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13 Cards in this Set

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Under normal driving conditions, a three second following distance is safe for a speed of;

A. 45




Detecting potentially threatening objects or conditions in traffic mostly depends on;

A. Field of view(field of vision)

B. And organized, aggressive search

C. Deciding what to do

An organized, aggressive search

To drive straight forward, you should look;

A. To the right portion of your lane

B. The front

C. Far ahead toward the center of your intended path

Far ahead toward the center of your intended path

The single biggest cause of crashes is;

A. Break or accelerate quickly

B. Drivers running in the things they can’t see

C. Not searching far enough ahead

Drivers running into things they can’t see

When being tailgated, it is best to allow a greater space to what area of your vehicle?

A. Front

B. Side

C. Back


Driving on a one-way street pass vehicles parked on your left, position your vehicle;

A. To the right portion of your lane

b. 45 mph

C. 8 feet

To the right portion of your lane

When you identify a potential hazard you must;

A. Break or accelerate quickly

B. Decide what to do

C. Be mature enough to adjust your behavior to minimize risk

Decide what to do

To avoid a collision with a vehicle coming at you at a right angle, you should;

A. Break or accelerate Quickly

B. Decide what to do

C. And organize, aggressive search

Break or accelerate quickly

In any driving situation, you must always be able to;

A. Break or exhilarate quickly

B. And organize, aggressive search

C. Be mature enough to adjust your behavior to minimize risk

Mature enough to just behavior to minimize risk

The area you can see around you is called the ...

A. The front

B. Field of vision or field of view

C. Searching

Field of view or a field of vision

Sudden breaking or swerving in traffic indicates that the driver is;

A. To the right portion of your lane

B. Far ahead toward the center of your intended

C. Not searching far enough ahead

Not searching far enough ahead

When practical, how many feet of space would be best on both sides of your vehicle?

A. 20

B. 8

C. 15


When you are looking far and near and side to side, you are;

A. Deciding what to do

B. Searching

C. Swerving
