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74 Cards in this Set

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Leads I II III

If a pt is connected to a 3 lead ECG monitor, these leads are being recorded

Increase the paper speed

Ecg shows ventricular rate of 188, a regular rhythm but pr interval and qrs complex are very hard to assess. What kind of action do you perform to have a better reading

From Run 25 to Run 50 to stretch it out

T wave inversion

This type of inversion is an indicator of a myocardial ischemia


When using a holter test, what is the minimum amount of electrodes to put on a pt

Myocardial injury

The ST segment elevation is a characteristic sign of:

3-5 small boxes

A normal pr interval should measure 0.12 to 0.20 seconds, which is how many boxes

Yes, this is a true statement

An ecg tech is about to place electrodes on the pts chest for holter monitorting test. The pt says

"I'm supposed to record any symptoms i experience in the pt diary." Does he understand?

Holter cannot be taken off or get wet

Activate code blue

When an ecg shows tracings of ventricular tachycardia on a geriatric pt(pic shown in hint). What is the FIRST thing the tech should do

The pt has a demand pacemaker

What does it mean when vertical spikes appear on an ecg tracing sporadically

It works when needed (when in demand)

Continue taking the ecg

A pt is asymptomatic during an ecg test. What should you do first?

Asymptomatic= not showing any symptoms

Ventricular tachycardia

75 yo pt complains of sudden onset of palpitations and lightheadedness. What is this rhythm on the pt ecg

Remember; we haven't discussed vfib in class

Third degree block

What type of block is this an example of

Nothing is consistent. P waves and rr intervals are working independantly

Hospital's operation manual

What should you consult when you have questions related to holter monitoring electrodes placement

Different hospitals have different procedures

Sinus arrhythmia

A pt is experiencing a change of respiratory cycle and variations in vagal tone. What irregularity does this indicate

Respiratory cycle - respiratory arrhythmia

5th intercostal space, junction of left midclavicular line

Where is the apical pulse located


A trained athelete

What kind of individual may normally experience bradycardia

Brachial artery

What is the most appropriate site for taking the pulse of an infant

Corporal interference/somatic

Ecg tech puts a geriatric pts hands under his butt. What kind of artifact does he expect to observe


Standardization mark is how many small boxes

Ventricles depolarize slowly

Qrs complex=0.18 sec. What does this mean


Theres a broken recording artifact in lead III and avf. Which electrode to check?

128 BPM

Stress test on a 60 yo pt at 80% THR. What's the minimum heart rate to acheive?


There is a red line on bottom of the paper

When should the paper be changed in the ecg machine

Cover the pt with a blanket

What should a tech do if they see this artifact on a pts ecg



Which lead is the p wave expected to be inverted

Ventricular tachycardia


Rr interval equals 38 small boxes. Whats the hr

T wave inversion

Correct indicator of myocardial ischemia

20 mm

How high is the standard gain when sensitivity is 2

Reattach a new electrode and repeat the recording

Pr interval

This represents the time from the beginning of atrial depolarization to the beginning of ventricular depolarization

1 small box, more than 0.04 sec

Abnormal q wave measures more than:

Myocardial injury

St segment elevation is a sign of:


Ventricles typically produce impulse with a rate of:

P wave

This wave is the deflection produced by atrial depolarization



Rr interval equals 7 large boxes, what is the pt experiencing

RL green

Grounding electrode during 12 lead ecg test is placed __ and its colored__


25mm/ sec on a 6 second strip represents how many large boxes


Small box represents how many seconds

Calibration of the machine


Asystole, isoelectric line, baseline, are synonymous if see no voltage record on ecg. T/f

T wave

This wave represents the electrical recovery of the ventricles

Sinus tachycardia

Ventricular rate 146, pr interval 0.14 sec, qrs duration 0.06, one upright p. What's this rhythm

F waves or sawtooth waves present

Increase the gain to 2

Amplitude of waves on ecg is very small. What do you do to improve the quality


"I can experience mild fatigue and shortness of breath during the test" is patient understanding of stress test. True/false

Qrs complex

Ventricular depolarization is represented on ecg strip by:


This part of machine is responsible for changing an electrical activity picked up from the pt skin into a mechanical motion of a stylus


P wave upright in lead II reflects normal sinus rhythm. T/f


Informing pts wife about her husband stress test is a violation of:

Q wave

First negative reflection after p wave


Hippa is a national standard. T/f

Junctional rhythm

Presence of inverted p wave is what kind of rhythm

QT interval

This interval is measured from beginning of qrs to end of t wave

Av node

A delay in electrical activity at this level allowing blood to flow from the atria to the ventricles

Right lower rib cage

Pt has a whole right lower extremity cast application. Where does the green electrode go?


When analyzing the strip you notice progressively prolonged pr intervals until a qrs is dropped. What is this


Difficulty breathing when pt is supine

Atrial fibrillation

Lead II

The lead that is typically recorded to attach to the pts chart


The electrode placed on the 5th intercostal space in a left posterior axillary line



Ecg normally recorded with paper moving at a speed of

125 BPM

Rr interval measures 12 small boxes. Hr?

Second degree type 1


Wide, bizarre and prolonged qrs complexes


If seen, the p wave of a rhythm originating in the av junction will appear ___ in lead II






Which is a s/s of cardiac compromise and reason to terminate a test


How many electrodes do you apply on a pt with a standard telemetry monitor


This electrode is placed on 5th intercostal space in a left paraspinous line


Inferior infarction

ST segment elevation in leads II, III, and avf indicates (what surface of heart impairment):

Atrial fibrillation

F waves are present. What ectopic rhythm is this

Myocardial infarction

While performing a stress test pt experiences heaviness on his chest and diaphoresis. These are symptoms of: