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28 Cards in this Set

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most common cause of primary adrenal insufficiency

often associated with hashimotos, graves, type 1 DM, hypoparathyroidism, hypogonadism
what causes hyperpigmentation in addision's disease?
high levels of ACTH -> high MSH receptor stimulation

melanoocytes are stimulated
symptoms of addison's disease
salt craving, polyuria, low sodium, high potassium, metabolic acidosis, elevated BUN (due to low aldosterone)

fatigue (low cortisol)

treatment of addisons disease
hydrocortisone to replace cortisol

florinef to replace aldosterone
addision's is associated with what other diseases
alopecia areta
chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis

other autoimmune disease - hashimotos
congenital adrenal hyperplasia
21-OH deficiency

increased sex hormones
decreased aldosterone
decreased cortisol

hyperplasia of adrenal gland due to high levels of ACTH due to lack of neg feedback by cotrisol
genetalia of males with CAH will be?
genetalia of females with CAH will be?
SRY gene
on the Y chromosome

promotes testes formation and formation of wolffian duct

degenerates the mullerian ducts
T/F ovaries can develop normally with one X chromosome
false - need two X chromosomes
symptoms of 21 OH deficiency in males
failure to thrive
vomiting/dehydration, shock

won't live long compared to female
how to screen for 21 OH deficiency
look for high levels of 17 hydroxyprogesterone
whats the bone age of a patient with CAH who is 6 but as tall as his 12 year old brother?
why are testes small in males with precocious puberty in CAH
small testes because androgen not coming from testes
symptoms of cortisol deficiency
weakness, fatigue, hyperpigmentation (due to high ACTH), hypoglycemia, postural hypertension
symptoms of aldosterone deficiency
renal Na wasting, K+ retention -> hyponatremia, hyperkalemia

salt craving
postural hypertension, metabolic acidosis
when do you need to increase dose of cortisol for patients with CAH
fever, injury


2ndary adrenal insufficiency
ACTH deficiency due to CNS tumor, congenital, hypothalmic-pituitary supressiong secondary to exogenous steroids
how long do you need to recover from adrenal atrophy due to corticosteroid use?
6 months
primary vs 2ndary adrenal insufficeincy symptoms
no salt wasting or hyperpigmentation with 2ndary adrenal insufficiency

salt retention is controlled by Renin-angiotensin system not ACTH

low ACTH means no hyperpigmentation
diagnosis of 2ndary adrenal insufficiency
low cortisol

low ACTH

low AM cortisol

low response to cortrosyn, metyrapone, hypoglycemia
causes of cushing syndrome
excess pituitary ACTH (cushing disease - due to primary adenoma)

ectopic ACTH

adrenal cortical tumor

iatrogenic - due to steroid use
symptoms of cushing syndrome
truncal obesity

moon face

buffalo hump

easy bruising




growth supression
distinguishing between ACTH secreting pituitary tumor and excessive cortisol secretion
24 hour urine free cortisol

overnight dexamethasone supression test
disorders of renin-aldosterone system
renal disease -> increased renin and aldosterone

primary hyperaldosteronism - Conn's syndrome
abnormal urine free cortisol with an ACTH undetectable and no effect high dose dexamethasone supression

what is the cause of cushing's syndrome in this case?
indicates adrenal tumor secreting cortisol
abnormal urine free cortisol with an ACTH elevated and no effect of high dose dexamethasone supression

what is the cause of cushing's syndrome in this case?
ectopic ACTH
abnormal urine free cortisol with an ACTH normal/slightly elevated with <50% supression after high dose dexamethasone

what is the cause of cushing's syndrome in this case?
cushing disease