI g) FNA |
Thyroiditis is usually caused by a virus. ANd is treated with____________for inflammation and the resulting pain. If it is found to be caused by a bacteria an antibiotic may be used in conjunction with _____to treat pain.
In a thyroid crisis, rare but life threatening situation, list 3 things we will do for the patient.
1. replace fluids
2. cooll body w/o aspirin 3. relieve and Resp distress we will also stabilize CV fxn and administer meds to reduce TH( PTU, tapazole, iodine preps) |
Antithyroid drugs can be iodine preps. List 3.
Thyro-block Pima |
It is important when administering an iron prep to dilute with juice and consumed through a straw. |
iodine preps and antithyroid meds can potentiate the effects of some drugs like:choose all that apply
a) anticoagulants b) antidiarrheals c)antacids d)digoxin |
anticoagulants and digoxin
When administering antithyroid drugs it is important for the nurse to monitor:
a) appetite b) urine output c)S/S hypothyroid d) stool color |
S/S hypothyroid
fatigue and weight gain may indicate too much of thyroid being destroyed |
Given the choice of a)antithyroid meds, b)iodine preps, c)surgery or d)RAI, for a nonpregnant patient what is usually the treatment of choice?
d) radioactive iodine is the first choice treatment.
it requires no hospital stay but may result in lifetime hypothyroidism. |
Why would you assess a thyroidectomy patient for tetany?
because incidental removal of the parathyroid with the thyroid may result in dec PTH and subsequent hypocalcemia
Extreme or prolonged hypothyroid can result in __________ _______. It is usually the result of ___________.
Myxedema coma
not taking medications |
When a person is hypothyroid, they are treated with:
a) PTH b)Vessopressin c) Synthyoid d) testosterone |
Synthroid hsould be taken:
a) at the same tiem evry day b) 1 hour before or 2 hours after each meal c) first thing in the am and last thing at night d) anytime the patient thinks about it. |
b) 1 hour before or 2 hours post meals
Crusiferous veggies; turnips, spincah, cabbage, carrots and peaches are known to inhibit the actions of:
a) estrogen b)insulin c)TH d) ADH |
in cases of severe hyperparathyroidism intensive IV therapy along with medications that inhibit bone resorption are implemented. List 3 medications that may be used in this capacity.
Calcitonin Zometa Fosamax Aredia |
Hypoparathyroidism usually occurs as a result of:
a)Autoimmune destruction b) removal of parathyroid glands in thyroid surgery c) congenital absence or malfunction of parathyroid glands d)all of the above |
d) all of the above
While some clients with hypoparathyroidism may be asymptomatic what is a telltale sign we would be assessing for? And how will we assess?
Trousseaus sign or Chvosteks sign |
If tetany is observed what is our immediate treatment? and then what is long term treatment for the patient?
Calcium gluconate IV
supplemental and increased dietary Ca++, and Vit D |
What are the 4 types of Cushing's Syndrome?
Pituitary referred to as secondary tumor, usually an adenoma
Adrenal referred to as primary tumor Ectopic tumor: tumor away form adrenal or pituitary that produces ACTH Iatrogenic: long term steroid use |
What is the treatment of choice for tumor caused Cushings?
Surgery with adjunct medication
name 2 drugs used to suppress ACTH secretion.
Somatostatin |
What med can be used to suppress cortisol synthesis?
ketoconazole |
Adrenocortical insufficiency resulting in cortisol deficiency is known as_______________>
addison's disease
What is the ACTH stimulation test and what is it used to identify?
Admin of ACTH then watch cortisol serum levels
a rise in cortisol will indicate pituitary origin of hypoadrenal function. |
What is an easy and informative test used to diagnoses Addison's disease?
24 hour urine. Decreased androgens and cortisol indicate dx.
Addisonian crisis is a life htreatening emergency. It can be triggered by:
a)adrenal or pituitary surgery b) acute illness c) abrupt steroid withdrawal d)profuse sweating in hot weather e) all of the above |
e) all of the above
How do we treat Addisonian crisis?
Rapid IV fluid replacement
admin steroids monitor V/S monitor K monitor BG (steroids cause inc) |
Hyper function of the adrenal Medulla most often due to a tumor producing catecholamines, results in what rare condition?
The most dangerous effects of Pheochromocytoma are?
peripheral vasoconstriction that results in paroxysmal HTN.
Hyperfunction of the posterior pituitary gland is called?
syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion |
SIADH can be caused by:
a) tumor, head injury b) head injury, throid removal, canker sores c)chlamydia and syphillis d) none of the above |
a) tumor, head injury, meds, surgery
The most common cause is a an ectopic production of ADH by a malignant tumor |
Excess ADH causes what S/S?
dec urine output
wt gain w/o edema dec serum Na but inc urine Na inc SG of urine, concentrated |
the client has just been diagnosed with SIADH. What are we goign to do to manage them?
restrict PO fluids <800 ml
give hypertonic IV to correct Na imbalance admin Lasix to move all retained fluids |
Hypo function of the posterior pituitary results in _______ _________>
Diabetes insipidus
DI can be of 3 forms:
Central Nephrogenic Psychogenic what does that mean? |
Central-ADH insufficiently released by pit. maybe from trauma, radiation. surgery
Nephrogenic- the kidney has a reduced or incapibilty to respond to the ADH |
A test known as the H2O deprivation test is designed to do what?
differentiate the origin of DI