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86 Cards in this Set

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2nd intermediate period

1650-1550 BCE.,

14th- 17th Dynasties

Standard Intermediate features

decentralized power, but kings rule over territories, very few textual sources

Events that led to the 2nd intermediate period

Foreign rulers in the Delta, abandonment of Itj-tway (D13), movement of the capitol to Thebes (1650 BCE)


Egyptian name (meaning foreign rulers), culture was very strongly egyptanized, still had a few middle bronze age II elements, earliest we see them is D11 & D12

Hyksos rule in Tell el-Daba (Avaris)

start to see egyptainness decline, houses become syrian style, burials are in houses, start to see sacrificial animals and people, culture starts to convert to Lebintine culture

high levels of rapid cultural change during Hyksos rule in Avaris

highly egyptian people died at the beginning of this period (likely due to plague), no signs of war

The thebans (2nd intermediate period)

no exact date for D13 abandonment of Itj-tway, upon establishment of Theban capital turns into D16

Dynasty 16

around 1650 BCE, 15 known kings, but only 5 have known archaeological attestations, could have seen local rulers

Dynasty 17

Well attested rulers from Thebes, most likley tied to D16 by fathers and sons, ruled very strongly over upper Egypt, see a lot of instability issues, very strong military and able to consolidate their power


godly groupings.,

i.e. amum/amunet., amun, mut, khonsu., isis, osiris, and hours


everyone is expected to keep ma'at, which means they keep truthfulness in their heart and cant transgress against society, various levels of ma'at, king is responsible for state level ma'at

ma'at and religion

its the central idea of egyptian relgion, the one thing they are making sure they maintain



cat was her sacred animal

god of crocidiles


could be a group of gods in a religion, a building that is dedicated to an entire 'pantheon' of gods, also individual groups that serve a similar function

4 major pantheon in Egypt

Hermopolitan pan, Memphite pan, Theban pan, Elephantine pan

apis bull

most important sacred animal, chosen for its markings (primarily solid white, with some brown spots), mummified at death

Egyptain families

respect for parents was absolute morality, most fundamental duty as children was to care for parents in old age and allow for proper burial, always wrote out their lineages so they wouldnt forget ancestors, no words to distinguish between kinship (aunt and sister could be the same word)


was young, usually men between 16 and 20, wormen 12-14.,

was a civil aggreement, having children with someone was considered marriage, divorce for fault, alimony and spllitting of marital properties

the 18th Dynasty before amarna

all about Hashepsut (kind of ),

1550-1295 BCE (250 years).,

reunification in 1540-1535,

Ahmose was first king (slides)


daughter of Thutmose I and Queen Ahmose.,

Heiress of Egypt, married to Thutmose II (her brother) and after he dies his son (by a different wife), Thutmose III rules and Hatshep is his regent.,

She didnt like being his regent, wanted power for herself, instead of becoming Queen Hatshep she became King Hatshep

How do we know all this about Hatshep

the sight Deir el-Bahri.,

where there are mortuary temples of King Hatshepsut, decorations include the story of why SHE had the divine right to rule (she claimed she was the daughter of the god amun)

Hatshepsuts reign

did everything like a normal pharoh would and sent out expeditions, very peaceful, ruled for 15 years (1508-1458 BCE), succeeded by Thutmose III

Thutmose III

(1473-1458 BCE)

went on a campaign to erase Hatsheps pharaonic record 15-20 years after her death (cartouches recarved, almost always in the name of her father, monuments dismantled).,

military ruler, had monumental building program

Thutmose and the military

greatest military hero, warfare is big business (get back what Hatshepsut lost and keep Egypt secure)

Amenhotep III

1386- 1349 BCE, grandson of Thutmose III, didnt marry a heiress but was still considered ruler, not big into military (different because most men during the 18th dynasty were excellent military rulers), he was a diplomat (peak of egyptian international power during this reign), peaceful and properious reign

Amarna Letters

found at Akhetaten, written in Cueiform in the Akkadian language.,

they formalized treaties, letter between rulers.,

treaties were sealed by diplomatic marriages

5 types of commemorative scarabs

records important events,

-marriage scarab for Queen Tiye, year 2 of Amen III

-wild bull hunt, year 2

-lion hunt, year 10

-Gilukehep scarab, year 10

-Pleasure lake scarab, year 10

what was signifigant about the early 18th dynasty

changes is status of royal women, royal born women gained higher status, Heiress became very importnat (special only to 18th D), legitized matrileneal succession

Amenhotep I

died very young with no kids

Thutmose I

military leader, not a member of Amenhoteps family, but was allowed to marry a princess, military pharoh and general, pharonic building program: Karnak temple.,

when he died he didnt have any sons (at least by his primary wife), but he did have a daughter named Hatshepsut


1st king of 18th Dynasty know as reuinifier (this is the 3rd major unified period of ancient Egypt), most important thing he did was expell Hykpos, completely settled Memphis, reestablished building programs, important changes in status of royal women

What did Ahmose change with royal women

princesses used to be able to marry whoever Pharoh wanted changes to where she can only marry a royal man (start to see them marrying their brothers since they cant marry anyone beneath them)

Amenhotep IV

co-regency with his father, Amenhotep III

1353-1336 BCE, traditional king, great wife Nefertiti, his fathers theology had a great impact on him, early monuments were revolutionary in design and build (they were innovative and egyptians didnt like that), artistic conventions are changed!

Religious change with Amenhotep IV

Traditional pantheon abanded, starting worshiping the sun and Re-horakhty and the Aten

year 5 of Amenhotep IV

changes name to Akhenaton (Amen) IV, says that no other god but Aten, abanded polytheism, estblished city of Akhetaten (city of Aten), dedicated to no other god

Worship of Aten

worship of other gods is forbidden, other gods name are cut out from monuments

Henotheism and Amen IV (Akenaten, Amen, Amenhotep IV)

not monothism, he worships one god completely, official state regeneration of ma'at, Aten was closely tied to royal family

Artistic changes with Akenaten (amen, amenhotep IV)

radical changes, has religious signifigance, art is the expression of theology, stresses realism and individuality, all about rebirth and rejuvination

worship of Aten in society

didnt penetrate very deeply in society, shortcoming was there was no defined sense of the afterlife

The Amarna Period

(this is Akhenaten reign):

peaceful, but diplomacy and military were both ignored, Egypt became even more isolated, Egypt losing high standing because Akhen was only focusses on his cult, Akhenaten ignored his people and only thought about what was best for him and his god

End of the 18th Dynasty

Smenkhkare succeeded Akhenaten, only reigned two years.,

Tutankhaten (1332-1320), only a child, reopened cultus, suprresed Aten cult, military became important again.,

Ay (1323-1319), attempted to remove all traces of the Armarna period, had everything recarved, temple funds begin being sent to the right cults again

New kingdom tombs

rock cut tombs, completely undergound, all the worship of the deceased is done elsewhere, seperatin of superstructure from the substructe, first seen with amenhotep I at Keir el-Bahri

Thutmose III tombs

KV34, small number of chambers for a king, most chambers are square not oval, thutmose III has an oval chamber, first see the book of the dead written on the wall

Most notable tombs during the Theban Necroplis

(KV: valley of the kings, TT: Theban Tomb)

KV46, TT253, TT 254, TT295, KV62

KV (valley of the kings) 46

not actually a royal tomb, tomb of Yuya and Tjiya, parents of queen Tiye (Omenhoteps III great wife), only non royal tomb in the valley of the kings, excavated in 1905

Mummification changes over time

early mummies wrapped limb by limb, later mummies wrapped as a whole, the new king 2000 years of mummification in Egypt, the men who did the mummification were the men of Ubus, 17 rituals over 70 days

Herodotus on the mummification process

removal or organs and wine and water rinse of the body cavity.,

removal and disposal of the brain.,

entire body washed with wine and water.,

unguents rubbed on the body, wrapped then commenced, amulets placed in the bandages

New kingdom royal mummies

really well preserved hair, skin, and eyelids

3rd intermediate period

begins the end of egyptian civilization, 20th dynasty dominated by kings Ramses III thru Ramses XI

kingly might was in decline, priesthood of amun was of great importance (this is where you see like a dual kingship going on, the priest is showing himself as equal to the pharoh)

Civil War

High priests of Amun form an alliance.,

in upper Egypt Pinejem I.,

in lower Egypt Nesbanebdjed (all the same family).,

instead of high priests being appointed, its changed to lineage., also instead of kings they are calling themselves both a king and a high priest

Hallmarks of the 3rd Intermediate Period

one family is ruling seperate kingdoms, but the two families are the same dynasty (21)., only is titled pharoh (Nesbaebdjed) while the other is commander in chief of the army (Pinejem I)

priests are now in charge of maintaing ma'at

Priests king of Thebes and enrichment

getting richer by state sanctioned plunderings of new kingdom burials.,

most of the wealth from the priests during this time is coming from everything that was buried with the mummies

Royal tombs of Tanis

7 tombs, artistry is amazing (golden bowls, bracelets, sea sandals, etc.), refferred as second only to king tuts tomb (some even argue that it was better)

Dynasty 22 (good stuff)

Egypt becomes firmly reuinited by Shoshenq I in 945 BCE, often called the Libyan Dynasty, only unified because the king appointed high priests

Dynasty 22 as a whole

D 22 rulers were not well liked, especially in Thebes.,

D22,23,24 rule at the same time with each having a different ruler.,

The nubians come in with a strong king, King Piye and defeated the other kings and unified Egypt under his rule

When all the dynasties were ruling at once what were the kings names

D22, Osorkon, ruling from Tanis

D23, Input, Leontopolis

D24, Tennakht, Sais

25th Dynasty: the nubians

760-656 BCE.,

Taharqa: last great ruler, ruled from memphis. built more pyramids than any ruler had since the old kingdom,

Nubians dont stay long because there was a lot of threats to egypt during this time.,

Start of the late period, beginning with D26

Assyrian king Esarhaddan sent the nubians packing.,

Installed his favorite Egyptian, Neche I of Sais to the throne

D26: the Saite period

long and peaceful, expelled nubians, expelled assyrians too!, revival of anceint traiditons

How did peace end with the 26th dynasty

when pharoh apries sent his armies to put down a revolut by egyptian solider in Kyrene the general sent to put it down (Amasis) joined the rebellion., Apries dies and Amasis becomes pharoh, but by 525 persians invade and end self rule in egypt and make it a colony

By 475 BCE under the egyptians

Egypt finally begins to emergy from this dark period under the persians, they had a new language (demotic), can no longer use hieroglyphs, and things just arent egyptian anymore

332 BCE and alex the great

Alexander destroys persian rule in the battle at Thesis (defeated Darius III)

Hooray for alex

Alexander the great enters egypt as liberators, egyptians loved him, and he didnt want to conquer egypt he was fascinated by it

Alex and becoming Pharoh

Alex the great wanted to become pharoh, in order to do so he had to take a journey to the Siwa Oasis and ask the oracle., oracle says alexs father was the sun (paramount for egyptains since the son of re is the pharoh)., crowned Pharoh in Memphis

After alexander the great (he died in 323 BCE)

we start to see splitting of the emprire, the settlement of perdiccas divided the empire amoung 4 generals and general Ptolemy is given egypt to govern (323-305 BCE)

Ptoemaic Dynasty

(323-20 BCE)

Ptolemy I Soter I

king from 305-285,

very popular, committed to public works, built the library of alexandria, built pharohs lighthouse, ran egypt like a business (lots of taxation), introduction of coinage

Ptolemy II Philadelphius

285-246 BCE

very generous, known for his public works, during this time egypt can feed entire cities

Ptolemy III Eugertes

246-222 BCE

last good ptolemy, recieved the decree of canopus (letter from priesthood saying how much they love him), built the Serapeum, reign ends with the golden age of the ptolemies

Cleopatra VII 51-30 BCE

throne was left to her and her brother Ptolemy XIII Theos, very well liked, only known Ptolemy who could read hieroglyphs, used intellect instead of looks, skilled in diplomacy

Ptolemy XIII Theos 51-47 BCE

had great regent named Pothinus (this was the sketchy guy), anyways Ptolemy XIII took control of the people and cleopatra was forced to flee into exile into syria in 51 BCE

what caused Julius Caesar to come to egypt and stay as a 'guest'

when pompey fled rome and was immediately killed by Ptolemys men, Caesar was appalled and decided to occupy as a guest, this is when cleopatra sees her chance to return and is smuggled in, Caesar obviously likes her better than her brother

Alexandrine Wars 48-47 BCE

Ptolemy is drowned, his regent Pothius is killed, Cleopatra become sole rulers and we see egpyt mania begin in rome

After the suicide of cleopatra egypt is under roman rule to octavian

Romans come in and plunder egypt, start to see egpyt backslide, no recogniziable egyptina civilization

valley of the golden mummies

actually just a divet in the dessert, discovered by accident in 1996 by a donkey tripping over the tomb, found 280 perfectly preserved mummies, most were preserved in gold, they arent royal tombs tho just failry elite, could hold up to 10k mummies

Why is the valley of the golden mummies important

This is where we see not just upper classes and royalty being mummified, its becoming cheapter and easier, start to see portriats painted of themsevles, also, the main tomb is likely the tomb of the nomarch, start to see artifacts never seen before (such as mourning dollas and ancient braces)

City of Alexandria

on the meditarrian, laid out in a regular grid pattern (to take advantage of the prevailing winds), find the royal quarter here, pharohs light house and pharohs island, pathway connecting pharohs island to main part of city, chariot races, vast amount of underwater archaology (statue heads, full statues, hieroglyphs, inscriptions, this is where the most inovatice studies are going on in egypt at this time are)

Edfu temple

been around since predynastic period, single largest temple build during the Ptolemaic period, dedicated to Horus and goddess hafor, 8 different temples located inside

3 classes of signs

phonemes, ideograms, and determinatives

Egyptian verbs

15 root classes, 6 types

offering formulae

written on a stela, name and epithets of gods, something which will happen as a direct result of this offering, names/titles of person making the offering

royal titulary

5 names for pharohs

, first 3 often ommitted, last 2 always in cartouche

2nd intermediate period

1650-1550 BCE

Dynasties 15,16,17

3rd intermediate period

1069-664 BCE

Dynasties 21-25

Late Period

664-332 BCE

begins with persian conquest and ends with alexander the great

ptolemy period

305-30 BCE